North Carolina: Hippie Hellhole & Tar Heel Troubles

To anyone in western North Carolina that possesses a pot-free brain, Asheville is the neverending stain on the region. It’s a complete and total landfill of human waste from all over. It’s a town overrun with Californians, Yankees, and our own tie-dyed degenerates run rampant through its streets. Unfortunately, the good-hearted people of the surrounding area have to sadly pass through it to do their shopping and work.

For what it’s worth, Asheville is actually a beautiful place, nestled in the midst of some of the highest mountains in the Appalachians, with old-styled homes and the beautiful Biltmore estate nearby. Urban sprawl has also been kept to a minimum thanks to the low population, preserving much of the woods surrounding the city. However, the same cannot be said for the inhabitants of this city – smelly hippie transplants of ill repute. How many carpetbaggers are in Asheville? I do not know. However, I do know that what isn’t a mentally disturbed carpetbagger or displaced Latino is most likely some reprobate.

Anyhow, Asheville’s typical, shitlib self-righteousness was revealed in an article from a few months ago. In it the writers harangue North Carolina for merely undergoing integration. Now, we must have inclusion and equity. Yes, the Left is back to using three-syllable words to criticise the natural order of things, not that they ever stopped. Perhaps inequality exists because humans are inherently unequal? The thought never entered their minds.

Here’s a snippet from the linked article:

Many public schools subscribe to the values of diversity, equity and social justice. This is rightly so, as we are in crisis mode with opportunity gaps, discipline gaps, teacher diversity gaps, and performance gaps between teachers.  Addressing these gaps requires not only valuing equity in words, but taking the steps to dismantle the structures that continue to preserve very real inequities –particularly racial inequities – in our schools…

Whereas physical integration has occurred within our school buildings, the psychosocial systems of our schools remain stuck in that integrationist mindset. Our school system and others across the country have been slow to progress to an inclusive mindset – one that includes a culture and curriculum that reflect all the demographics in the classroom and one that includes systemic reform with changes in structures and practices (methods, approaches and strategies). We must aspire to true inclusivity with all its complexities.

Sounds like something out of Nineteen Eighty-Four, right? Only a delusional lunatic could decipher that passage and agree it’s sound policy. I don’t think the writers understand “words.”

North Carolina seemingly doesn’t do enough to police its citizens thoughts. Nor does it do enough to promote “minority rights” and look out for everyone, but the majority. It seems that simply allowing for affirmative action and welfare (redistribution) is not enough and never has been. What these Asheville urbanites, and urbanites in general, desire is the total displacement of Heritage America for the cost of slightly elevating minorities.

The truth is North Carolina doesn’t do enough to squash this diversity agenda. This state shamefully surrendered to the Federal government’s will in the Second Reconstruction in just a few years, whereas honorable Alabama and other Deep South states held true to their convictions and stood for their beliefs. Why should my children be forced to submit and expose themselves to the horrid cultures that surround us? Why should we have to be so inclusive (really just anti-white)? Is it not our First Amendment right to be exclusive, whether or not that be “good” or “bad”?

North Carolina has bent her knee for too long. Instead of promoting reverse racism, North Carolina should rekindle her Southern roots and stand for her people. This doesn’t and never has meant the oppression of our Black cohabitants, it just means that the majority will be cared for, instead of forgotten as many leftists would have.

Instead of tackling traffic issues, ensuring unqualified minorities get into cushy sinecures and providing new job opportunities for more Yankee transplants to dilute the culture, North Carolina should be pushing back against her own decline. We should be standing for the unborn, for the working man and the disenfranchised Southern middle-class. We should be tackling illegal immigration and the opioid crisis that has led to one of the worst situations in the nation.

As our own people get demographically replaced and poisoned by opioids, the bleeding heart liberals are more concerned about abstract bullshit like inequality, inequity, inclusion and sensitivity. Nero fiddled while Rome burned. Enough with this recklessly fanatic “inclusive” Asheville attitude.

This is not what North Carolina stands for, and why should it?


