Red Flag Laws: Protect Yourself

When it comes to gun confiscation, usually you’ll hear one of three attitudes on the Right about what people “would do” should it happen to them. The first is the ever-popular Rambo style “I’ll stand my ground.” The next is, “They’ll never come for me” attitude. The third and final option is the defeatist, “They’re way too powerful to resist.” If I had to pick one that I lean toward, I’d say the second is closest to what I consider the truth. Here’s why.

I have some good first hand experience with the topic. When I was a teenager, “They” came for my guns. My father had done a string of very stupid things and a government agency felt the need to extend their budget a little further for some good publicity and my door being kicked in was the result. From my experience, the first attitude is an implausible one. Had I known it was coming (there was no way I would have), everyone in my house could have gone the way of Bob Matthews.

Ultimately, what good would that have done? I’m not known by many, so my life would be just a blip on a statistics list. I definitely wouldn’t be able to write about this to you now. I would be dead – and that would be the end of my story. No family, no home, no children, and no nothing. And, that is the reality of the “Rambo” approach. You won’t be some martyr for the New American Revolution. You’ll be dead and life will move on uninterrupted without you.

The third approach, “They’re too powerful to resist,” is certainly true when it comes to the methods used in these raids. When a police force decides to enter your home and subdue you, they have tactics, weapons, and a variety of tools at their disposal by which to bring you into compliance. They roll up fast and in large numbers before daybreak, when you’ve been observed to not be awake yet. They break down your door, throw in flashbangs to disorient you and rush in with bullhorns and rifles to intimidate you into lying down. It works.

Very few people are capable of putting up any fight when they are woken up like that and face superior numbers. However, with the right preparation, you can still defend yourself after the raid. The thing about our government is that the police force is only the thug-wing of an elaborate “legal” system that operates on pilpul to keep subdued those the police force has already broken. This is why you need to have access to a lawyer that can navigate those waters. With a good lawyer, the legal system can be leveraged to mitigate the damage done and make the outcome much more favorable for you in the long run. Although you won’t win completely (chances are you’ll be bankrupted at the least), the complexity of the system demands flexibility, and your lawyer can work within that system. A good lawyer is the reason I won back my guns and still have them today.

The only real answer to the red flag question is to take steps to not let it happen in the first place. This begins at home. Are your firearms properly secured in a safe, if you have children or guests over? Do you use them in a safe manner that doesn’t spook timid people? Are you reckless with your firearm safety (you shouldn’t be)? You need to answer these questions and ensure safety is a priority within your home – and, people know it’s genuine.

From there your protection expands to your community. If you’re not a respected member of your community, you can bet your ass that they won’t come to your aid. How will they describe you on the evening news? Will it be, “I don’t know why they came for him. He never did anything wrong”? Or, will it be, “I always knew that guy was off his rocker”? A bedrock of community support will go a long way in breaking down the narrative of the lone wolf gun nut that needs to be disarmed. Your mantra, with respect to red flag laws, should be, “I won’t let it happen to me.”

Your defense against this kind of tyranny isn’t easy. The cards are stacked against you. But, with the correct proactive steps now, you will be in a much better position later. Let’s hope it doesn’t come down to that, but the world we live in requires vigilance and foresight.

Don’t let the inaction of good men become your boon later down the road.


  1. One of these days, we’re going to wake up and find out that the government in Washington is no longer there. Which is why the best hope we have, is that the state governments remain intact.

    However, that day is a long way off, and maybe not even within our own lifetimes. It takes a long time for empires to die.

    Predicting the future is difficult at best. But I don’t believe that there’ll be a “United States” come January 1st, 2100.

    1. I don’t believe it will happen in our lifetimes, at least not in mine, and I doubt it will happen in my childrens’ lifetimes. But you’re right; the United States will eventually destroy itself, and I agree that it likely won’t survive the rest of this century. In any case, when it finally comes crashing into reality and meets its well-earned fate, as long as the South and my people survive and can build a legitimate nation on its ruins,…

      I don’t know where I’ll be, Rock, but I’ll know about it and I’ll be happy!

