Myth of the 20th Century: Fire Upon the Deep – Speculative Fiction and the Sci-Fi Universe

Fiction writers today have a plethora of options for getting their stories out, from e-books to streaming video to old fashioned print. But the challenge of capturing people’s imagination, in addition to slipping through the ever-tightening electronic net in an age of censorship has made the task of right-leaning authors all the more difficult in the modern era. Tonight we are joined by our good friend Ethnarch for a special ‘After Dark’ episode to talk about the speculative fiction, sci-fi and fantasy genres and the importance they bear on the broader front of the culture war.

— Brought to you by —

Very special guest Ethnarch @ethnarch_

The Myth of the 20th Century – Episode 128 – Fire Upon the Deep – Speculative Fiction and the Sci-Fi Universe

— References —

– One Thousand and One Nights
– Tale of Genji, Shikibu (1021)
– Inferno, Alighieri (1300)
– Utopia, More (1516)
– New Atlantis, Sir Francis Bacon (1627)
– Frankenstein, Shelley (1818)
– Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court, Twain (1889)
– A Princess of Mars, Burroughs (1912)
– A True Story, Lucian of Samosata (1913)
– The King of Elfland’s Daughter, Dunsany (1924)
– The Call of Cthulhu, Lovecraft (1926)
– The Worker, Junger (1932)
– 1984, Orwell (1949)
– I, Robot, Asimov (1950)
– Foundation Series, Asimov (1951)
– The Phenomenon of Man, Teilhard de Chardin (1955)
– Glass Bees, Junger (1957)
– The Once and Future King, White (1958)
– Solaris, Lem (1961)
– Solaris, Lem (1961)
– Man in the High Castle, Dick (1962)
– Dune, Herbert (1965)
– The Moon is a Harsh Mistress, Heinlein (1966)
– Star Trek, Roddenberry (1966)
– The Lord of the Rings, Tolkein (1968)
– Planet of the Apes, Schaffner (1968)
– 2001: A Space Odyssey, Clarke and Kubrick (1968)
– Silent Running, Trumbull (1972)
– CoDominium Series, Pournelle (1973)
– Dark Star, Carpenter (1974)
– The Mote in God’s Eye, Niven and Pournelle (1974)
– Bicentennial Man, Asimov (1976)
– Radio Free Albemuth, Dick (1976)
– Advanced Dungeons and Dragons, TSR (1977)
– A Scanner Darkly, Dick (1977)
– Alien, Scott (1979)
– Stalker, Tarkovsky (1979)
– Outland, Hyams (1981)
– The Thing, Carpenter (1982)
– Blade Runner, Scott (1982)
– Neuromancer, Gibson (1984)
– Aliens, Cameron (1986)
– Fiasco, Lem (1986)
– Robocop, Verhooven (1987)
– Warhammer 40,000, Priestley (1987)
– Quantum Leap, Bellisario (1989)
– Hyperion, Simmons (1989)
– Star Trek: The Next Generation Technical Manual, Okuda and Sternbach (1991)
– Dinotopia, Gurney (1992)
– A Fire Upon the Deep, Vinge (1992)
– Babylon 5, Straczynski (1993)
– The Gripping Hand, Niven and Pournelle (1993)
– Screamers, Duguay (1995)
– Star Trek: First Contact, Frakes (1996)
– A Deepness in the Sky, Vinge (1999)
– Everquest, Sony Online (1999)
– Red vs Blue, Rooster Teeth (2003)
– Battlestar Galactica, Moore (2004)
– Pandemonium, Gregory (2008)
– Watchmen, Snyder (2009)
– Ready Player One, Cline (2011)
– Looper, Johnson (2012)
– Prometheus, Scott (2012)
– Soda Pop Soldier, Cole (2014)
– The Edge of Tomorrow, Liman (2014)
– Galaxy’s Edge, Anspach and Cole (2017)
– Alien: Covenant, Scott (2017)
– Blade Runner 2049, Villeneuve (2017)
– Dark, Odar and Freise (2017)
– Vox Popoli –
– James LaFond –