Many an article has been written regarding the futility of voting for the GOP, particularly with the hope that things will change and go back to “normal.” It’s high time that I contribute to that growing discussion with another very valid reason that voting Republican does not matter in the long run. Other articles have pointed out the numerous times the GOP has either stabbed us in the back, failed us as a political vehicle. All of these are correct reasons.
What I intend to discuss with you today is how the GOP is used as a means to an end by the Left, without much of the Republican Party even realizing it. Yes, there are RINOs and other such bad actors within the Party, but they are merely a distraction to what is really going on.
To understand this you must first understand the main principle the Left uses to gain power – subversion. Subversion, as you know by now, is a long, drawn-out process which uses incrementalism to ultimately move the Overton Window further and further left, thus increasing the appeal and acceptance of leftwing policies and positions. Of course, subversion can be used in many theaters of conflict, but in the modern age it has been an effective tool for politics, as well as, population control.
Due to several generations of subversion, the GOP has slid further left, as we’ve seen repeatedly within this decade. In fact, today’s Republican Party looks absolutely nothing like the GOP of even Ronald Reagan, Dick Nixon, Jesse Helms, Strom Thurmond or even George Allen. None of those men would hold prominent positions of power in today’s GOP. In the case of former Virginia Governor and Senator George Allen, he’s an example of the GOP’s own purging for political thoughtcrime (in his case, culturally insensitive remarks on the campaign trail).
As such, Current Year GOP politicians hold the views of leftists from yesteryear and this our Catch 22 – heads they win, tails you lose. Despite the watered down rhetoric of today’s soft Republican politicians and candidates, you’ll still get liberalism. You’ll still get Big Business obsession, endless wars, mass (legal) immigration, etc. The only exception will be a weak defense of the 2nd Amendment. Regardless of your choice, you are still voting for leftist policies that were used to get closer towards Far Left absolutism.

Any easy way to view the GOP is a pressure relief valve for the remnant of Heritage America. The GOP merely provides an illusion of choice, when long ago the system was rigged so you don’t actually have a choice. You will get leftism, be it radical progressivism from the woke Democrats or corporate liberalism from the Republicans. Hence, voting for the GOP is a mirage to placate genuine conservatives and traditionalists. You will feel like you did something, when in reality you have done nothing to actually change the system, enforce your values, or provide for your people.
If a true traditionalist party were created and ascended to success, it could actually generate real, positive policies. I am not saying a third party is the total solution. The system has been rigged to prevent competition. It would be incredibly difficult to launch a new political party, and both the Democrats and Republicans would unite to utterly destroy it.
George Washington had this to say on the two party system:
“The alternate domination of one faction over another, sharpened by the spirit of revenge, natural to party dissensions, which in different ages and countries has perpetrated the most horrid enormities, is itself a frightful despotism. The disorders and miseries which result gradually incline the minds of men to seek security and repose in the absolute power of an individual; and sooner or later the chief of some prevailing faction, more able or more fortunate than his competitors, turns this disposition to the purposes of his own elevation, on the ruins of Public Liberty. Without looking forward to an extremity of this kind (which nevertheless ought not to be entirely out of sight), the common and continual mischiefs of the spirit of party are sufficient to make it the interest and duty of a wise people to discourage and restrain it. It serves always to distract the public councils, and enfeeble the public administration. It agitates the community with ill-founded jealousies and false alarms; kindles the animosity of one part against another; foments occasionally riot and insurrection. It opens the door to foreign influence and corruption, which find a facilitated access to government itself through the channels of party passions. Thus the policy and the will of one country are subjected to the policy and will of another. There is an opinion that parties in free countries are useful checks upon the administration of the government, and serve to keep alive the spirit of liberty. This, within certain limits, is probably true; and in governments of a monarchical cast patriotism may look with indulgence, if not with favour, upon the spirit of party: but, in those of the popular character, in governments purely elective, it is a spirit not to be encouraged. From their natural tendency it is certain there will always be enough of that spirit for every salutary purpose. And there being constant danger of excess, the effort ought to be, by force of public opinion, to mitigate and assuage it. A fire not to be quenched, it demands a uniform vigilance to prevent its bursting into a flame, lest, instead of warming, it should consume.”
Competition breeds growth, innovation, success, and even failure. All of these things are necessary in life for physical and personal development. Competition in the markets increased the standard of living – bringing the South out of poverty post-Reconstruction (along with political Redemption). The same holds true for a political system.
