The most detestable human scum on earth is the Irish-American Leftist. These creatures are a confused lot of sad soy boys who know so very little about their Irish history that they are willing to become the foot soldiers of global Bolshevism at the expense of their own people and heritage. This piece can best be described as an informed rant against my genetic kin. Let’s break down why Irish-American Leftists are not only wrong to continually embrace Marxism, but are also a global menace.
To start, part of the problem with Irish-Americans is that they often get their history through snippets from their parents and grandparents. While this endearing Celtic tradition of storytelling has enabled the heritage to survive – and remains strong in the South – rarely do Irish-Americans pick up a book and actually study their history beyond possibly Seumas MacManus’ Story of the Irish Race. The result is that Irish-Americans get a contorted view of major periods of Irish history. Unless their parents are very recent Irish immigrants to the United States, rarely do they know much more than an approximation of that from which their last name may hail; even that is frequently unlikely. Their grasp on Irishness is therefore woven by generations of foreign onlookers.
Worse, many of the Irish-Americans are members of the post-Famine Diaspora, complicating their grasp on Irish heritage. To be fair, there are a number of radical, Leftist Irish in Ireland, as well. Sinn Fein – a formerly Nationalist party whose name ironically means “Ourselves Alone” – is literally leading the call for more migrant rapists to come to Ireland out of Africa. That said, the 1960s Sinn Fein of Marxist Provisional Irish Republican Army (PIRA) allegiance is not the same as Arthur Griffith’s Sinn Fein of the Original Irish Republican Army (IRA) of the 1920s. That Sinn Fein won independence from Britain. Therein lies the confusion for many Irish-Americans. They equate Irish freedom fighters with communism because they confuse “The Troubles” with the Irish War of Independence. This is akin to the modern Republican Party laying claim to Abraham Lincoln – a tyrant who murdered hundreds of thousands of young men at the expense of the Constitution.
Speaking of Lincoln, many of these Irish-Americans are descendants of Irish families that arrived in the mid-19th Century. They lack a connection with Ireland and thus, a more accurate view of that which was ongoing in Ireland’s most recent turmoil. It helps their persecution complex.
Like most Catholics, Irish-Americans love them some martyrs. This is yet another reason Irish-American Leftists get it so wrong. The belief that they had it hard as immigrants to the U.S. is well founded, but it is not unique. The Irish have no obligation to help “others” simply because we had it hard. In fact, I would argue that the earlier Anglo-Saxon, Scottish, Scots-Irish, and French Huguenots – often lumped together as White Anglo-Saxon Protestant (WASP) America – had it much harder. They came over on wooden sailing vessels to a wilderness, fought stone-aged savages, and survived famine and disease to create “America.” The ports into which the Irish arrived were built by the hands of preceding generations of Anglo-Saxons. They had every right to want to keep that which they built by sheer grit.
Some Irish-American Leftists applaud the fact that we “conquered” the United States through political and labor organizing. STOP! You took a piece of the country through breeding. If you want to know why you got an Irish-Catholic President in 1960, look toward an Irish uterus. Organizing helped Irish-America get its act together, but the size of the Irish-American population was a weapon in its own right. By embracing a Nationalist perspective – Irish helping Irish (local Sinn Fein) – we were able to carve out a piece of the American pie. But if you think we “conquered” America, you are dreaming. Today, power brokers in Hollywood and on Wall Street amplify Boston Brahmin money. You are just another part of a Middle Class that is highly susceptible to displacement by the next wave of cheap labor – and that next wave will replace you… by breeding.
Do you think I am joking? Despite being the second largest ethnic bloc after German-Americans, Irish-Americans have had only one Irish-Catholic President, and he was shot dead less than three years after his inauguration. By contrast, Black Americans got one of their own and he got to complete his term – twice. Think about that. If you are an Irish-American Leftist, you are literally inviting your own displacement. The Yankee Anglo powerbase is going nowhere any time soon. You are not replacing the wealthy old White families; you are destroying your own people’s power.
Of course, much of this stems from a belief held by many Irish-Americans: the struggle for America is an extension of the struggle for Ireland. That is not true, but it is often told in the pubs of Pittsburgh and Boston by tenured Bartender-Academics. Many Irish-Americans view everything in anti-colonialist, anti-capitalism terms. The Irish are the “fighting class” for the world’s downtrodden, whereas the British (think English) are the exploitative, greedy, parasites who must be opposed. This leads some Irish-Americans to gravitate to frauds like James Connolly – a man who failed to achieve Irish Independence – and away from a genuine study of the men who actually won Irish Independence.
