To black people, humanity is a story in which they play the permanent protagonists. Studies have shown that they have
Tag: Shackleford Humor
The Utility of a Tune
I’ve never been the kind of man who thinks he can sing a song to solve a problem. Then again,
An Incoherent Plot
At this late stage, what’s amusing is the inability of the establishment to generate good headlines. Instead of going to
Honesty is a Flame Retardant
Studies have shown that blacks have the highest self esteem of any race. That’s all well and good. But, we
Heatin’ Up in Hotlanta
A lack of imagination and skill constrain violence in America far more than conscience and consequences. The embattled city of
Like Taking Candy from a Baby
I’m a man who notices things, but I wouldn’t describe myself as a hero. In Weimerica, expediency is the best
The Best They’ve Got
American politics are a theater put on to provide the illusion of choice for a system directed by a transnational
When the World Needs a Hero, Some Men Don’t Wait
A human asteroid belt devoid of agency drifts aimlessly around America. Just as gravity places no burden on floating rocks,
An International Romance
Scrupulous journalism is also simple. For example, here’s how I’d summarize the relevant facts of an incident that transpired in
The World’s Most Dangerous Animals
This past weekend, I participated in a SWPL fitness event that involved running off-road in mildly hot weather. I passed