    2. The United States has not exsisted since the day we seceded. We have kept it on life support and failed attempts at reconciliation while they have never stopped trying to destroy us. There is no United States, accept the fact that you live under the oppressive rule of hostile invaders hell bent on your destruction, because that is the absolute truth. They are flooding our beloved home with every type of invader and carpetbagger in an attempt to replace us in our own homes. Had our ancestors not forgotten and not been so foolish as to believe that they could somehow make peace with vile people who will never leave us in peace and remove their troops from our land, then we would not be in such miserable shape right now. We would not be starting from scratch as we currently are. There is no United States and you are being genocided, conduct yourself accordingly, no matter how tempting it may be to delude yourself.

  2. We are doomed. We should be talking about how to undue the unconstitutional laws that have already been passed. Instead we are discussing the ways that us and our families may not be blown to pieces when troops are entering our homes. Let me tell you, the odds of you making it out alive go down every day, soon you and your familes murder will not even make it on the fake news that night. Soon they will no longer need pretenses, they barely do now. This is just the beginning. Getting on your knees and complying seems like great advice, begging them not to pull the trigger on the rifle pointed at your wife’s head seems like reasonable. Very soon you will discover that they dont care either way and your begging before they pull the trigger on her is excatly the feeling they were after when they joined the police force in the first place. I see these posts after every acceptance of our new chains and just like them this post will be outdated by the time the next chain is lowered. I know you want to help, but most people cannot afford any lawyers, much less a good one, or have any idea where to find such a person. Most people barely can afford to exsist, much less afford the time and money it takes to be a “pillar of the community”. Your heart is in the right place, but you are dealing with the heartless. By all means survive, but if you are surviving without the intention of fighting, then it will have been for nothing. Just my opinion.

  3. A bit of a tangent, but have you noticed that Matthews, Weaver, the Branch Dividians, all the white separatists taken down by government chose fixed, rural locations while Dorner stayed mobile in the city; they didn’t find him til he went to a rural area. Might be worth considering in any future shenanigans that might come our way.

    Mods, if this comment is too close to fed posting don’t hesitate to shut it down!

    1. I don’t believe that Mad Max is either inevitable or axiomatic, when the U.S. government finally vanishes. I believe that we, the Southern People, in control of our own state governments, can maintain our Civilisation intact, when the rest are collapsing.

      However, in order for this to happen, I think that the Southern People need to return to that ancient notion that they have the same legal and political rights as Yankees. And thst the Yankees are neither the rightful and sole rulers of the so-called United States, nor are they entitled to superior rights, privileges and authority in the Union, over and above the rest of us.
      Above all, we haf to get rid of our worthless cuck and scalawag politicians at the state and federal level, and replace them with individuals who will fight for their states and the South collectively, the way that their Northern counterparts have always done. In other words, replace them with Southern Nationalists. And replace the Democratic and Republican parties with a Southern Nationalist party.
      It’s also time that we became politically selfish and self centered, like our Northern opponents, and stopped giving unselfishly to this federation that the Northern people do not understand, cannot conceive of, nor even sincerely believe in, except as a political expediency for advancing their own interests.
      We have to give up the notion that we can’t control our destiny as a nation and people. Or that collapse is unavoidable.

  4. The Plan to disarm Americans is a slow “Death by a Thousand Cuts”.

    With social media deplatforming we have already established that private corporations can violate the constitutional rights of Americans with wild abandon, and Conservatives will allow it under the pretense of “muh Free Market!”.

    When Geico and State Farm begin denying homeowner insurance coverage to anyone with “military-style weapons” in their house, Conservatives will grimace and mumble “I guess it’s muh free market”, and comply to get those better rates.

    Over the course of 10 years the standard insurance policies slowly begin to include semi-autos and handguns. “Conservatives” born after 2001 will again grimace and comply.

    This is how Marxism took our Universities, Academia, Media, and Courts.

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