
We are Identity Dixie.

We are the true Sons of the South, bound by a shared history and culture and united by a common vision.

We are sons of Albion. Our ancestors hail from the British Isles. They were Celts, Britons, Gaels, Anglo-Saxons, and Normans. While we share this genetic heritage with the greater English-speaking world, we do not deny our Old-World roots, as they constitute an important part of our Southern identity.

We are the sons of English colonists and Southern frontiersmen, settlers, and farmers. Our ancestors were a brave, noble, and hard-working people. We maintain our connection to the land, our land, as vital and sacred.

We are men of truth, courage and conviction and will vigorously defend the honor of our people and the sacrifices made by our ancestors who defended their homes and families against invading foreign armies.

We reject the grand hypocrisies of the American Empire. We affirm, with sobriety, the ongoing tyranny of the Federal Government. Our land is under military occupation and our people suffer from economic exploitation and cultural genocide.

We deny that nations are ideological constructs of intangible ideas such as liberty or capitalism. We affirm that nations are comprised of peoples, ethnically and culturally distinct from one another. We reject the farce of multiculturalism and the nonsense of cultural relativity.

We maintain the traditions of English Christianity as our own. We are Anglicans, Presbyterians, Baptists, Methodists, and Roman Catholics. Our fathers were pastors, preachers, and deacons. We affirm the principle of Christian Liberty and seek to defend and further the Kingdom of Christ among our own people.

We maintain that a system of law based on Christian ethics is the only legitimate form of jurisprudence for a Christian people. Further, we believe it is a duty of the magistrate to protect Christian virtue.

We reject modernism and all its poisonous corollaries. We oppose the systematic deconstruction of our families, communities, and small towns. We affirm father-rule, the primacy and necessity of the traditional household, and seek to restore a sense of community among our people.

We affirm the economic importance of small business and local economies and reject corporate collectivism.

We aim to gather the true Sons of the South together in fellowship and communion. We seek to unite around our shared history, values, and vision and retake the reins of our destiny away from those who hate us and seek to destroy us.

We will rebuild our men, strengthen our households, reform our churches and educational institutions, revitalize our communities and small towns, and retake everything.

We are Identity Dixie.

Disclaimer: Identity Dixie does not endorse or condone illegal activity (except ThoughtCrime). All comments are the opinions and ideas of site visitors. Identity Dixie does not endorse all of the opinions of our writers, but we do endorse free speech and give our writers a platform to express their ideas. Identity Dixie is not liable for any acts, legal or illegal, committed by our readership.


  1. I’m just discovering your site, this owing to your articles on Brad Griffin’s website. Being a fellow Confederate, though from North Carolina, I’ll do what I can do to support you. God bless you and yours!

  2. I am a Copperhead from Lake Superior who spent 20 years down South (VA, GA, LA, TN, NC and SC) and I wish you all the best. Just remember that had Lincoln not arrested Northern newspaper editors for “sedition,” and sent troops to threaten the Maryland legislature, much of the North and the border states would have been very sympathetic to Southern independence and views, especially on race. The Second Klan boomed up north. I would be happy to see the Stars and Bars flyover the entire country, and not see the South leave.

  3. I would like to know more about this site (I just discovered it). I am Southern and will always be. Born and reared in Mississippi, married in Louisiana and lived in Texas the past 40 years. I have instructed my son that at my funeral, there are two songs I would like to be sung. 1. “Blessed Assurance” and 2.”Dixie.” And Dick Chenny can kiss my you-know-what if he doesn’t like it. I do a little writing and my WS is devoted to the South http://www.paulhyarbrough.com I, too am disturbed about the way the South continues to be attacked. But i would like to know more about this site.

  4. Just found this site,I am Southwest Virginia born and bred..lived in South
    Georgia a long time. I am very ashamed and disturbed at the path Virginia has taken in these tumultuous times for our Southern way of life. I believe secession is our only hope of survival. I find myself increasingly at odds with the USA…I have always felt that my first loyality should be to the Southland. I now know how General LEE felt when he decided he must leave the US military and defend his Virginia home.. DIXIE FOREVER !

