Of Men And Military Matters

Many of the articles I’ve written in the past about the military have taken shots at Uncle Sam’s favorite tool for needless regime change and endless wars, however, I must concede the necessity for martial service considering our sad, current state of affairs. And, training will be important to retake the “long march” the communist forces have made through our institutions. There can be no surrender or kneeling to the forces that seek to destroy our people and country; total submission only gets them closer to their goal, which does not include us existing in any sort of capacity.

I know I’ve advised several times not to join, but I must admit I was wrong on that point. Much of my previous position came from being blackpilled due to being exposed to things most do not experience. As such, my view on the rest of the military had been tainted. While not without its flaws, it is of critical importance that in order to retake everything we must become a “government in waiting.” To do this requires people to be ready for the inevitable collapse, be it in the near future or several decades from now. One of these places is the military.

The Left, ultimately, seeks dominance over the military for many of the same reasons they seek traditional establishments. First, it gives them an image of legitimacy. Secondly, it allows them to shield and obfuscate the true goal of their objectives under this cloak of legitimacy. Then, it provides them control over the legitimate monopoly of violence that comes with a civilized society. Finally, it gives them access to training, networks, and weaponry far outside the scope of normal citizens.

All over America right now, as you’re reading this, people, companies, and institutions are ceding power to leftists at an alarming rate, and this must stop if we are to survive as a whole. At this point, police officers are turning in their guns and badges over the current political crisis. While I can understand why, I must advise against such actions.

Not everyone can join the military, despite jokes about how they will take anyone with a pulse. The segment that not only qualifies, but can carry out military service, is a relatively small portion of the population.

The question becomes who do you want in the U.S. military?

Do you want leftists, who will most certainly use what was built before them, to either oppress or destroy you? Or, would you rather it include men of good moral character that care deeply for their country, people, and freedom? I think the answer is fairly obvious.

As such, I find myself rescinding my former advice. We need you. We need you to keep your head down with your fellow brethren because the possibility of a totally dominated leftist military is not something we want to have on the table.

The reasons for joining are personal and unique to your situation. It is because of my own service and upbringing around the military that I am where I am today. My GI Bill put me through trade school, my time in the service taught me important things like honor and discipline, and even patience. It played a large part in shaping my identity. Such a thing cannot be ignored. There’s no telling where (or who) I would be today without it because the future is fluid.

Militaries have saved their countries, but have also destroyed them. Being a GWOT veteran, I know full well what war looks like and what it brings. This is something I never hope to see in our country. It’s easy to forget how much war destroys. War never builds and if you truly want to see how long it takes to recover from a war you only need to take a page out of history to do so. We have many examples both here and abroad to work with.

The absolute last thing you should want to see is an Abrams tank rolling through your town with the flag of a communist regime, as leftist soldiers round up people based off things like intelligence from social media or your voter registration. Don’t believe such a thing can happen? It’s happened before (the Cultural Revolution in China is a good example). None of us predicted last winter that the country would be embroiled in a “soft” revolution. Things can change in an instant.

If the military is an option for you, don’t rule it out. It may just put you in a position one day where you can be more useful than you can imagine, if not in the immediate future then certainly in the long run. Just don’t forget who you are, what you believe in, why you believe in those things, and remember that you are helping to retake everything by filling that spot. If none of this comes to pass, then you will have gained much needed experience in your life. The decision is yours to make.

God bless you and God bless Dixie.


  1. A well regulated Militia being necessary to the security of a free State the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed.

    1. @2nd…

      Yes, and it’s a very interestingly worded amendment, for it is quite clear that the purpose of the amendment is neither to guarantee your right to have firearms for hunting, or, even, to protect your family from would-be prowlers.

      No, it only to say that the citizenry ought be armed, in order to, in an organized and honourable fashion, to overthrow the government, and, to that end, shoot as many government officials as necessary.

      It never fails that, when I find myself in a conversation between Left and Right, in social situations on the matter of gun rights and gun control, and I mention this, everyone gets very very quiet.

      It’s almost as if everyone, no matter their political perspective, recognizes the intrinsic threat of bad government imposing itself on their lives – now matter in what political colours they construct that in their mind.

  2. Young men in Dixie..
    Ignore this call to join Uncle Sam’s military. Organize a militia where you live, and be prepared to defend your families and communities AGAINST Uncle Sam!

    1. This is not a call to “join” in fact nowhere do I specifically state directly that you should but only simply the choice is yours. Recently I had a discussion with a few people because of the controversy this article stirred and one mentioned the the national guard is the only one worth joining if you were to do it. The whole militia thing is a deluded fantasy of LARPER’s in my opinion and that is something I still maintain. If it isn’t it’s a honeypot meant to entrap good people and get them in trouble with the feds which is something I cannot recommend.

      1. If you think there is a possibility that the National Government will use its military on the American peoples then they should take adequate measures to protect themselves. Obviously people should be talking to their family, kin, friends, and trusted acquaintances about what might be required for times of disaster and unrest.

  3. “If the military is an option for you, don’t rule it out. It may just put you in a position one day where you can be more useful than you can imagine…’

    This is true, for the military helps make men out of boys and provides a lot of technical know-how.

