It is common knowledge amongst those in the Dissident Right and adjacent organizations that current media entertainment is toxic and presents a series of narratives with little congruence to present reality. It remains a useful exercise to occasionally consume some of this abhorrent content to help gather a better understanding of the narratives being pushed around and the lens through which the average normie and left leaning person is likely to view things. As unpleasant as it is to be confronted with the incredulous stories that the people ensconced in the political power structure tell themselves, it’s also comforting, as it serves as a reminder that the truth really is on our side.
The most recent example that I happened across in the wild is from the Showtime series Shameless. This is less than wholesome content, to put it mildly. While the object of the showrunners is no doubt to be provocative and edgy, there are some common motifs that pervade most big budget, adult oriented TV shows these days.
The first of these motifs is the dramatic overrepresentation of homosexual people. In Shameless, three of the main characters are homosexual or present proclivities towards that behavior. A large segment of each episode is spent dedicated to following the escapades of these characters. Only a diminutive portion of time is allotted to the heterosexual relationships in the show. The show also tries to offer as many explicit, grotesque descriptions of the sexual acts they engage in as possible. This constant inundation is nothing new to anyone who has had the misfortune to watch today’s pop culture programming. The only thing that can be deduced, given this constant push of oddity, is that these shows are primarily meant to condition. What’s more, these shows are invariably aimed at the younger age demographic in the U.S. It’s not the Baby Boomers who are lapping this stuff up and asking for a second helping.
Another theme which I found repugnant, and which I think most shows don’t carry to the same extent, is the casual glorification of abortion. One scene in particular involved the heavily featured mixed-race couple providing 20-dollar abortions out of the back of a repurposed delivery truck. At one point, the husband, Kevin, started to offer a half-hearted objection to the plan, not based on any moral conundrum but from a standpoint of practicality. The wife quickly retorted that it was wrong to deny these young girls the abortion which would prevent the kid from ruining their lives. This gives some insight into how people on the Left and a good proportion of normies view this issue. The life of the child is without meaning if it could prevent the mother from pursuing what would undoubtedly be a very promising future of sleeping around and making bad decisions. The thought of these young women having to live with the consequences of their actions is simply unconscionable.
The last example from Shameless should give nominally right-wing people, i.e. Trump supporters, a dose of reality on how they are viewed by those who formulate and distribute opinions. The baby momma of Lip (Phillip), the oldest of Frank Gallagher’s sons, has an aunt named Oopie. She is the show’s characterization of a Trump supporting, Christian woman. She shows up to help care for Lip’s new baby and is quickly deemed unsuitable for the job because she is “Racist as Fuck.” All of what she says amounts to no more than the standard centrist position of a decade ago. Still, she is lambasted as a weird, scary racist. This is standard operating procedure at this point for left wing media, but it serves as a reminder that these people hate you, even if you are just a normie Trump supporter.
If you find yourself in the unfortunate position of watching one of these shows, at least you can be on the lookout for these narratives and see how the Left views the world. That, in itself, is a show.
– By A. Tennyson

O I’m a good old rebel, now that’s just what I am. For this “fair land of freedom” I do not care at all. I’m glad I fit against it, I only wish we’d won, And I don’t want no pardon for anything I done.
Unfortunately, all media has become propaganda.
The point of these shows and conditioning the next generation is to humiliate.
Goes to show you what Jews think of the Irish.
I come from poor Irish immigrants but am disgusted and thoroughly repulsed by the half of the first episode I watched. They aren’t “hustlers” they are whitetrash degenerates. A true “hustler” would be a dude like Percy Spencer.
American definitely has an informal caste system and these would be the lowest of low, untouchables, pure Shudra. Only shit-for-brains libs would watch this wretched show.