      1. My friend, you should remember that in 1861 the State was a man’s sovereign, not the Federal government. Lee’s first duty was to Virginia, not the Federal government just as Joshua Chamberlain’s first duty was to Maine.

        1. Why would you call someone your friend, who would say such a thing about Lee? The federal government did not deserve Lee….

      2. Wrong, Stephen. Lee chose “country” (the Sovereign Commonwealth of Virginia) over a “Union” that had overstepped the bounds of its Constitutional limits. Try searching and reading history for yourself, not the lying pap the government schools fed you.

      3. Imagine a modern day country decides to leave the United Nations. Then the United Nations invades that country and forces it to remain with the United Nations. Is that similar to what happened when the United States invaded the south and forced them to remain in the United States?

  5. There is NO honor celebrating a White Supremacist Government with a Slave Based Economy. If you have a little common sence and decency you would probably already know that. I’ve seen these “Confederate Heritage” organizations marching along side Nazis and the KKK way too many times. If that’s your cup of tea then shame on you.

    1. You spelled SENSE wrong which is ironic as you seem to have little to none of that anyways. You should get back to humping your housepet and leave the commenting for those who walk upright.

      1. Michael….The quote, “common sense is not very common” is well illustrated by (((Mark Rosen’s)))) comment. Consider the source.

      1. It’s in the surname, Rosen (Jew) why are jews even posting here? Do they not understand we are WHITE? I stand beside anyone that believes in White Supremacy. We are not spitting on this country. BLM & AntiFa are going to dismantle this nation and make it how they please. Pelosi and the rest of ’em are just going to hand it all over.
        They passed this: The George Floyd Justice in Policing Act of 2020 is a civil rights and police reform bill drafted by Democrats in the United States Congress, including members of the Congressional Black Caucus. The legislation aims to combat police misconduct, excessive force, and racial bias in policing.

        AND THIS: The George Floyd Law Enforcement Trust and Integrity Act of 2020 is a subtitle of the Justice in Policing Act of 2020 which aims to reduce the prevalence of police brutality by fostering connections between police departments and communities. The bill also calls for national policing standards and accreditations.

        So, now we have two acts named after a multiple convicted felon who’s also a damned martyr on top of it all. Let’s just say moving to very white western European country is looking so much more appealing!

        1. A Big, F.Y.I. One Of The Founding Fathers Of The Confederacy, during The Second American Revolution,was Jewish . His name was Judah Benjamin. Look that up,don’t believe Me,I am only A Man,verify it. That being said,The Real Jews,have The Same Advesaries we do. Starting with The Islamic Jihadist,The Godless Government that occupues Our Nation,and The United Nations. All these organizations hate Israel,as well as us.Why ally ourselves with One Worlders,Jihadists,and all The Other Spawns Of Satan. The Jews wrote under The Direction,and Inspiration Of God The Old Testament,from whence Our Western Anglo Saxon Culture,derives all its values.

      2. Hey Brother,I am confused, Judah Benjamin, A Jew,Served The The Confederacy,as Secretary Of State ,or something like that. During The Second American Revolution,known by some as The Civil War. I believe The Christian Way Of Life is The Best,and it is what Robert E. Lee Fought For. But, The Jews,Yes a lot have been brainwashed,but The Jews,have The Same enemies we do,which I will not get into,to save space. I do not understand The Inherant Hate Of The Jewish Community,within The Nationalist Movements. Especially The Within The South,as our enenmies,Like The Original Tyrant Lincoln, were not Jewish,but Globalist,and Federalist. This resonse is not a call out or a challenge,but A Genuine question.

    2. What about Israel,of whom I actively support. But let us be candid, Israel has an Aparthied system in place,against The Vile Terrorist Palestinians,I lived There and have witnessed this Aparthied seperation,of The People. The Israeli side is A Nice place to live, Therei s The Palestinian side That is walled apart from Israel,and The Palestinians live in squalor. Also,Israel is A Jewish Theocracy,based on Exclusive Jewish Nationalism,which I support, So,why be hypocritical,and call out The South,when whatThey did,is exactly whay Israel does today. All nations,peoples,and tribe our exclusionary,and Sperate by nature. In fact God said,Israel was to A Seperate People,unlike others. That is in The Torah,The Old Testament. Sounds A Lot like Segergation,as all things are. It is just The Way Of The World,Teams,Tribes,and Nations.