A competition of ideas and philosophies must occur in order to promote self-improvement. They must be weighed against the traditions of our society to judge their merit and either be subsequently embraced or rejected. Our modern, false dichotomy does not allow this. This creates the common decision-making process of “voting for the lesser evil.” Not only is traditionalism repressed, but so are new ideas, especially, ones that rival or threaten the established order.
The leviathan we have been forcefully saddled with exists to perpetuate its own survival and its increasingly deluded perversions. It no longer exists out of the nature or good will of the people who created it. The mask it wears slips from time to time to the few observant, however, the vast majority frettingly will not.
Leftism demands total conformity. It is not necessarily a political vehicle or even philosophy, but a pseudo-religion that exists solely to destroy heretics at this point. Republicans, like leftists, demand ultimate conformity on their image of “respectable” conservativism. Failure to tow the line results in being purged or ostracized (see the old paleocons, Steve King or the America First movement). In short, when ripping off the mask it is revealed simply for the scheme it is – a pressure relief meant to placate and dull the very real righteous anger in Heritage America that would bring about efforts and solutions to the current crisis.
To be fair, there are some very good local Republican officials. Although, they are becoming harder and harder to find – especially, those with a proper backbone and native to the South. Those men should likely continue to be supported in some fashion, as they will continue to slow down the Left’s long march. However, very little can be said of the national and mainstream GOP. They are very much included in our national problem.
Abandon the Republican Party, Southern man. They don’t care for you, your people, your history, and your future. Time to move on. Time to leave the GOP.
God bless you and God bless Dixie.

I have seen three emperors in their nakedness, and the sight was not inspiring.
It is hard to believe that this nonsense is still spread about. The Republican Party is defective in the extreme, John Kasich’s upcoming stunt is about as far out as you can get.
However, the political realities are that no third party has a chance in Hell of getting power, even at the state level. To vote for anyone other than a Republican is to vote for the Democrats, and today that is a maoist party.
“The Republican Party is defective in the extreme, John Kasich’s upcoming stunt is about as far out as you can get…”
May I respectfully disagree, Sir?
Kasich’s sensibilities are not at all far out, but, completely in line with the traditional mainstream of The Republican Party, which, the party of New England, has not wanted to change just because tens of millions of former Dixiecrats fled into it.
The complication here is that a brash New York populist colluded with Rural and Smalltown Midwesterners and Dixians to make a hostile takeover of that party in 2015.
Naturally, the real ‘Republicans’ (Romneys, McCains, Kasichs, Wills, Crystals, ad nauseum) are upset, because the effete fauntleroy liberal New England spirit in their party is now lost, and probably forever.
Their party has been stolen out from underneath them by the George Wallace crowd – those whom they absolutely detest and, indeed, have always detested.
Nicely done, Sir. You’re liable to get the usual pushback from the usual suspects who somehow or other retain faith in an electoral system that is wholly illegitimate, and that by design; a system that produces precisely the kinds of results it is intended to produce. I strongly encourage you to stubbornly hold your ground on the issue notwithstanding the pushback you’re likely to receive, not out of “mule-headedness” (which you’ll also be accused of for standing your ground, btw), but because you happen to be right. And you know what Davy Crockett said about that: ‘when I know I’m right, I go ahead.’
All’s I can say to the “honorable” Mr. Ted Cruz and that twitter(?) post included in your article, is the following:
Why don’t you mind your own business and your own affairs, sir. If Tennesseans wish to honor a native son in Nathan Bedford Forrest – a man, btw, who was a hundred times the man you could ever hope to be – what the hell is it to you? Are you a Tennessean? No? Then shut your pie hole and mind your own affairs, as I said.
It doesn’t especially surprise those among us who understand how things really work in the real (clown)world we’re all relegated to living in, that scum like you tend to rise to the top, and especially in the political realm and the poisoned and stagnant waters of the Republican precincts wherein you hover, but we may expect at very least the smallest mite of common sense and common decency in such regards. We also may rightly expect that you put forth at least a little bit of effort and show a little initiative, and learn the true history of those things of which you so ignorantly speak. Hopefully the good people in your district will recognize your historical illiteracy and your meddlesome spirit for what they are, and disabuse you in turn of any notion that you possess, in any way, shape, form, and at any level, the kinds of characteristics needed to properly represent them and their true interests.
