“If centralism is ultimately to prevail; if our entire system of free Institutions as established by our common ancestors is
Author: Jeb Smith
Jeb Smith is the author of four books, the most recent being Missing Monarchy: Correcting Misconceptions About The Middle Ages, Medieval Kingship, Democracy, And Liberty. Before that, he published The Road Goes Ever On and On: A New Perspective on J. R. R. Tolkien and Middle-earth and also authored Defending Dixie's Land: What Every American Should Know About The South And The Civil War, written under the name Isaac C. Bishop. Smith has authored dozens of articles in various publications, including History is Now Magazine, The Postil Magazine, Medieval History, Medieval Magazine, and Fellowship & Fairydust and featured on various podcasts including The Lepanto Institute.
The Medieval King: Powerful or Pitiful?
As has been covered elsewhere,[1] the Medieval king, as opposed to the monarchs who emerged during the 14th century and
Secular Religions
“Fundamentally, the western Christian church lost its attempt to control civil society. In justice as well as government, secular authority
Can Conservativism be Maintained in a Democracy?
American conservative media pundits argue that in order to restore liberty and conservative ideas: all the citizens need to do
Confederates and Yankees in Middle-earth
Two areas I have studied that have fascinated me are the Old South and author J.R.R. Tolkien and his creation
Implementing Monarchy Today
When I speak with patriotic Republicans who genuinely believe America is a free country, I list and compare the freedoms