One speech I shall never forget was delivered by Judge John H. Rogers. In it … he spoke as one

Southern Nationalism
One speech I shall never forget was delivered by Judge John H. Rogers. In it … he spoke as one
I hope it may never be said of the South that she has ceased to appreciate the sacrifices of her
(Note to Readers: Links to parts I and II of this series are embedded in part III, here. In this
(Note to readers: Parts I and II of Judge Rogers’s speech may be read here, and here. In part III
(Note to readers: As previously stated, the length of Judge Rogers’s 1903 oration at New Orleans requires that it be
(Note to Readers: In observance of Confederate History Month, 2024, we begin with a brief career and character sketch of
On February 1st, 1861, the Texas Secession Convention met in Austin and voted 166-7 in favor of leaving the Union.
I count the number of entries on my Confederate Calendar for January to exceed the number of days in the