  1. I personally know a great honorable white family who were doxxed by these scum out of Asheville. We know that the Asheville-Antiracism is based out of Firestorm Books and is run by Mary Beth Storm, whose parents and grandparents are wealthy country club Trump supporters.

  2. I read these types of articles here all the time and I am sure every one of us sees this in their own states on a daily basis, its not like this has not always been happening, lack of mobility hampered it at first, but its at break neck speeds for the past 50 years now, its not new. What I however never read or hear about is how to stop it, retain our identity while its happening, any reasonable or actionable ideas to one day kick them out and a path to stopping people from moving here, through borders that are forced to be open by an oppressive invader, and then claiming by the power of some kind magic dirt to now be a Southerner that we must listen to as an equal. I hear much talk about uniting the tribes here, but what tribes, who is doing it and where do I sign up? We are so disjointed and unorganized, for instance if you are still voting democrat or a thin blue line fudd boomer, then maybe we keep your family on the list of “tribes”, but I sure as hell am not interested in your opinions and will never support anything they are doing. Even their efforts that would seem to help us, would undoubtedly be efforts of subversion disguised as leadership, Judas goats all. I would also not want to include cops, judges, bureaucrats etc. due to the fact that if you are filling those roles in this day and age you are unequivocally an enemy of all free people and I do not consider you a brother of mine. So, while your article is correct and important in reguards to keeping tabs on the progress of the horde, what good does it do us to only ever talk about it happening without talking about solutions in the same breath? Are we ever going to organize? When? Whats it look like? Where do I sign up? Who else will be there, just boomers and FBI agents? I am not joking, what are we doing about our replacement? Is anybody keeping track of who we are and who the are invaders? Can someone tell me where I need to go or who I should be talking to? Anybody?

    1. Well said Michael. Things are even worse here in Virginia. Hordes of worthless neo-commie skum from new york and joisey move to the Old Dominion so they can work in dee cee. They work in dee cee but decline to live there because dee cee is a liberal created hell-hole of leftist policy nirvana dreams. The tryranical federal gov’mint there is mimiced by the local dee cee politicians which are as criminal as the crack-selling thugsta downtown. They’re just peddling different kinds of “dope”. So, the aforementioned hordes opt to live in Virginia where their taxes are less, the crime rate is FAR lower, and things are better all around. The problem is that these “come here’s” get to vote if they had a Virginia mailing address. So, of course they vote for hyper liberal politicians and policy wonks. So we get the “black-face” governor lecturing us about race relations and his equally vapid lt. governor and evil politicians attempting to have a special session to eradicate gun owner’s rights in VA. With the VA state police siding with the bused-in-protestors for hire it was a bad situation. This once great state is over run by minority yutes raping/robbing/gang banging etc.

      So I speak out. Try to help. But I’m a nobody and can’t get anybody interested in organizing and standing up for our selves, our families, our grandchildren, our heritage. Everybody is more worried about their team winning the game this weekend or trying to get that skank at the sports bar to meet them at the cheap motel before they go home to their hallmark channel addict wife and freak kids. It all makes me want to be a hermit in the mountains. Nobody wants to preserve and defend the constitution. It is so sad…………………

    2. Agreed completely. I have written a few articles on this subject before, but they have either been deleted or archived by ID or myself. I’ll work on getting them back up somewhere. In short, we have no legislative power, no collective power that is easily organizable. But, we do have our individual powers, which are enough seeing as how most Southerners agree with us, at least to a degree. Absent of actual collective action, as individuals we must unite with and recognize who are our brothers and sisters. We need to realize we are a distinct group with a distinct history and unique interests. Self-segregation from Northerners and reprobates is just one step.

  3. I have family in Asheville and they have long affirmed it to be a cesspool. Full of hippie freaks. The historic local population going back generations in the area are getting pushed out both by living expenses and by the freak show.

  4. Asheville has been ruined by 40 years of Democrat rule. Over 90 percent of the crime in this country happens in cities ruled by Democrats for the past 50 years. Democrats do their best to stifle business. They like their slaves unemployed and living on the plantations.

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