I wrote about the Confederate Home of Ardmore, Oklahoma back in October of last year, with full intention of revisiting
Author: T. Morris
The Making and Restoring of Masterpieces
Disclaimer: It has never been “my thing” to write Book or Movie reviews, nor am I especially inclined to make
Practical Help for Young Parents and Homeschoolers, cont.
When I got out of the Air Force and returned to Oklahoma, I went straight to work in construction for
Confessions of a Public Schooled Homeschooler, Part I
Homeschooling our children was not my idea to begin with. Nevertheless, none of my kids have ever darkened the door
What Are You NOT Doing in Educating Your Kids? – A Personal Anecdote
A few years back, my father was diagnosed with terminal brain cancer pending a biopsy report to confirm the fact.
How to Properly Shape the Mind and Character of a Child – An Analogy
Noah Webster once wrote that he considered the education of youth a vocation of more consequence than the making of
Modern Insane Asylums in Clown World Hell
One notable thing about the bizarro Clown World we all live in is that it never ceases to amaze even