I was recently at a SWPL social gathering. Our friends had returned from a vacation in North Carolina, where they’d
Author: Tom Shackleford
Our Last November?
We’re entering the most dangerous phase of the conflict in Ukraine. The probability of an escalation will increase each day
The Right to Exist
Recognizing the right of another country to exist is acknowledged as a cornerstone of our rules-based international order. However, no
Gentle, Like an Armed Robbery
In the realm of public discourse, black people need professional representation. Putting them on television to make their own case
Switching to Target #2
In 2008, I tagged along on a tour by a U.S. Army delegation to Kinmen Island. It’s been held by
My Kingdom for a Horse? Or is it Worse?
To put it mildly, the behavior of the Biden Administration is curious. The current showdown was set up decades before
Morality & Math
Lemme give you a smattering of typical local news quotes. Please imagine the lines being read in non-regional diction and
Defending the Possibilities of Democracy
American democracy is a light unto the world. It’s how we got ourselves a senile president who molests young girls
Cutting Through the Confusion
I’m not a theological expert but in case you haven’t noticed, we live in a civilization hijacked by an ethno-religious
Trust the Experts!
The disparity between America’s global aggression and the local capabilities of its primary targets, Russia and China, is so alarming