The Dissident Right in the 2020 Presidential Primaries

If the Dissident Right had a voice in the 2020 US presidential race the way that the nationalist Right does at the highest levels in France, Austria, Italy, Germany, Sweden and Poland, what would that voice actually say? Even more specifically, if Dixie Nationalists were permitted to engage in what is supposedly a free and open system, what would our talking points sound like in trying to win over as many voters as possible? While our accent would be starkly different, I dare say that the substance of our campaign would sound a lot like that of a certain self-described Jewish socialist from the Leftist stronghold of Vermont.

Aside from a need to halt immigration and protect Southern heritage – givens for any Dixie Nationalist – what issues deeply concern us? Over many years of being actively involved in the movement I have heard the same concerns raised again and again. We need to stop the pointless wars overseas and bring home our Southern soldiers. We ought to protect our jobs and eliminate incentives for off-shoring manufacturing in particular. And we should stop the bail outs and other preferential treatment for billionaires and Wall Street fat cats.

These were precisely the issues that Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders recently raised in attacking establishment darling Joe Biden. As Politico recently reported:

At a news conference Wednesday, Sanders underscored his new attack ads against Biden, saying he needs to explain to Americans why he supported “disastrous” trade agreements, the Iraq War, and the “Wall Street bailout.” The spots — which are airing in Arizona, Florida, Idaho, Illinois, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, Ohio and Washington, states that vote March 10 and 17 — criticize Biden’s record of entertaining Social Security cuts and supporting free trade deals.

The point here is not to drum up support for Sanders. Biden already swept through most of the South and cleaned house by locking down the Black ethnic bloc vote. Neither is the point to argue that Southern Nationalists are the real socialists. Rather, it is to point out that our concerns are mainstream concerns. Our issues are popular issues. Our solutions, at least to many problems, are also popular across the board. And we do not conform to the extremely limited and rather silly US political spectrum. We could potentially appeal to environmentalists, economic protectionists, anti-war activists and the anti-Wall Street crowd. It is worth adding too that these are not new positions for Dixie Nationalists meant to infiltrate the US political system and fool voters. These positions are consistent with our tradition going back many generations.


  1. Say what?! Everybody knows that if you support any number of those things you are a leftist at best, and a full blown Marxist at worst! Bam! Plus, I have it on the highest authority (Heritage Foundation and other “right wing” think tanks) that unfettered Capitalism has lifted Billions (plural) of people out of poverty. Not tens of millions, or even hundreds of millions, mind you. Billions. Take that, you nincompoop!

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