Leviticus contains some of the most fascinating details about the laws, feasts, and rituals in the Old Testament. If you
Author: Kaisar
The Cost of the Intelligentsia
Thomas Sowell wrote the following regarding “intellectuals” (whom I refer to as the intelligentsia): What have the intellectuals actually done for
Blanquism: The Theory that Conquered the United States
Louis Auguste Blanqui developed what is now known as “Blanquism.” It is the strategy that conquered the United States. It
No Enemies On The Right
The Worthy House, and Charles Haywood in particular, published an excellent article about a month ago that I have been
The “America is an Idea” Folks are Back
People like Ben Shapiro and Dennis Prager are really hammering the “America is an idea” theory lie lately. Likely due to the war in Israel. This is the
Enjoy The Good Times While You Can
Not to be all doom and gloom here, but some of you need to hear this. The 1950s to the
What They’ve Done to the Young
A Conversation with a Millennial
The Radical Christian Degeneration of the 1800s
Yesterday, I penned an article titled: “The Fall of Christendom and the Great Lie of the Enlightenment.” The main purpose of
The Cost of Being a Coward Has Never Been Higher
In economics, we often perform cost-benefit analysis to determine a logical pathway forward. It’s a fairly simple process for economic
Poetic Irony: A. Mitchell Palmer and the FBI
After World War 1, the first “Red Scare” happened. It wasn’t quite as intense as the McCarthy era, but it