Climate Change Madness & Morons

I get a kick out of watching the entire climate change hysteria. It’s all so entertaining. That really means something in an era when most of the news is just plain tiresome. Take a bunch of stupid, naïve, and unhinged people and tell them the world is gonna end if they don’t bring civilization to a halt real quick, then turn over the hour glass. Could you come up with a better troll? I find myself in awe.

What’s most intriguing is just how much these idiots can get away with. At one point, they were threatening to shut down Heathrow Airport with drones in order to protest carbon emissions. Imagine making such a declaration to protest the importation of Pakistani rapists? I would give that sort of activist less than 12 hours between his final keystroke and when the first flash bang comes through the window.

Last week brought another hilarious incident as “Extinction Rebellion” rolled a firetruck loaded with 1,800 liters of red liquid in front of the British Treasury building in order to dye the façade red. And……what a shock, they don’t know how to operate a firetruck. They managed to get the hose on, then lost control of it, spraying the entire contents of the truck all over the street and sidewalk as these deranged imbeciles looked on in shock. I almost spit out my coffee. I can’t get enough of this stuff.

Whenever I hear someone make predictions with certainty about something that’s far too complex and opaque to accurately model in its entirety, my bullshit meter goes off immediately. Either they’re delusional morons or they’re being disingenuous for their own personal benefit-“Buy silver coins and freeze dried food from my website, the total economic collapse is imminent, let me assure you fellow patriots!”

In the case of climate change, undermining the dishonest consensus as a scientist is like running for political office on an upfront White Nationalist platform. You wouldn’t even be allowed to start. There’re only a couple holdouts that I’m aware of, but they already had tenure. Still, they get the academic equivalent of what Congress did to Rep. Steve King: Sure you work here, and we can’t get rid of you yet, but you don’t get to work.

The thing that bothers me about people who make predictions for a living is that they’re almost always wrong, but they still get to do it for a living. By contrast, if a pharmacist gets an order wrong, his customer could easily die as a direct result. Losing his job then becomes the least of his problems. Al Gore is wealthier than he was before his Water World prediction failed to drown us all. What economist got fired after 2008?

My advice to an ambitious college grad would be to find a job that involves predicting things for a living according to the prevailing consensus. Just say what you need to say, and right or wrong, you’ll never have to worry about standing in a breadline.

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