Today, I write to explain myself, for my absences and tardy ways. The delinquency of my thoughts is a mere reflection of bad behavior. I must confess to all my brothers, my sons, my sisters, and our mothers. Waywardness and apathy had crept in and I was ready to recline and rest for awhile.
However, the necessity and the urgency of our cause was awakened, made explicitly apparent, by events in Texas that will force a father to watch his juvenile son be chemically castrated. Then, that man’s son will be medically transitioned into something unnatural. An act that attacks the very Imago Dei of our Heavenly Father. All of this under the jurisdiction of the former great state of Texas. God have mercy!
I must admit that it is always my intention not to hate, an emotion that is normally a waste of energy, but today I hate. I hate with the purest of hatred, one of biblical proportions. As King David would attest, I hate them perfectly.
16 These six things doth the Lord hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him:17 A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood,18 An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief,19 A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren.
Proverbs 6:16-19 King James Version (KJV)16
What a proud look toward heaven the mother, the Judge, and the jurors that voted to continue this atrocity have. God looks from His throne and He hates.

What kind of lying must have taken place to convince, what should be sane people, to deny a father the right to see his son grow to be the man God designed him to be. The God of creation does not take kindly to the destruction of His image among men. God looks down from His throne and He hates.
If this is not an example of shedding innocent blood, the destruction of a life in its childish innocence, then where do we look for a more accurate example? God looks down from His throne and He hates.
Wicked imagination, Lord have mercy. This mother is so deviant, self absorbed, that she manipulated her precious son into believing that he is a girl. God looks down from His throne and hates.
How fast the feet of mischief by the mother and the courts of Texas have run, even denying a second medical examination of the boy to see if this permanent physical and psychological change should be slowed until the boy was of age. God looks down from His throne and He hates.
How much testimony before the court of Texas and, more importantly, the Court of Heaven were fabrications and lies. God looks down from His throne and He hates.
All this being said, my brothers, it is upon us that the last warning belongs. Because our cause is just, and our motivation is pure before our Lord. We must keep the bonds of peace, encourage the bonds of fraternity, and not ever sow discord among our Southern brothers. It is with great peace and expectation, I know we shall rise and make our God and our ancestors proud as our unity grows.
God Save The South! Deo Vindice!
-By Father Dabney

O I’m a good old rebel, now that’s just what I am. For this “fair land of freedom” I do not care at all. I’m glad I fit against it, I only wish we’d won, And I don’t want no pardon for anything I done.
The facts of the case are quite a bit more complicated than you let on in the article, with all due respect. First of all, neither “parent” of this child (and his twin brother) has any kind of biological connection to the boys in question. Indeed, neither of the two has *any* biological children. A good rule of thumb for Christians to follow is to trust the Lord when he has, for his own reasons and in accordance with his infinite wisdom and knowledge, closed up the wombs of certain women, and opens those wombs in his own good time. In this particular case, obviously this woman (Miss Georgulas) is psychologically unfit for motherhood. God of course already knew that about her.
Second, the Texas AG’s office is looking into the case along with child protective services. So I wouldn’t say it’s necessarily a “done deal” just yet. But you’re right that we need to double-down on our efforts to save this little boy from the demonic influences his mother figure is obviously under.
Third, his father figure is a liar who essentially tricked his former wife into marrying him. I personally know of several cases like theirs; they each have very close similarities – essentially it all amounts to a couple of gold diggers meeting up with their “perfect match,” each getting, at the end of the day, what each of them deserve. But not only should these boys not be allowed within a thousand miles of their psychotic “mother,” but they shouldn’t be allowed within a thousand miles of their “father” either. They need to be protected from both of them in other words. The “father” admits that he was dismissed from the Army ‘way back when’ when he admitted to the army that he was homosexual.
This situation is a huge mess! It explifies all that is wrong with the Weimerican Clown World Hell we all live in, and then some! See here, for starters:
Yes indeed, all of your facts and observations are true, and what will transpire in the coming months and years , none can predict.
My sermonette was not meant to be a rehashing of the details of the case.
Why are we here? Why in our nation( Dixie) is this even a case? It is because we have failed our progeny by not standing firm over the last 40 years.
Yes, God is sovereign, and does as He wills, and we are no less responsible for the state of the garden to which He has entrusted us.
We must Retake Everything, so we never see this kind of child abuse again. It will take at least another generation.
Thank you for reading and responding.
Deo Vindice !
Thanks for the reply, Sir. I didn’t mean to come across as overly-critical of your article if that is in fact how my comment above came across; I merely thought it important to bring out a few relevant points for readers who weren’t before aware of them.
The final outcome of this case has broad (very broad) implications for the whole of our society, and could affect many many children in similar circumstances to this little boy, as you rightly estimate. The professional diagnosis she has received from afar of being the actual psychological defective in the “family” is likely correct. This has all happened before, of course. There was a situation in Tulsa Ok. a few years ago very similar to this one, in which a (divorced) “single mom” (rah, rah!) decided that her son was really a girl trapped in a boy’s body when, at three years-old according to the “mother,” the boy began to show strong signs of this in her presence as he’d, according to her story, pull at his genitals exclaiming “Off! Off!” Obviously this woman was and is a lunatic to have come to that conclusion about her son and his actions, assuming he in fact was acting that way in the first place. Shortly following the publication of that story (in the Tulsa World newspaper), the boy began receiving hormone therapy and ultimately underwent sex change surgery (meanwhile his “mother” moved his “boyfriend” into the home with them and oversaw their degenerate sexual relationship). His life has been a complete mess ever since; he has tried to commit suicide several times in the last several years, but has not been successful to date as far as I know. This used to be a problem with such women merely raising their boys to be effeminate and homosexual, but it has advanced far beyond that now, as is perfectly evident by such cases.
The lunatic woman in this current story is of course much more dangerous than the “mother” in the Tulsa, Oklahoma story due in large part to the fact that she is an accredited/licensed pediatrician in the Dallas area. I have no doubts whatsoever that there are literally thousands upon thousands of ‘silly women’ who are also mothers of small children within a “stone’s throw” of her offices that she would love to prey upon in the same way she has done to her son. She should have, and would have in a sane society, her license to practice medicine revoked at once!
As usual ,your comments are insightful, intelligent, and your tenor is agreeable.
You have not offended me, and no ill will was detected .
Thank you.