  6. The Articles of Confederation required a unanimous vote for changes (not 3/4) Therefore the Constitution was a secession document itself–as were the various declarations of independence prior to The Declaration of Independence in Union. The 13 sovereign states signed 13 separate treaties with the British Crown–not one. The states never would have ratified the Constitution with the knowledge that they were becoming mere corporations in an amalgamated single state.

    1. “The states never would have ratified the Constitution with the knowledge that they were becoming mere corporations in an amalgamated single state.” And you base that on? Especially when you consider that they entered a perpetual union with the Articles of Confederation. Also, no. The treaty of Paris, at least the American portion, was accepted on behalf of the Continental Congress. If what you say is true, there would be things like documents to support it. Plus eight more representatives at the negotiations. I mean, the very first article of the very single treaty was British recognition of the United States, namely the former 13 colonies. The first sentence of the Preamble also destroys your theory of thirteen separate treaties. “It having pleased the Divine Providence to dispose the hearts of the most serene and most potent Prince George the Third, by the grace of God, king of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, defender of the faith, duke of Brunswick and Lunebourg, arch-treasurer and prince elector of the Holy Roman Empire etc., and of the United States of America.”

      Regardless of the stipulations of the Articles of Confederation, if you are going to be consistent, you must accept that the US Constitution was entered into by the several states with the intent of being a more perfect union of the last one.

      1. There are articles to support it. check out the treaty. and if you will read the document you will see the states are referred to as plural states (as Jefferson stated) and not a single state. The preamble wrote it the way it is styled because use they did not know if all the states were coming in—namely R.I. and N.C.

        1. Even to this day we are the “United States of America.” That does not mean that a treaty was brokered with each individual state. Furthermore, under the Articles of Confederation, the instrument of government under which the US brokered the Treat of Paris in 1783, it explicitly states that the general government i.e. the fed conducts foreign policy on behalf of the states.

          What is actually being admitted in the Treaty of Paris is that Great Britain is relinquishing the claims that each of those now states had previously as colonies i.e. the immense western expansion.

          Also, that is complete bunk. Rhode Island and North Carolina ratified the Articles of Confederation on February 9, 1778 and April 5, 1778.

          I think you mean the Constitution, which is irrelevant since a) contrary to your first assertion the Confederation Congress DID have the authority to alter the Articles to the extent of producing a new constitution and b) the Constitution was not the instrument of government in place when the Treaty of Paris was ratified.

      2. Stephen, a “perpetual” union, first of all, does not mean that the existence of the union continues, regardless of any developing circumstances. It means that it did not have to be constantly re-formed. In other words, it would continue perpetually, so long as conditions of the agreement were met. Sort of like, “till death do we part.” Yes, but there are certain legitimate exceptions to that aspect of the union.

        In fact, the Treaty of Paris spoke of “perpetual” peace and harmony between the states and Great Britain. So, there you have some idea of what was meant by “perpetual.” Within just 30 years, both sides later saw justification for going to war again.

        Secondly, a perpetual union, under the conditions of the AofC, is not the same as being mere corporations in an amalgamated state. It merely speaks to the duration, not the relative assignment of authority and jurisdiction within the union.

        It would be like saying that the duration of the marriage vows conferred rights on one party to the marriage in complete derogation of the others’ rights. The respective rights and duties, in other words, are not destroyed by the expected chronological term of the arrangement.

        The articles themselves gave Congress no authority to enforce their resolutions, but depended upon the states themselves to do the enforcing. It should be remembered that we were operating under the Articles when we toppled the greatest military power in the world at the time.

        In the Treaty of Paris 1784, ending hostilities, George acknowledges, individually, that each of the colonies “free and independent stateS.” He does not acknowledge the United States to A free and independent state (singular). Each of the free and independent states agreed, under the Articles, to a limited common government touching certain affairs, but leaving all others to the states themselves to decide. And their continued participation in the government of the United States was not compulsory, but voluntary.

        “More perfect union” meant that they thought they did better than the articles. Not that it was perfect, or that the union could never be altered. That they didn’t mean that is abundantly clear from many historical documents, not least of which are the ones containing Lincoln’s senatorial speeches in which he acknowledges the right of the state to secede.