    That said, with the state of the national situation crumbling, you have to consider the likelihood that the manner is which you might be ‘useful’ would be against your own people.

    I served at a time when I was happy to do so, but, that country was this one.

    I never ever would have served the country that this country become – anti-Southern, anti-White, anti-Christian, anti-male, anti-Conservative, anti-privacy, anti-marriage, anti-heterosexual, anti-history, anti free-speech, anti-borders, anti-smalltown, and anti peaceful assembly.

    In fact, I served against The Soviet Union, which, sad to say, this country has become much more like.

    Moreover, when I served the media was controlled and I really had little idea for whom I was working.

    1. A valid point and one well taken. You are right that what I believe to be simply is not the case anymore and perhaps it is because I have been removed from it for some years now that I have not been witness to how bad it truly has gotten.

      You’ve given me stuff to think about. I appreciate your comment.

  4. Dear Otto,

    Please forgive me for saying what I’m about to say, and please forgive the appearance of presumptuousness on my part, but I have to say it at the risk of seeming presumptuous in any case.

    First, I believe you have herein engaged or entertained a false dichotomy, and fallen prey to it. It isn’t a simple ‘either/or’ question – either our people join the military, or, it (the military) gets overrun by leftist scum. It’s more complicated than that, and you must understand that we can never outnumber leftist scum anymore than we can ever outvote them in the national elections. If you have any familiarity at all with the debates over public schooling that have been ongoing for literally decades, you will know that this same argument (the one you’re making as pertains to military service) has always been the chief argument made by nominal “conservatives” as pertains to that institution as well. They say that if we keep our good kids out of the public schools, then the public schools will go to hell in a handbasket (so to speak) by virtue of our refusing to infuse them and their good influences into these nefarious institutions and all the bad kids who attend them. Which has always struck me as a really weird way of looking at things, but that is just me (well, not actually “just me,” but you know what I mean). I can elaborate if you like, but will move on to the second point for brevity’s sake for the time being.

    Second, I need to say that, while you’re struggling within your own mind and conscience to ‘come to grips’ with the actual state of things and how best to deal with them in current year ‘Merika, you should probably go to the sidelines and mostly remain silent and learn. Nobody likes, and fewer still trusts, a ‘waffler.’ And ‘waffling’ on your core principles is what you’ve been doing for awhile now. It’s ‘wishy-washiness’ on your part, and it’s off-putting to people of principle. First it was a change of heart on the so called UBI, then it was something else; now it is this military service thing. Where does it end?; what ‘change of heart’ might we expect next from you; why should anyone reading here put anykind of faith in anything you write, when experience teaches us that you’re liable to contradict yourself next Tuesday, repudiating everything you had written before? Because you’re ‘man enough to admit you were wrong?’ C’mon!

    Third (and this is anecdotal, so make of it what you will), one of my nephews who my wife and I had a big part in raising and educating during his formative years joined the Marine Corps back in 2003. We (my wife and I), as well as his mother and father, his maternal grandmother (my mother) and other family members, all attended his graduation from MCRD in San Diego. One of the speakers at the event – a Colonel, if memory serves – made ‘much ado about nothing’ in part of his speech, telling us all about how ‘our Marine’ was indepted for life to his DI’s for ‘shaping his character,’ and this and that. In a profusion of emotion-driven idiocy, the vast majority of those of us sitting in the stands listening to this nonsense applauded these sayings of his; my wife and I were among the precious few (including our nephew’s parents) who understood what we were hearing and took direct offense to it. Again, I can elaborate if you like, but suffice to say that the term “formative years” has a direct bearing on any form that future elaboration might take. E.g., I was an “expert marksman” way before the military acknowledged it, and, incidentally, took credit for the achievement. Same applies to my offspring, if you know what I mean.

    Fourth, and finally, there is merit to your argument that a lack of military training deprives us of what cannot be gotten elsewhere. In my view, that is what you should have confined your argument to, leaving off the parts about ‘character formation’ and all of that, because, well, that part simply is not true. Or, if it is true, we’re screwed in any case. So there ya go.

    1. I appreciate this kind of criticism. It gets me to think and for a while I’ve been trapped with my own thoughts that remain without any sort of challenge to shape them thus they can and do at times grow wildly beyond the scope of reality.

      What you and others have said has given me pause to think. The overall thing I think people seem to be missing is I’m not saying you must or you should join (to what specific degree I also have left undefined) but that if you can play your cards right it may be something potentially worth keeping on the table.

      I really appreciate you pointing these things out to me. It seems some of the people I’ve been hanging out with have been influencing my thinking more than I realized. All the more reason I need to get out of where I’m at when the opportunity presents itself.

  5. >”The question becomes who do you want in the U.S. military?”

    I want a bunch of single moms, trannies, and shiftless low-IQ minorities who will desert the second that things get tough.

    Because we all know who the next target of the US military will be. So I want them to be as soft, unmotivated, and incompetent as possible.

    1. I’ve actually sat down and listened to comments such as yours and others here. I’ve done research, reflected, and done more analysis. As a result I’ve written a full article to address these and comments like yours that I think you will very much like. You won’t miss it, it will be titled “I was wrong.”

      I’m in agreement with you.

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