Confused Irish-American Leftists probably cheered for Liam Neeson’s Michael Collins or day dreamed of being a member of a Flying Column while watching The Wind That Shakes the Barley. If they actually studied men like Michael Collins, Tom Barry, and Eoin O’Duffy, they would find that the men who won Ireland’s freedom were, ostensibly, diehard Fascists. Collins’ lieutenant O’Duffy would eventually lead the Blueshirts and offer IRA support against the Soviets to Germany. Collins detested socialism and thought it would ruin Ireland. The men who actually won Irish independence – unlike James Connolly – were Nationalists to their core. They would laugh at the soy boys fighting for transgender freaks and greater non-Irish emigration into Ireland and the United States.
James Connolly was an opportunistic Scottish-born Bolshevik who sought an opportunity to fight British imperialism in Ireland. He failed. He was not a heroic figure. He led hundreds of men to their deaths because he was incapable of setting aside his pride and embracing a better fighting style. Collins and Barry – Nationalists – won Irish independence. Of course, Irish-American Leftists love Connolly because they are either too intellectually lazy or inferior to pick up a book and read the actual story of Irish independence.
Finally, this all leads to the Irish-American Leftist’s incomprehensible disdain for the Confederacy and the South.

Irish-American Leftists would probably be shocked to learn that Cork – the home of Ireland’s successful revolutionary figures – flies the Confederate Battle Flag at Gaelic Athletic Association (GAA) events. It is not simply because it is the furthest Southern county. It is the home of Irish-Confederate General Patrick Cleburne. It is the home of thousands of Irish emigrants to the American South, especially into Savannah and New Orleans. Contrary to Irish-American Leftist mythology, the North does not have a monopoly on Irish emigration. The South had a significant Irish population and that was evidenced by many flags throughout the myriad of Irish-Confederate battle units – more than those in the North.
Irish-American Leftists like to believe that the Irish were noble emancipators of slaves. They were not. The Irish detested their Black economic competitors, as did many Northerners. Irish immigrants lead the largest anti-Union protests in the North. In Baltimore, Irish immigrants led by an Irish-American almost successfully killed Lincoln. In New York, the most damaging riots by financial terms in American history, the Draft Riots of 1863, were led by Irish immigrants against the continued war to “free negroes.” In the New York riot, the Irish would kill more than one-hundred Blacks throughout the city. The Irish were almost uniformly against fighting the Confederacy. The vast majority joined the Union Army not by will, but by draft and subsequent force. The Irish in the South, by contrast, joined units such as the 10th Tennessee, the 24th Georgia, the 8th Alabama, and the 10th Louisiana willingly. While the 69th Fighting Irish Regiment was being used as cannon-fodder by their Anglo-Yankee masters, Irish units throughout the South were often led by Irish or generationally Irish descendant officers.
When Irish-American Leftists take anti-Confederate political positions, they are not only spitting on the graves of their kin, they give their Boston Brahmin superiors a chuckle.
An additional area of complexity to this picture is the Irish-American Leftist’s belief that the South was uniquely anti-Catholic. Puritan descendants thank you for your cuckoldry. The South was not uniquely anti-Catholic. Papacy was always deemed a threat from the beginning of colonial America. Again, this betrays the Irish-American Leftist’s lack of intellectual curiosity and their laziness in pursuing accurate history.
First, equating Catholicism to Irishness is a function of circumstances that came out of the Protestant Reformation. Most historians agree, had England’s King Henry VIII remained Catholic, the Irish would likely have become Presbyterians like their Gaelic Scottish kin. Remaining Catholic was a protest move, not a theological one. The often-misunderstood motivations of Oliver Cromwell in 17th Century Ireland by Irish-American Leftists as being distinctly anti-Catholic is another manifestation of intellectual deficiency. Cromwell was a radical republican who sought to establish parliamentary hegemony in the United Kingdom at the expense of the High Church Crown. The Irish support for Charles I and the House of Stuart was the cause of their misery at the hands of Cromwell, not being Catholic specifically. Years later, the Jacobite Irish Monarchists would lose Northern Ireland to radical Anglo and Scots-Irish loyalist Parliamentarians.
Second, during the early 18th Century, Irish emigration to the American South reached a peak, especially in the Carolinas and Georgia. Cracker Culture: Celtic Ways in the Old South, by Grady McWhitney and Forest MacDonald, describe that Irish, not Scots-Irish, emigration accounted for more than 60% of emigration into the Carolinas in the 1720s and 30s. Arriving Catholic, many of these Irish immigrants converted to the nearest religious community since Catholic churches were few and far between in British Colonial America.