        If husband and wife may divorce under certain legitimate conditions, then political unions may equally legitimately be dissolved. And breaking the promised conditions of the union is grounds for such a dissolution.

  7. (@Stephen) Go copulate with yourself, bluebelly scumbag. Be sure and tell your old lady I have her panties she left at the hotel last night.

        1. Sadly it seems like you have shown exactly what type of person you are, whether from the north, the south, or someplace completely unrelated to any American area.
          I myself don’t worship Abraham Lincoln, who committed treason and violated the U.S. Constitution. But the fact is, the civil war has been over for a very long time, and with the rotten things happening in America right now, I think that it is time to let the first civil war go, since we are facing a second one any day now.

  8. It always perplexes me why people who have NOTHING in common with an online organization, feel the need to spend their time logging into it and bashing it. I see these retards (and yes…they ARE retards in a sense) spewing stuff that truthfully makes NO DIFFERENCE now. The war of NORTHERN AGGRESSION is over. It’s finished and there’s no way to change the outcome but let’s all be honest with OURSELVES more than anything. The Confederacy might have lost the war but it seems to me that STATES’ RIGHTS is an underlying issue in this country TO THIS DAY. Therefore, my question is DID THE UNION REALLY WIN THE WAR? With states moving toward the legalization of marijuana, it would seem that States’ Rights’ is still alive and kicking in this modern age. Not only that, several states and cities are citing themselves as ‘sanctuaries’ DESPITE the present administration vowing NOT to acknowledge that status. Is this not a form of ‘in your face’ States’ Rights and if so, does that not mean that there seems to be a little misinformation being spread about who REALLY won that war?

    1. It always perplexes me that people will idealize a time when the United States not only enslaved other human beings with the same fundamental, God given rights inherent in human nature from the time of Adam, but also the time when such a travesty was justified by the dehumanization of human persons. Indeed, there is no hardly a difference between the slave owner and the abortionist or the Nazi. All dehumanize in order to exploit another human being for social and financial gain. And that, the enslavement and dehumanization another human being is cornerstone and foundation of the Confederacy and any attempt to revive such a monstrous creature from the depths of human shame needs to face the realities that they perpetrate an Antichrist.

      What makes a difference now is the idea that “Dixie” and the ethnic segregationism that was the ill-begotten fruit of its perverted loins being established again is a notion no self-respecting Christian or decent human being can or should endure. Instead, it should be met with all the tenacity of Sherman’s march to the sea. The physical institutions of that long dead monster are gone and it is the duty of every God fearing Christian to eradicate the philosophical ones as well. Not forget them, but challenge them and condemn them for the putrid rot of Satan that they are.

      You speak of states rights. What about the inalienable right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness? In this you reveal the hypocrisy in this renewed devotion to the demonic spirits of racism and dehumanization that animated the old Confederacy. You extol the rights of states but it is at the expense of inalienable, God-given, human rights. Contrary to what a court may say, there ARE rights that a white man need respect.

      And in the end, this diversion on states rights is merely product of the myths concocted–by a Yankee no less–that the Civil War was about states rights; it was about slavery. Regardless of anyone’s overt motives in the north, the motive of the south was made clear and their cornerstone explicit: slavery and the perpetual preservation thereof.

      1. “with the same fundamental, God given rights inherent in human nature from the time of Adam”

        “What about the inalienable right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness?”

        “at the expense of inalienable, God-given, human rights.”

        Why should I believe in your dogma about all these God-given inalienable rights? I don’t know how we could know empirically whether God gives any of these rights (sounds like hogwash to me), but we sure can observe empirically that they are not inalienable.

        1. It is the essential dogma of Christianity, regardless of sect or creed, that Sacred Scripture is the revelation and word of God. This blog purports a belief in Christianity. Christianity, from the very pages of Holy Writ, endowed all men with an inalienable dignity, a dignity that is abrogated solely through man’s sinfulness but endures into eternity.

          Second, if you do not believe that, you should say so. Though it would make sense that the godless would believe in such perversions as racism.

