The older I’ve gotten, the more I’ve realized the rigged game that is politics. As such, I have taken a new approach to being “political.” Ultimately, it’s through God. No, I’m not talking about bringing Southern Nationalism to the Church, but by bringing people to Christ. By bringing them to Christ, it can change not only their soul, but their mentality.
The Bible is the only tool we need to support our cause (although, there are many other tools). It’s important to fire up the holy spirit in our fellow Southerners. Over the decades, less and less people have been identifying with any sort of religion, much less going to church. But, are we to blame for this? I believe so.

Evil forces have always been with us since the dawn of time, this is no new revelation. The same forces we fight against, our ancestors and theirs fought against for thousands of years. Our fight is nothing new, but the way we fight it must change.
“Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost his savour, wherewith shall it be salted? it is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men.”
Matthew 5:13, KJV
Recently, while watching a sermon from my favorite pastor, Steven Anderson, he said many of the things I am going to say here.
What is it churches have been doing over the past several decades? In an effort to grow, they changed (many of them) to appeal to the masses. But, therein lies the problem. Changing yourself or institution to appeal to the ungodly will not attract the ungodly to the Church. Statistics have clearly shown this. Preaching the world, instead of the Word, is the road to perdition.
What do you crave out of a particular church? Spiritual growth? Learning about God and the Scripture? How to be a better Christian, man, father and husband? Leading people to the light?
Many crave these. I know I do. In turn, we go “church shopping” only to find some local church preaching watered-down verses, “Jesus is My Boyfriend” theology, or outright ignoring more divisive passages from the Bible. This ends up being a huge turn off because we are seeking God, not the politically correct SJW Marxism we are trying to escape. God’s will is infinite and everything that happens is by His design. That includes the “bad” in our lives; He does punish us for straying from Him and not living as true Christians. So, we have to ask the more important question, “Are we worth God’s blessing?”
No, I don’t believe, as a nation or a people, we are worth His blessing. The reason for this is our failure to keep the sanctity of the Church. While as an individual you may not be responsible for this, our people promote this agenda by making the Church more worldly, secular and “inclusive.” Therefore, the Church is less godly, less holy and less exclusive to its mission. Our churches, and our people, have abandoned the Word of God in an attempt to “grow.”
The simple solution is to let these liberal churches die by their own adherence to the world and their various political dogmas. In addition, we must show our brethren what a true Church is and should look like. A true Church isn’t afraid of offending progressive sensibilities. The only thing that matters is God’s Word. Liberal churches deny (or cherry pick) the Bible for their own satisfaction. Thus, they are ungodly and will eventually face our Lord’s punishment.
God lets them rule over us because, as a nation and a people, we have moved from Him. When we return to Him, He will not let them rule over us because of one important reason – the Bible is, ostensibly, rightwing (if it can even be placed into a political paradigm). It is rightwing because the Word of God is righteousness, it is holiness, it is the fundamental truth of the universe, it is hierarchy, it is the dominion of the Lord over mankind, and it is eternal. It is not of this world or subservient to modern man’s flippancies. It is not the rebellion of man, the destruction of the family, the worship of the self, the religion of neoliberalism or the Civil Rights movement, it is not feminism, it is not an exultation for xenophilia and it is not an inane self-help book.
Why must the miscreants of the Left attack the Church, the Bible, our Lord, and Christianity? Because they know that the more people who are, or become, true Christians, the greater their chances of defeat. They simply cannot have that. The Left is totalitarian authoritarianism, thickly shrouded in a vicious hatred of Western civilization and penchant for “feel good” barbarism. It is also anti-God, anti-nature and anti-man.
God promised this land to us. Thus, the most important thing we can do is saving someone. By bringing someone to Christ, they will change. The Lord commands faith in Him. It is time we, as Southerners, act in our faith once more and save our fellow kin who have wandered down the path of darkness.
God bless you and God bless Dixie.

I have seen three emperors in their nakedness, and the sight was not inspiring.
Amen, brother!!!! I always enjoy your articles here on ID.
For me, the two biggest problems I have with modern Evangelical and Fundamental Baptist churches is the constant adoration of (((God’s chosen people))), and their erroneous belief in the false doctrine of dispensationalism.
Both of these heresies were unheard of in the Christian faith until the mid to late 19th century. Because of the heretic teachings of Darby and Scofield
most of these churches completely ignore/misinterpet Galatians 3:28-29, and cherry pick verses pertaining to the end-times/Rapture.
Pastor Anderson has preached a series of sermons on the book of Revelation, covering every chapter. It is a very in depth and educational study of the end times.
He has also preached various sermons on who the Jews really worship, and were told by Jesus, for good reason, that they were “of the father, who is the devil”.
Pastor Anderson is an old fashioned fire and brimstone preacher who our fellow Southerners desperately need to hear today.
As I’ve said many many times over the last, oh, twenty-five years, “Worldview is Everything,” and a Biblical-Christian Worldview is the only worldview that has even the potentiality of bringing us (over time) back out of the abyss of modern Americanism and the godless immorality that is its overarching objective (and accomplishment).
The PEERs Test is a pretty good place to start if you want hard facts about what kind of worldview your kids are being inculcated in and embracing in the public schools and a lot of so called “Christian” private schools. Philosophy and Methodology of education are of utmost importance, and I cannot stress this enough. Many many times even homeschoolers buy into the false philosophy and methodology of modern American education (this is generally because it is all they know of what “education” means – long established habits and all of that), then add a few scripture verses, wrongly believing this will counterbalance the lack thereof in a public school education. This is wrong-headed as well as wrong-hearted in many cases, when you boil it all down.
Here is a link to begin with on alternative education, PEERs Testing, and of course philosophy and methodology. Not only is “world view everything,” but so is philosophy and methodology of education. Indeed, these are truly the building blocks of a truly alternative education.:
Good article, I’m in full agreement. Maybe instead of mannerbunds we need Bible study groups or even churches.
‘While as an individual you may not be responsible for this, our people promote this agenda by making the Church more worldly, secular and “inclusive.”’
In the Old Testament, when the Israelites turned from God and were punished, the righteous prophets were enslaved or exiled right along with them.