Don’t Talk to the Media, Ever

Out of all the most rancid, vile and blasphemous organizations out there, the mainstream media (MSM) probably tops the list. Never before in history has such an irrelevant sector been so drunk on power and influence. The power they wield is disproportionate to their relevance and it’s high time something was done about it.

Narrative control – the most powerful weapon any one man or institution can wield. More powerful than a gun, more powerful than blackmail and even more powerful than nuclear weapons.

Narrative control gives you control over the population and the country via indirect and even direct influence in politics. Opposition candidates can be discredited, influencing their chances in polls – even if it is later revealed to be lies. Candidates can effectively be shadow banned by either marginalization or completely denied any coverage, thus making them a non-threat.

Yes, the MSM is possibly the most destructive weapon ever invented. I don’t consider that hyperbole. I’m positive based off many readings of the Founding Fathers that they could have never imagined that our media would become so powerful that they could directly control the course of the country and bypass the entire point of having a republic in the first place. Back in those days, the media was the newspaper and there were lots of them for each town and city. There were no national organizations back then peddling “fake news” or so invasive that they had crept into every corner of our lives.

When you throw money into the equation, the power of the MSM increases even more to the point of direct conflicts of interest, such as advocating for leftist policies, while simultaneously providing political donations to the DNC. And, with our dumbed-down citizenry, the MSM is just another arm of the DNC peddling their talking points and advancing leftists’ causes. Many normies believe anything they say – after all, it’s on the television or their smartphone.

Their snake-like silver tongues would make the devil himself blush with envy and Judas dance in glee. Their ability to twist words, alter narratives and fabricate entire situations to their benefit is arguably the most alarming thing we have to deal with as right-wing dissenters. They will hunt down private citizens that mock them in childish memes. Stalin would be proud of their tenacity to the cause.

The MSM thrives off disinformation and information control.

This is why a free internet is such a threat. It is why they try to shut down app’s like dissenter and bully private entities to shut down and ban any sort of narrative which is a direct threat to them. It is why they shut down your Facebook groups, your favorite Twitter personalities and deplatform you (like us). The truth, free speech and unregulated internet is a major threat to the media and their Cheka. And, they will continue to work the tech oligarchs to ensure that they remain in power and the people aren’t exposed to “new” ideas (think free discussion and speech).

This is why you must never speak with the media. Anything you give them will be chopped up, spliced and cherry picked. Something completely innocent can be turned into something sinister. Then it will be replayed over and over until it is cemented in the public mind, even if it is a lie. After all, the truth doesn’t matter anymore according to them, unless that truth is their truth or a benefit to them. Tell a lie often enough and it will become the truth, as is said.

Equally as such, anything that comes out from them cannot and should not ever be trusted. Even if it’s “live.” That last statement may sound preposterous at first glance, however when you take into account “live commentary” and video feed delays – they can “shut it down” if they loose control of the narrative. Then, when they do shut it down, they report on it after the fact when they have all the pieces to arrange how they desire to paint the picture.

So, the golden rule is: say nothing. When I was a fresh young analyst, one of the first things I was taught was never confirm your enemy’s intelligence. You give the MSM nothing to work with because that is how they survive, through information. You take the information away, you take their power away.

I don’t care if some reporter asks you something as simple as, “What time is it?” Say nothing. To alter a quote from The Departed, “My theory on *journalists* is that they’re like mushrooms, feed ’em shit and keep ’em in the dark.

God bless you and God bless Dixie.

One comment

  1. Speaking of disproportionate power and influence, who owns the MSM? I won’t name names, but it rhymes with (fake) news. ha, ha.

    You wrote:

    I’m positive based off many readings of the Founding Fathers that they could have never imagined that our media would become so powerful that they could directly control the course of the country and bypass the entire point of having a republic in the first place.

    Well, I don’t know about all that. I think a number of the leading founders understood the power of the press and its ability to steer the course of the ship of state in whatever direction it wished. Indeed, read the article I link to below for a very good example of what I mean. Franklin laments that he can think of no remedy to the situation that would not violate the “sacred principle” of the freedom of the press. The only one I can think of that even halfway controlled its excesses was the federal principle, which was of course destroyed by the “Union” in the WBTS. But anyway, that’s probably more than I’d care to get into at the moment. Here is the link I promised:

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