Warning: Contrarian article ahead.

Southern Nationalism
Warning: Contrarian article ahead.
In Part II I mentioned that I had not anticipated the governor’s office insinuating itself into the situation. However, I
Beginning where we left off in Part I, I offer this second part without further ado. In the days and
The following consists, in part, of a body of anecdotal evidence that is altogether true and can be corroborated by
Dissident: Dissent Against What, Exactly? We throw around the term ‘dissident’ a lot. But what do we mean when we
I keep seeing posts related to the “Democrat” leadership of Los Angeles and California. The complaints are predictable. Effectively, they
How many things are blood and soil? Soil doesn’t mean your people or a specific territory. It’s the cultivation of
Southern Nationalists have an obligation to defend the truth. It is the primary frontline of the war for self-preservation and
Modernity: Folly, Insanity, And Decadence The world is preoccupied with ungodly animalistic joys. But especially the Western World. Our entire foundation
Identity Dixie recently published parts one and two of guest contributor, Jeb Smith’s, excellent several-parts-long essay apparently aimed at dispelling