There are many phrases that get tossed out in the Dissident Right and many proper nouns that are mentioned and
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The Myth of American Culture
Among the American Right, there has been a relatively recent longing for a return to a perceived “American culture” that
Jim Jatras on the Dissident Mama Podcast
Originally published January, 21, 2022, at Dissident Mama. Jim Jatras is a retired Washington, DC-based attorney, political analyst, and media
Masks are the New Security Blanket
We have reached a time in society where you can figure out someone’s political beliefs by simple visual cues. One
Defined By What We Love
One overarching issue the Dissident Right must work on is being defined by what we support, by what we love,
Dixie and Free Trade
I used to be a free trader. I hated taxes, even before actually paying any, and it’s pretty clear that
Putting the Genie Back in the Bottle
There has been an interesting development over the past year. It appears as if the Establishment has been turning against
Myth of the 20th Century: 2021 – Year in Review
In terms of sheer drama and trauma, few years in recent memory compare to 2020, with the CoViD scare and
Lyin’ Atlanta, Part 2
Originally published October 7, 2021, at Dissident Mama. War is “by nature revolutionary in its impact upon a people. Its
The Best Storytellers are Southern
The South produces the best storytellers this side of the Atlantic. What makes Southerners the best storytellers though? What is