I’m hardly an expert on New Zealand history or culture, but from what I have seen it seems to be the “Ireland” of the Southern Hemisphere. And until recently, it was a small, rural, conservative, and religious country. However, in recent years New Zealand has been ripped from its Christian foundation. First there was an invasive gun ban passed in the wake of the Christchurch shooting and now there is sweeping legalization of abortion, in a country where it was previously heavily restricted.
The following was reported by righttolife.org.uk regarding this extreme legalization of infanticide:
The new law will mean that New Zealand has the most extreme abortion law in the world, this will include:
Abortion will now be available on-demand, for any reason, up to birth
Sex-selective abortion will be legalised
The current 20 week limit for disability-selective abortion will be scrapped and abortion will be available up to birth for disabilities including cleft lip, club foot and Down syndrome
There will be no requirement that a doctor must be involved with providing an abortion
There will be no legal requirement that babies born alive after a ‘failed’ abortion are given medical support
There will be no legal requirement that pain relief be given to babies being aborted between 20 weeks and birth
There will be no legal restrictions on controversial methods of abortion such as intact dilation and extraction abortions (also knows as partial-birth abortions)
As with the case of Ireland, the legalization of abortion demonstrates the final break with the country’s historic Christian past. New Zealand has joined most of the of the West as being post-Christian. Please note, despite the legalization of abortion in Dixie, I do not consider her to be post-Christian nation, as we all know this was forced on us. If we were free, abortion would be treated as the despicable crime that it is.
Despite what the revisionists want to say, abortion has always been treated as a serious crime in Christianity. In the Didache, one of the earliest Christian texts and was commonly used in the early Church as a sort of blueprint for its doctrine, the condemnation of abortion is clear: “You shall not murder a child by abortion.” St. Basil the Great would echo these same sentiments three centuries later stating, “She who has deliberately destroyed a fetus has to pay the penalty of murder” and “Moreover, those, too, who give drugs causing abortion are deliberate murderers themselves, as well as those receiving the poison which kills the fetus.” So much for refusing to condemn a women for voluntarily getting an abortion.
Part of the reason why the Christian Church took such a strong stance against abortion is because they were so shocked by the violence inflicted on infants, violence that was common in the ancient world. Baylor University sociologist Rodney Stark has done fantastic work trying to answer one simple question: how did Christianity go from being a tiny religion on the outskirts of the Roman Empire to becoming the dominant religion of the Empire in just three centuries? Stark’s answer is Christians saw humans as being made in God’s own image, they placed a higher value on life than their pagan counterparts did and simply had a higher rate of survival, which allowed them to become a dominant force in the Roman Empire. More related to the subject being discussed here, it was a common Roman practice to throw any unwanted child off a bridge. Realizing this, the Christians of the city would hide under the bridges and when an infant was thrown in the river, they would fish the child out, raising that child as a Christian.
The protection of the innocent is one of the bedrock moral foundations of Christianity. This is a religion based on the unjust execution of an innocent man because both the Jews and the Romans refused to recognize that God incarnate was standing before them. Harrod’s killing of infants was seen as a great crime because those he killed were innocent. For a nation to both fail at protecting the innocent and also embrace their slaughter, especially as some kind of perverse “right, ” is to cease to be Christian. Yes, I do think abortion carries with it a certain moral weight that causes a more decisive break with Christianity than we see with other issues because of how thoroughly the advent of Christianity changed attitudes towards abortion. Because the rejection of abortion was decisive in a nation’s turn to Christianity, it’s embrace must be decisive in a nation’s turn from Christianity.
There is a reason why L. Brent Bozell Jr. used the pages of his magazine Triumph to argue, much to the chagrin of his brother-in-law William F. Buckley, that after Roe v Wade the United States was now the moral equal of the Soviet Union and Christians must withdraw their support from it. He was right. And while he wasn’t a Southern Nationalist, he was born in Nebraska to an old-stock Yankee family and his observation is important for Southern Nationalists.
What he shows is that abortion is the major break the U.S. made with its Christian past, it is the point where the Empire crossed it’s own moral Rubicon and dropped any pretense of being a Christian nation. Dixie, though, remains fundamentally Christian. That abortion is legal in Dixie is because we are a conquered nation. If we were free, we would, as has been the case for all of the history of Christendom, protect the unborn. Just look at what we have been able to do even under occupation. We have nothing in common with the post-Christian American Empire and should want nothing to do with it.
New Zealand has joined Ireland and most of the West as now being “post-Christian.” Paganism now reigns supreme in the West. Its attitudes towards human life, not to mention its nature worship (environmentalism), is back. But, it has been stripped of its focus on heroism that gave it some respectable vitality. The internet Pagan Gang, dreaming of a post-Christian West free of the “Jew on a Stick” meme have gotten their wish. The end of infanticide (not to mention sodomy) were both hallmarks of the rise of Christianity, that both have been brought back as not only something that should be tolerated but openly celebrated, and those that oppose both are persecuted, is a serious sign that the modern West is closer to paganism than it is Christianity. It is the same impulse that caused astrology to become mainstream during the 1970s, just as the U.S. was experiencing its first wave of secularization.
As the West solidifies its post-Christian bonafides, more and more pagan practices will return. The full embrace of abortion is a sign that a nation has now completely crossed over and more barbaric monstrosities beckon. This happened in the U.S. and it will happen in New Zealand, too. Pray for the remaining Christians in New Zealand, they have now lost their country.
-By Harmonica

O I’m a good old rebel, now that’s just what I am. For this “fair land of freedom” I do not care at all. I’m glad I fit against it, I only wish we’d won, And I don’t want no pardon for anything I done.
New Zealand has a left Christianity some time ago like all the West. I mentioned this in another article an you address it perfectly that the liberal governments are actually not bringing about anything new, but instead are trying to bring us back to the ancient Roman society where needless violence an killing is celebrating. Abortion is murder, and if you defend it than your defending a murderer.
It’s a shame that New Zealanders have lost their country, and give up their guns. We never know when that could happen to us in these times of uncertainty as civilization itself is failing again into the barbaric days of the Romans.
Even upon our deaths, in Christian tradition, it is a sin to be cremated and have our ashes spread to the 4 winds, for the fact we were born in Gods image and likeness, and require the dignity of a burial and marker. The rules on cremation have been relaxed for economic reasons now, but in an urn, with our identity is required.
I believe, the Christian Lotus flower of the reformation bloomed in the South, and was mercilessly destroyed by capital, when labor, who was seen as having a soul and divine, and treated with Love and dignity, was stolen, to be a free yankee jackass, a total communist tool.
I just got a book called “ Lincoln, money martyred” I took a peek inside, honest Abe is getting a bank loan to finance the civil war. I can’t wait to read it .
God Bless our ancestors, and God Bless the Southland!
I’m gonna play Devil’s Advocate here, I have female family member’s who’ve had abortions and those who didn’t.
One got knocked up in high school by some rando Mexican and she is a terrible mother. Not only that, she has a new child with a new father who is an admixture of an even darker race. The newest kid is two and can only grunt at this point. As a mother she started out bad and became worse.
These little neglected Mestizos are blood to me, but I see absolutely nothing of myself in them. Their mother isn’t a bright woman and has a perpetual need for a new man in her life. Two children by two different fathers with a near certainty that there will be another child from yet another father. These little beige rascals are society’s children now, if you want a say in how they turn out – get there quick.
I’ve seen the life arc of two barely wanted mixed-race children. To a large degree, they are the primary reason for tearing apart the familial bonds of my extended family.
Tough call man, real tough call.