The Catholic identity of the Irish was not nearly as sacrosanct to the Irish as modern Irish-American Leftists believe it to be. Case in point: late-18th century Irish freedom fighter, Wolfe Tone, was an Anglican Protestant. Robert Emmett, Thomas Clarke Luby, and Charles Stewart Parnell, among many other Irish revolutionaries, were all Protestants. Being pro-Irish was not uniquely a Catholic endeavor. Today, the fastest growing Christian faith in the Republic of Ireland is Presbyterianism – and they are more Irish than some clowns with a shamrock tattoo at an AntiFa rally.

The notion that the South was uniquely anti-Irish-Catholic stems from a misperception of second generation Ku Klux Klan activity. Without getting too much into the history of the Klan, the first iteration was a Southern preservation insurgency; the second was a broader American-nativist movement. The first was uniquely Southern; the second had its strongest support in the Midwest. Southern Catholics, especially around Louisiana and the Alabama-Tennessee line, played a key role in supporting the first generation Klan. Shocked? Don’t be.
In her memoirs on the early formation of the Klan, Authentic History of the Ku Klux Klan: 1865-1877, Susan Lawrence Davis describes how suffering Reconstruction Era Southerners banded together to form the KKK and push back against the lecherous Yankee parasites – including Irish-Catholic Southerners. Davis explains that Catholic churches often acted as arms depots for the Klan. Loyal Southern priests would say Mass for unsuspecting carpetbaggers during the day, while helping to point them out to the Klan at night. While this history may seem unsettling, the post-War South, specifically during Reconstruction, was a hotbed of low intensity conflict.
The oddity of Irish-American Leftist loyalty to a Catholic identity as a means to justify anti-Southern animus is that they embrace ideas that are pathetically anti-Irish and anti-Catholic. They embrace sexual degeneracy and gender dysphoria. They throw rocks at prayer groups. They fight for more abortions. They clamor for greater societal dysfunction. What is so Catholic about killing unborn babies, attacking prayer, or cutting-off one’s God given penis? Southern Protestants are more “Catholic” than Irish-American Bolsheviks.
You show me an Irish-American Leftist and I will show you an ignoramus.
In sum, the most detestable creature on the planet is the Irish-American Leftist. He is the foot-soldier for his Bolshevik officer corps. He seeks the eradication of his own people, fellow Irish-Americans, through mass migration and genetic displacement. He fights for Cultural-Marxism to the detriment of society. He spreads his grotesque ideas around the world. He is not a parasite – he is a useful idiot. At least a parasite gets something for his troubles. If he really cared about his people, he would fight for the preservation of his people, heritage, and faith. He would seek ways to stop the immigration of the non-Irish masses from global slums. He would care about his fellow Irish-Americans.
By extension, a real Irish-American would see the South as Celtic kin, worthy of a free Dixie and the preservation of its own heritage. He would fight those who sought to destroy Southern monuments to its noble dead – many of whom hail from their own genetic lineage. Real Irish-Americans cannot be Leftists. To be so, is to betray your people.
The son of a recent Irish immigrant and another with roots to Virginia since 1670. I love both my Irish and Southern Nations with a passion. Florida will always be my country. Dissident support here: Padraig Martin is Dixie on the Rocks (
enjoyed the article. most of my people (all prot), Scot/Irish, Scot, and Irish came over early, one even in the late 1600’s, and can trace some to the Kintyre peninsula. as a Southron deist, although raised in the First Southern Baptist Church as a child, as an adult i’ve never been able to stomach the BS about the troubles, and yes, i wear orange on Patty’s day. the RCC held the power of life/death over all for over 2K years, tortured/killed in the name of JC/God, and the mics whine they’ve been oppressed by the prot.. for a few hundred. they can sod off.
p.s. i like to think Celestius/Kelly of Pelegian Heretical fame could’ve been distant kin. 😉
have a wonderful wknd…:)
>2K Years
We were under the Roman Patriarch even before the 1054 schism but defacto we weren’t under the control of Rome until Pope Adrian called for the Normans to invade us and bring us back into what the Roman see saw as proper orthodoxy. Were much more autonomous until then so idk what you’re about with that time frame. Also the English crown has been present in Ireland centuries before the reformation, it’s an ethnic issue we both share not just a religious one.
Also your prod ancestors probably aren’t Irish as by in large “Irish” protestants aren’t actually Irish. They’re Planters from Scotland or England people just assume are Irish because they’re white and live here. Irish people who converted to Protestantism assimilated with the foreigners. It’s not a religious issue, when we whine about being oppressed by Protestants it’s an ethnic one. But the religion has become synonymous with the ethnicity to the point that non Irish people and even Irish people have this strange idea that Protestants in Ireland are somehow Irish.
so, am i to understand you think the surname Kelly isn’t Irish?
