Ahead of a planned demonstration on the 20th against inflammatory legislation to trample the 2nd Amendment rights of legacy Virginians disenfranchised by demographic influx, Governor Ralph “The Baby Killin’ Coonman” Northam has issued an executive order declaring a state of emergency from the 17th through the 21st.
This EO bans everything from guns to defensive paraphernalia, such as helmets. The justification used, of course, is Charlottesville. We all know the drill on that, so there’s no point in going over the egregious lies for the 1,000th time. The lesson here is that Charlottesville will now be used as preemptive justification for a state of emergency, whereas at that protest, an ANTIFA attack had to be facilitated by law enforcement so that the governor could shut it down.
Here’s an excerpt that puts the dishonesty into full view:
Credible intelligence gathered by Virginia’s law enforcement agencies indicates that tens of thousands of advocates plan to converge on Capitol Square for events culminating on January 20, 2020. Available information suggests that a substantial number of these demonstrators are expected to come from outside the Commonwealth, may be armed, and have as their purpose not peaceful assembly but violence, rioting, and insurrection.
So, there are armed rightwing groups premeditating violent criminal activity, who intend to cross state lines for such a purpose? This is the absolute wettest of dreams for both the MSM and the federal law enforcement apparatus, which as the Trump era has demonstrated, is nothing more than a political entity devoid of ethical constraints.
We’d be seeing these people rounded up by SWAT teams on live television. You simply couldn’t concoct a better scenario for The Narrative. The fact that we’re not seeing any of this is ample evidence that there’s been no “credible intelligence” whatsoever gathered by any law enforcement agency. Still, this whole fiasco raises a couple of questions:
Question 1: What is the purpose behind Northam’s order?
He’s not banning the protest itself. Moreover, he’s also banning many of the implements such as “caustic substances” used by ANTIFA. However, these laws are generally only enforced against the rightwing side of an event. It’s unclear what to make out of it, perhaps intentionally so.
It should also be noted that Northam is a hapless Democrat drifting along with the insanity that never existed when he embarked on his career. In the parlance of his alma mater, the Virginia Military Institute, “he placed personal gain above personal honor.” However, that doesn’t mean this is an agenda he’d be pursuing on his own volition.
That’s a sharp contrast to his predecessor Terry McAuliffe, a carpetbagging Clinton protégé more reptile than human. The man is clearly a sociopath with a malicious agenda towards the Charlottesville protesters who peaceably assembled to exercise their constitutional rights.
Northam might genuinely want this thing to go off safely so he doesn’t get blamed for another disaster. The Democrats have the votes. It doesn’t matter what happens at the protest. The legislation will be passed. That brings us to the next question.
Question 2: What do the organizers hope to accomplish, and at what cost?
Did they learn nothing from Charlottesville? I suspect these people consider themselves to be something other than Neo-Nazi, White Supremacists without understanding that whatever you describe yourself to be is irrelevant if you object to any aspect of the madness that plagues our current age. That is what you are, which means you do not have rights.
I listened to an interview where one of these guys bemoaned that the pending legislation will make it harder for poor Blacks and Hispanics to obtain legal firearms. This dude has a PhD and still just does not get it. Northam might really be doing them a favor. I do not mean this as a joke in any way. If I were governor, I would issue the same sort of order to protect the organizers from their own stupidity.
If you bring “tens of thousands” of armed individuals to a protest that stands a significant risk of being attacked by leftist lunatics, there is an even greater risk that something is going to go wrong. i.e. SOMEBODY(S) GETS SHOT. Furthermore, you can’t screen all of these people. We live in country chocked full of craziness and despair, who knows who could show up and what they could do? I’d be terrified of the potential criminal and civil liability.
The Actual Issue
Demographic change. That’s what dispossessed legacy Virginia. It’s why we’re going to be stripped of our rights. This protest addresses nothing about what’s really going on. It’s like Republicans whining that the problem is getting more Latinos to vote for them. A waste of time and an exercise in delusion.

I’m proud to officially announce my candidacy for the office of Dogcatcher.
the “credible intelligence” is of Antifa bussed in as “demonstrators are expected to come from outside the Commonwealth, may be armed, and have as their purpose not peaceful assembly but violence, rioting, and insurrection.”
But hey what’s truth to the Dem’s …
Uh, huh?
or Conservative, Inc. RINO’s for that matter?
I still say the best case scenario is a bunch of boomercons get an up close look at the other side. Maybe a few have some sense beat into them.
It certainly will be a clusterfuck of epic proportions. And i feel bad for thinking this but maybe its a necessary one. 99% of the people going there will not be “alt right” and the the car bagging tyrants ways are being shoved right into their faces. they likely were only vaguely aware of the governments evils before but it will be shown to them on the 20th in technicolor. I’d be there if i could afford the gas.
No matter what the govt. does they will lose the faith and support of the tens of thousands that will be attending, their families and their friends. That cannot be understated.
Maybe im wrong, i don’t know.
I’m torn on this thing.
At such strange times its best to hope nobody gets hurt, and that whatever game the Logos is playing here ends up opening the eyes of the eternal boomers walking into that meatgrinder.
I have family that are in the State Police in Virginia. Here’s hoping they aren’t put in a position of having to hurt anybody.
Family first, tribe second. The rest don’t rate.
Thanks for giving the thing a level headed explanation. Its been hard finding a measured or nuanced explanation of anything lately on the dissident right. Its mostly hysterical reee’ing about Iran and how bad Orange Man is, and the increasingly tedious gymnastics of blaming everything on the Jooz.
Oy vey.