Readers of the first part of the 1871 essay continued below, will readily recall that our able author, Commodore Matthew
Author: T. Morris
On Reading, Writing, and Comprehension
The following lines were copied from the “bio” section on the member page of a Find a Grave (FaG) contributor
Confederate History Month – Part I
April is Confederate History Month. As such, it is incumbent upon us at this site, in recognition and reverent observance
Bowditch, Dabney, and Developing Critical Thinking Skills
My 12 year-old son and his 10 year-old sister and I are currently reading Carry On Mr. Bowditch, by Jean
Can a Parrot be a Political Leftie?
I have it on good authority (mine) that parrots can, in fact, be political lefties. I’ll explain as briefly as
Terry’s Top Ten: You are Probably an American Communist
I draw my inspiration for this item mostly from two famous comedic American greats who might be probably are American
Why a Basic Understanding of Geographical Principles is a Vital National Security Interest
In a comment to one of Prof. Smith’s recent Orthosphere articles, I wrote the following: Back in the mid-’90s I
Keeping Time to the Song of the Shirt
Author’s Note: The item below is Chapter 17 of the book I originally wrote for my children and grandchildren titled,
If You are Christian, You are Commanded to Honor Your Father(s) and Mother(s)
He is a stupid educator who does not know that a boy ashamed of his father will be a base
Footnote to the “Belle Boyd” Article – Wiki-Dumb Edition
The first edition of this two-part essay was written with a two-fold purpose in mind – namely, (1) the introduction