*End of rant.
Concurs …
With Otto and Mr. Morris …
It’s nice to wish for things, ponies, fairy godmother’s, viable third parties.
We only have the choices we actually have and if you are voting for kamala (read: white not voting Trump) you’re childish, self indulgent, and absolutely part of the problem.
I don’t see myself as a federalised American, I’m from the occupied State of Florida. Abstaining from a vote in who my overlord is changes nothing. He’s an Overlord. I don’t want him. Nowhere in this article did Identity Dixie say vote biden or vote independant. Because I refuse to see myself as a federalite, I have no need to vote for a federalite.
@Anonymousse As Mr. Morris pointed out to me in another article I wrote in which I was wrong, you’ve fallen into a false dichotomy.
That’s a nice psychological trick you used there to diminish my point I was making by marginalizing it. This is a leftist tactic so I’m going to ask forthright, are you a leftist? You speak like one, dealing in absolutes, preying on fears, all leftist tactics.
It’s very easy for otherwise sharp people to fall prey to false dichotomies if we’re not perpetually and always on our proverbial (intellectual) toes. It’s happened to me a bunch, and that is why when I see it happening to someone I respect, I try to point out his or her error in the most constructive way I can. In Mr. Anonymousse’s case, I won’t answer insult for insult, but will simply point out (for the umpteenth time, lol) that if (s)he doesn’t live in a legitimate, honest-to-God swing state and is still voting for … whomever, (s)he is very likely a part of the problem and not of the solution to it.
BTW, I sometimes fantasize that we’ll have a future presidential election in which only residents of honest-to-God swing states can vote and decide the outcome. One reason I fantasize about this is because under such a scenario the it would be virtually impossible for the broader electorate to look on and not be mugged by the reality that, “wait a damn minute!; my vote doesn’t count for sh*t, and moreover it never has!” Ha, ha.
Florida man don’t need suits from up north making decisions for us. Every vote for the federal yanks or their cuck traitors is recognition of their dominion. I’ll be legally able to vote next election, and I’ll never be bamboozled by them.
Never sell out your values.
Of course, the option of not voting Republic is the same as avoidance of politics completely. After all, the USA is currently a two party dictatorship where third parties are not functionally allowed to participate in the political process. They spend their precious time and limited resources just trying (unsuccessfully) to get on the ballot while the two major parties are exempt and on it automatically. That’s why there is NOT ONE third party on the ballot in all 50 states- it’s designed as such. Voting GOP (or certain select GOP candidates more to the right) certainly won’t solve our problems but it may give those of us who are personally unprepared for what’s coming a bit more time…..that’s it. What’s coming? The end of the two party system and the beginning of a one party socialist state under the Democrat Party due to demographics results of mass immigration. It’ll be here within the next four, perhaps eight years at the latest.
Where should we move to ? The demonrats ?
The neocons are dead at the party…although they still run it.
Washington was correct and what we will get now is trump the nationalist dictator or kamala the bolshvik dictator.
As franklin also said, “a republic as long as you can keep it.”
We r now a fractured and crumbling empire.
The greater populace of america is no longer capable of governing itself.
The 5th column jews(bolshviks) have almost completely taken over. Kamalas husband is 1 of them.
Trump and the gop is all that stands between the genocide of whites and the slim possibility of victory in the long run.
The republic has already fallen. We have to admit this and choose a leader from the options that we realistically have.
While I don’t fully disagree with everything you said and completely agree with a lot of what you said my point in essence is Southern political power has been destroyed. The “Southern voting block” that others like to talk about could be useful if it was steered to the right course but I believe at the present time due to the overton window that is nigh impossible. Without first winning the culture war on the home front we can’t even begin to approach the viability of a 3rd party built from the ground up.
I don’t believe Trump stands in the way of white genocide as it is happening under his watch and while I think he’s fully aware of what is going on I think he’s powerless to stop it unless he wants to get “Kennedied” because ultimately that is what the globalists will do. They have learned from Germany and intend not to repeat that mistake so the question is how do we outmaneuver this?
Would things certainly be worse without Trump? I fully believe they would but he is not the solution nor the end all be all. Sadly I think at present day he represented the best chance of even just some traditionalism or at least a facsimile of it we would be able to get in office as we did back in 2016.