          1. After endorsing Sherman’s murder and theft, both of which are prohibited by the ten commandments, the wannabe pope Stephen, bearer of false witness, assures us that “racism,” a concept invented by godless communists, is worse than murder or theft. Spiritual hubris is his natural birthright from his yankee forebears, after all.

  9. Dark King Stephen, the reason Lincoln wanted the south to remain in the Union was to get their taxes. Slavery didn’t enter Lincoln’s mind to use as part of the war until the last year of the war. Btw, northerners also had slaves, just no beautiful plantations. The Civil War was the fed gov fighting their own ppl, it happened here once & will happen gain. It already has in other nations..

    1. Slavery was in his mind, though he was like most moderate abolitionists that slavery would end on its own.

      Andrew Jackson had made it quite clear in the Nullification Crisis that the union was perpetual, that no state had a constitutional right to secede, and that the federal government had the right and duty to bring dissident states back in.

      Considering that the two tax policies Lincoln did implement–the Morrill tarrif and the 1861 income tax–were after the secession and wouldn’t have effected the South much anyway, your argument is anachronistic.

      By “northerners” I do you mean Maryland, Missouri, and Kentucky? Because there was no slavery above the Mason-Dixon line after 1850 with abolition of slavery in DC.

      1. Delaware was a slave-owning state, even during the War of Northern Aggression.

        How many slaves did Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation actually set free?

        It was not binding in a foreign country (CSA).

        Lincoln was as much concerned w slaves’ well being as he was handsome.

    2. Susan….If Stephen would go to Lincoln/Douglas debates, he would find this comment from Abraham Lincoln….(parapharased, not exact quote)….”I will not go to war over the slavery issue, but only to preserve the Union”.

  10. While I agree slavery is wrong, to say the south had no right to secede is ridiculous. It is to suggest that slaves had no legal right to escape either. When ever a people are oppressed they have the natural right to escape or fight their oppressor. Slaves and Confederates should be free to live.

  11. What are your views towards a Christian theocracy? Would a free Dixie be a Christian theocracy making all other regions illegal?

    1. That is what I asked and was told that when they were shut down on their previous platform they lost a lot, including the memes. I am glad to know others see the importance of them, they are the most effective means online of communicating points without walls of text. A picture is worth a thousand words. We need the meme dump back and expanded. If you can manage to make that happen by reminding them from time to time, then good on you.

  12. In a Free Dixie would only Christianity, and Christians have liberty and political rights, or would all Dixians regardless of religion have equal rights?

  13. I Just This Minute stumbled upon your site! It’s very refreshing and interesting! Technically, you’d probably call me a “Yankee” because I’m Originally from Boston, Massachusetts. I now live on the East Coast Of Florida, in Brevard County, THE Last Bastian Of Republicans and Conservatives In the state. I too have Always been a Republican, even though most people up there are Very Liberal Democrats. My Ancestors Are Irish On Both sides. My mother’s distant cousin WAS General Patrick Ronayne Cleburne! We’re all very proud of that!! She was a member of The Patrick Cleburne Society! So, that’s my family’s Southern Connection.

    I hate what The Leftists/Globalists/Socialist Democrats Are Doing To Our country!

    I really like your site!

    1. Mary,
      If you are still here, I discovered this site in 2/2022. As you, Irish on both sides, with ties to
      Danes, English and Normans who settled in Ireland. The Question! Does this site reject all ‘Yankees’, including non Yankee, Celtic people who happened to be born in New York/Yawk?
      If yes, so be it!

  14. Yes, General Lee deserve better than to be in USA military – as is so for General George Patton – he that discover too late that he was utilisé by The (not These …) USA Criminel Gouvernement to combattre Deutschland for Traitres of originel USA … for benefit of Sowietski idiots who fight volontaire for “stalin”(auf rußk pseudonyme …) ; too late, i.e. when he can see Reality there-of, after défaite,1945, of Deutschland and ALLE NON-COMMUNISTE EUROPA.
    Sane, Man of Honour, Honnêteté – solid Confederate Officers génome, had he – qualités caractère so rare amongst USA military, then and now – e.g. : majority USA peoples believe encore : “we side of Right !” – USA Désinformations Propaganda circa 1940-7, etc., etc. : Might make Right, USA Weltanschauung. USA Aide is Sine Qua Non to most atroce Tyran and Régime , circa 1917-89, of all time.
    We are USA Zone of Occupation encore, not Land Souverän by USA law of 1949 : “B.R.D.” Grundgesetz ; Virginia is Sovereign State, not “région” : Constitution of THESE U.S.A. …
    Generals Lee and Patton chose Honour … Deo Vindice.
    NOW, VerdammteYankee : Return whence you belong.
    (englisch is learnt, 2007, whilst I am 5 year âge in England. Ich bin Deutsche et Française. I not speak, write englisch : 14 Years now ; can read englisch encore, not perfect – intelligible.)

