In 2019, the Commonwealth of Virginia went completely blue, the cumulation of a process that started back in 2005 with the gubernatorial election of the carpetbagging heretic Tim Kaine, though groundwork for the shift was laid out decades earlier. As soon as the Democrats took power, they immediately began trying to erase all memory of Old Virginia’s history. Confederate monuments were to be taken down, abortion was to be codified into law, and the state was to join the northeast and California in having some of the most draconian gun laws in the country.
The rapid change was enough to make native Virginians get up in arms and sent shockwaves throughout Dixie. How could Virginia, the home of both Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson, as well as the Capital of the Confederacy, change so quickly and thoroughly? The answer, of course, is that the federal leviathan brought foreign (including Yankee) workers into Virginia. Naturally, these newcomers had no desire to assimilate into the culture of the Old Dominion. An earlier string of Republican governors reinforced this by giving tax breaks to companies in exchange for transplanting to Virginia, and they also brought in their own workers who had no desire for assimilation.
To say things are dire in Virginia is a great understatement. But, all is not lost. In fact, of all the Southern states either lost or are very close to losing – Maryland, North Carolina, Florida, Georgia, Virginia, and Texas- I think Virginia is the one we can most easily do something about. And no, I don’t mean protest, or Old Virginia joining West Virginia. I mean a completely legal, practical way in which we can strike at the heart of the problem- one that works due to Virginia’s proximity to the Washington swamp. Because she is so close, a lot of federal workers end up living in Virginia and have transformed the state (at least within the heavily populated counties adjacent to DC). What has happened to Virginia happened to Maryland decades earlier, but because Maryland is so much smaller in terms of both geography and population, the shift was much quicker.
Here is the thing though, there is no law that says all of these agencies have to be located in Washington, DC. The Center for Disease Control, for example, is in Atlanta. And, here is where we could play it to our advantage. Currently the Northern Virginia/DC area is among the most expensive places to live in the U.S. Meanwhile, many cities in the Rust Belt are in a decades’ long recession. We can propose that many of those federal agencies be moved to places like Cleveland, Detroit, Milwaukee, etc. in order to: 1) help bring down the housing costs near DC and 2) help inject some high paying jobs into the Rust Belt. When those government jobs migrate to the Rust Belt, those workers that are currently trying to turn Virginia into New York South, will travel with them. In turn, native Virginians can reclaim their home.
As bad as things are in Virginia right now, and they are bad, Virginia is in a far different place than any other Southern state; the critical difference is that we actually can do something about the source of the problem there (hypothetically). Of course, it is important to make sure that none of these federal agencies worm their way into the rest of Dixie, especially a state that is already on the edge. This is why selling the Rust Belt migration idea is so important – it sounds like a win-win. But even then, do keep in mind that the presence of a single federal agency cannot flip a state, especially a state that is already solid. NASA has been in Alabama for decades and Alabama is in no serious immediate danger of flipping. But, it is still better to be safe than sorry. So, focus on getting those agencies to the Rust Belt as much as we can.
We cannot save Georgia by forcing Coke or Delta to move. We cannot save Florida by forcing Disney to move. We cannot save North Carolina by forcing UNC to move. We will have to come up with other ways to save those states. Virginia is unique in that we can still elect folks that will see to it that parts of the federal leviathan are shipped far, far away from Dixie’s northern frontier. Beyond that, we should not give up on Virginia, as our moto is “Retake Everything.” For every Southerner, that includes our Virginia, along with every other square inch of Dixie that has been taken from us. Yes, retake everything: from Baltimore to Miami and the Outer Banks to Arizona. Retake everything.
Virginia is ours, every bit as much as Alabama or Louisiana are. Richmond belongs to us, just as Nashville and Savannah do. And, I say this as a son of the Deep South, whose family roots go down into this particular corner of Dixie since before the American Revolution. I have sadly spent very little time in Virginia, but Virginia is still Dixie and Virginians are still my countrymen. We can save Virginia. More than any other state that is gone or nearly gone. Virginia, in many ways, has the best chance to be saved – as there is a solution, one that we can sell to the nomad liberals.
– By Dixie Anon

O I’m a good old rebel, now that’s just what I am. For this “fair land of freedom” I do not care at all. I’m glad I fit against it, I only wish we’d won, And I don’t want no pardon for anything I done.
The North is, defacto, the Federal Government. It has been since 1860. The real capitals of the so called “United States” are Boston, New York, and Chicago, not Washington DC.
Since the North [is] America ®, by Yankee reckoning, anyway, it makes sense to move their government organisations to their states. The only ones that they really care about, anyway.
As an aside; The reason that they won’t do much about the Mexican invasion, is because the southern border of the so-called “United States,” is the Ohio River and southern borders of Pennsylvania/Iowa, not the Rio Grande. Yankees don’t care about the rest of the country, and; “They don’t care about your Constitution, or your rights.”
I think we ought to create a movement in the traditional North called the “Better off on our own” movement, to encourage Northern secession. We should also do everything that we realistically can, to encourage Mexifornia secession, too.
The Yankees will go along with Secession if it’s them doing it, and if they think it was their idea. What greater adventure could there be for them, than rebuilding Ohio and Pennsylvania? Or restoring Massachusetts to its former glory?
Yep. That’s smart. You musta been in the first world war, Mr. Owen. I’m referring of course to that scene from the Neil Simon movie, Biloxi Blues, in which the drill sgt., Toomey, marches his platoon to the edge of a swamp and asks one of the soldiers at the front, “how we gonna get to the other side of that obstacle?” The soldier answers, “well, either someone goes in to see how deep it is, or we find another place to cross.”
In order to get to the other side of an obstacle in our path to independence from Yankee rule, we’re going to have to find a shallower place to cross. Metaphorically speaking. Northerners/Yankees have never been opposed to Secession per se; they were and are opposed to Southern Secession in particular. And this will always be the case, best I can tell. It’s hard for Southrons to understand the Northern Mind and Character because we’re not them and we don’t think like them. And in fact we simply can’t think like them. Yankees are an extremely conceited people. As such, trampling all over the Constitution is of no consequence to a Yankee. As long, that is, as they are the ones doing it. This is why, long before initiation of the WBTS, Yankees like Horace Greeley et al were clamoring for overthrow of the Constitution, declaring themselves “citizens of the world,” and the Constitution, “a covenant with death.” The irony in all of that is that Greeley & Co. turned out to be right – the Constitution has proven to be a “covenant with death,” but for the Southron people and our way of life.
Well, anyway, I’ve rambled on long enough in this comment. We have to figure out how to play on Yankee conceit; we have to figure out how to turn the Yankee to (peaceful, mutually agreeable) Secession while simultaneously stroking his natural ego and allowing him to think it was his idea all along, as you state. Otherwise we’re simply relegated to letting nature take her course.
Good idea!