Our side of the great divide has been awash in tittering glee about the “fall” of Afghanistan. Some will argue

Southern Nationalism
Our side of the great divide has been awash in tittering glee about the “fall” of Afghanistan. Some will argue
Biden’s withdrawal from Afghanistan has gone precisely as one might expect. The Afghan army collapsed instantaneously, making way for the
National strategy documents are similar to Executive Orders (EO) in that they are not (supposed to be) royal decrees. Theoretically,
Candace Owens is a household name amongst those anywhere to the political right of center. Her staunchly mainstream conservative talking
Loudoun County, Virginia is one of the wealthiest counties in America due to its proximity to the Imperial Capital. One
By now you have probably seen the U.S. Army’s new recruiting commercial. For those who haven’t, it is a cartoon
Why a Nerd in Europe and a Boomer in Maryland are Spiking Gas
The Third Rail of Southern Discourse
Champion of the working class and multimillionaire Liz Warren has been instructed by her owners to wade into the current
There was a time when Americans had a thing called “freedom of speech.” This meant that people could say things