There’s black people in Montserrat called Kelly because they’ve an Irish ancestor a few generations back. Similarly there’s Protestants in Ireland with Irish surnames because their Irish ancestor retained it from when they integrated with the protestants. Doesn’t take away the fact that they’ve been breeding with foreigners for generations and are no longer genetically Irish. Also sometimes Scottish people like the planters who came to Ireland have Irish names long before that because of our conquest of Scotland a couple thousand years ago. So really it could be an ancient origin or could be from the time of the plantation an Irish person took the easy way out and integrated with the planters who just arrived from England and Scotland.
there are also freed blacks in MS, that adopted my family’s name to get work after the war, it was common practice, a CV of sorts.. i can assure you they are not genetically related to me in any manner, nor are they Irish. you’re nit picking. my heritage is Scot/Irish, Irish, Scot, English, German, French Huguenot. there has never been an O’ in front of my surname. there are no mics in my direct bloodline as far as i can trace to 1600’s, nor will there be in the future. if i must be a ‘mind raped’ mic to be considered Irish.. you can keep it, hon, it’s not in my ‘ethnicity’ to submit to mind-rape. btw, the COE/prots are no better….what has that holy see done for you lot? enjoyin’ your multi-culti enrichment, your pope espouses? you’re being overrun, in case you hadn’t noticed, we on this side of the pond still have a bit more room to maneuver.
irrespective of your opine as to ‘time line’ issues, (survey sez… 2000yrs
the RCC, has since its inception tyrannized, persecuted and destroyed heretics of all manner, although Communism has of late, given it a run for the title.
… the immortal words of one of America’s founding fathers and fellow deist (inscribed in his rotunda, D.C., USA)……. “I have sworn upon the altar of god eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man.” ~ T. Jefferson
“The Irish were almost uniformly against fighting the Confederacy.”
This is a lie. While a few hundred Irishmen rioted in New York, hundreds of thousands of Irishmen composed the frontline troops of the invading northern armies. It’s dishonest to claim that they were all forcibly drafted. Many of them joined the war to thieve and plunder, like that Irishman Philip Sheridan and his Irish Catholic bummers.
the Draft/Conscription was enacted in ‘1863. irrespective of the riots in NY.. any immigrant male entering a northern port, was conscripted as his feet hit the dirt, or was told to return to the ship he got off.
Enrollment Act ’64 – 1864 amendment Congress passed an amendment to the Enrollment Act in 1864. Section 5 limited the length of an exemption from the draft by payment of a commutation fee to one year. Then, those drafted were required to serve or to furnish substitutes.
the riots weren’t just about the draft it was also about Whites and competition for jobs w/free blacks…
Fear and racism, whipped up by politicians and journalists, brought thousands of white rioters onto the streets of New York City in the summer of 1863. Those riots remain the largest civil insurrection in American history, aside from the Civil War itself.Eventually, thousands of men were rioting; the official death toll was 119.
It’s pretty bizarre, I’ve talked to Irish leftists who are nationalists and virulently anti-Anglo but support Syrian refugees. I don’t know how one can reconcile these things in his mind, but maybe it’s all about holding fashionable opinions and not having any sort of coherent paradigm.
The biggest joke is watching Ireland become a multi-culti hellhole over the last 2 decades.
They “threw” off the yoke of the English to be quietly genocided by somalians and pakis.
the English…who are also currently being genocided by somali/paki and the dregs of the Turd Wurld.
I heard an Irishman, who was shat out of our lady of Ellis islands arse, on the radio, blathering on and on. Total yankee tool. I know what you mean.
Heaven Help Us.
Re: kikz
I can’t see the option to reply so I’m assuming we exceeded the limit in our own sub thread.
I’m not sure what exactly you’re trying to say with the first part there. Couldn’t tell whether you’re trying say you don’t have Irish ancestry or not, but no matter.
I’m not a practicing Roman Catholic so I’m not exactly going to die defending it. I even mentioned before that the RCC only emerged in it’s current form after the Schism and that we were forcibly brought into their orthodoxy by Normans. So I won’t say it’s always be an entirely positive relationship. I don’t think deism can give a satisfactory account for ethics so I don’t really care much about any moral issues you have with the RCC as they have no weight. Regardless I don’t share the same position as you so we’d disagree on ethics anyway.
We’re all pretty fucked and getting into a debate about who’s fucked more isn’t very productive especially when I doubt we can accurately tell who will be destroyed by modernity more given there’s too many unknowable factors.