If presented with a one or the other scenario my choice would be the most logical as it buys us more time however the rot that needs to be combated exists to such a degree and level it wouldn’t be possible to even do it in on generation. Don’t mistake my position on buying more time as the ultimate solution because it’s not. As things continue to either devolve or develop more variables will arise which we can look at but that does take time.
In short our best bet I believe is ensuring we can survive underground like other political ideologies were able to in the Soviet Union however, things are also much different in terms of technology which calls that into question. I am fully sure they are watching and reading these discussions between us right now and not just for the fact they are publicly visible.
“my point in essence is Southern political power has been destroyed”
Yes, it has been destroyed, if for no other reason than, as I have observed many many times – Southerners, as a whole, have completely given up on our identity as a people, and, that so, it follows that the things which arise from that, such as a Southern power structure would go to other things.
While on any given day any kind of thing could happen to you, now and then even freak anomolies, over the course of decades there is no chance about it – your physical life reflects who you are and the sum total of all your choices.
We have no power because we neither ask nor insist on having any power, and, the world being what it is – we get exactly that … powerlessness.
We’re a totally jew run nation because politicians, who know this but are afraid to publicly and legitimately scrutinize the fact, are those who hold us perpetually prisoners, including Donald Trump who has been in bed with as many jews as Roosevelt.His daughter became one. Does he know who they are or does he really think it’s all a matter of being liberal or conservative?The reason the white guilt trip even exists is because first it’s not acceptable to scrutinize jews, next blacks.Who are your masters but those you can’t criticize?
Yes, Sir, this absolutely is The Jewish Golden Age.
That said it never could be without the wholesale collusion and absenteeism of White Gentiles.
This is a White Gentile Nation, and if someone else rules is is because White Gentiles allow it to be.
The Republican party believes in cutting the size of the federal government….in an election year. Oh, by the way, did you fellow Rebs know that America is officially at war with Syria, a country which has never attacked the U.S.? America must be, because I read today that a helicopter gunship killed a few Syrians at a checkpoint in…..Syria! As the neocon warmongers say, ‘fight em over there so we don’t have to fight em over here!’ Just another lie from the Yankee Empire.
I’m in complete agreement Otto.I won’t vote for scum like Tim Scott or Lindsay Graham(my two Senators).Its laughable that South Carolinians are mocked by two fully Jewish owned wretches like the homo and the blue gum ape.I voted for Trump before after watching all his campaign events,and did so happily.But he has betrayed us.He talks about precious Israel and low Hispanic/Black employment and lets Blacks/Browns out of prison and gives the Jews a huge tax cut and no appreciable Wall built so what for us his White voters?The final straw was picking amnesty Tuberville over Jeff Sessions,and not endorsing Kris Kobach,both loyal anti-immigration patriots.Yet Trump endorsed his enemies like Romney/Lindsay Graham.Interesting isn’t it.The GOP spent 3 million in a primary against Kobach claiming he lost in 2018 so he’s unelectable,yet they support 2018 loser Zionist Martha McSally.Done with the GOP which so obviously hates Whites as much as the Democrats do.I don’t know the answer but I know God will bring us victory over these demonic Jews and their White allies if only we are resolute and have faith in him.The Jew keepers may be reading our posts but the Lord God is watching those agents of Satan as they watch us,he can and will lift the faithful up in our darkest hour.Christ’s sacrifice has already won the ultimate victory,we must not allow Satan and his Jews to dismay us with their temporal victories.Final victory is ours.Thank you all for being so astute and informed,I am truly impressed by the wisdom in your words.God bless you all.
Im going to recomment here.
The reality on the ground is still the reality on the ground.
The bottom line is more people need to wake up and admit reality.
Unless we r prepared for full on civil war w demonrat kamala and her jew husband/master in the white house, then we need to buy a little more time or face the same civil war w trump in the white house.
I fail to see how trump being in prison as a lesson to the deplorables and kamala in the white house will somehow improve the chances of white americans and nobody here has addressed that.
As the original patriots said at the time of lexington/concord, if theres gonna be a war let it start here and now.
We need trump in the white house if we are gonna have another civil war as i cant fathom how it could be better for any of us w kamala and her jew master there, no matter the circumstance.
I am in agreement Ed Jones. I am not trying to deny that reality however I do want to point out how long term, the GOP is a dead end. Now I’ve heard talk of Trump and this new era of Republicans gutting the old party however it remains to be seen how much and how effective that will be. Despite my dislike of it I will be voting for Trump simply because of what you just said.