The Jussie Smollett hoax is an illustration of how blacks believe what they see on television. A few years of
Author: Tom Shackleford
Affirmative Artistry
It’s long been a Hollywood trope to take something White and then make a ghetto black version of it. Whenever
The Silver Bullet Villain Next Door
The most bizarre paradox of our times is that as the script becomes ever more sinister, the villains according to
A Cruel and Empty World
I recently purchased a hardcover titled What Would The World Be Without Black People? While this is an ugly sentiment
The COVID Gulag: People and Possibilities
Getting vanned and thrown into a COVID gulag is incredibly boring because you’re stuck in a room by yourself with
Urban Maurauders
Editorial Team Note: The following short article is dark humor and is not intended to encourage urban teens, who likely
Numbers for Narratives
We’re expected to accept the imposition of insane policies that are existentially dangerous while simultaneously taking comfort in the fact
Scientific Salvation
40 year olds can keel over and die, but this generally doesn’t happen. When I found out this was the
Brick and Mortar Racism
If someone paid me to “create space, policy, and practices that support the inclusion and retention of Black, Indigenous, and
If I Want To Be Free, I’ve Gotta Be Me
Going native is a tradition for White people. Historical examples quickly come to mind from stranded Spaniards in the New