  15. For years, I have searched tirelessly for an online Southern, Confederate aligned community forum that could distinguish itself as authentically pro-Southern soley upon the virtue of Southern-ness in and of itself rather than as an antithesis of Northern aggression and liberalism. To my great dissatisfaction, it seemed inevitable that the prospects of ever discovering such a haven was about as likely as finding irrefutable evidence of the existence of bigfoot AND the Loch Ness monster on the same day! That is until I stumbled across Identity Dixie.
    To my absolute amazement and disbelief, it seemed I had finally found a community of like-minded men and women who shared the same genuine passion and unparalleled love for Old Dixie as I and, most significantly, seemed to take sincere pride in our collective Southern heritage and culture not because of who we are NOT but because of who we ARE. And while such a distinction might appear redundant if not completely senseless, I strongly believe that what many might consider to be simply a minor matter of semantics is instead arguably one of the most essential distinctions to be made and is, in my opinion, what separates a mere bigot or from a true brother. Southern pride entails much more than simply sharing a mutual dislike for the Yankee or a hatred of the African-American or a disdain for the gay man. Quite honestly, if any of these sentiments figure in any way whatsoever in influencing or determining one’s pride in or allegiance to the South then I strongly suggest that such a fella go invest in a good ole crisp white cotton sheet (preferably American made, not Egyptian) or perhaps a decent set of clippers and a pair of Doc Martens is more his style but either way he needs to find himself a different crowd because clearly his heart ain’t truly in Dixie! True Southern pride is rooted in love and celebration, not hate and condemnation. As an unapologetically proud and loyal son of the South descended from seven generations of proud, strong pure Southern planter stock, the great-great grandson of a fiercely courageous, loyal and heroic defender of the Confederacy, and a die-hard champion of the Confederate cause, I am firmly planted in the conviction that the defining essence of Southern heritage exists independently of slavery, Yankee aggression, racism or any other trait not exclusive to the Southerner.

  16. Mary,
    If you are still here, I discovered this site in 2/2022. As you, Irish on both sides, with ties to
    Danes, English and Normans who settled in Ireland. The Question! Does this site reject all ‘Yankees’, including non Yankee, Celtic people who happened to be born in New York/Yawk?
    If yes, so be it!

  17. I am a northerner, born in Michigan, and have spent my entire life here. But please don’t hold that against me, until you have read what I have to say. I will be 62 years old on Sunday. Once I learned to read, I have said that I didn’t need school, because I read every single thing that I could get my hands on. And my parents not only encouraged it, but even though they were merely working class people, they had an extensive library full of many of the classics, including things like Robinson Crusoe, Norman Mailer’s Death of a Salesman and The Naked and the Dead, a story about WWII. As well as books like Life With Father, Papa Married a Mormon, a couple of copies of the King James version of The Bible, the dictionary, a set of encyclopedias, a few other war novels like Guadalcanal Diaries and On the Beach. A ton of the old Readers Digest condensed books, and perhaps the one book that had the greatest effect on my life, the semi biographical book by Walter Pollard, Medical Block Buchenwald.
    These were in addition to high school English reading books, that I read from cover to cover, before I had finished elementary school. So I learned about many things from a very young age, especially ingrained with a love and concern for the Jewish people, due to what they went through during WWII.
    Due to choices that I made early in my life, I spent over 35 years in a steel factory, making high quality steel for the investment cast industry, for things like gun parts, boat propellers or food processing equipment and internal joint replacement parts like knee joints, etc. I did take some college classes, but I was never ashamed to work a blue collar job for a living. I ran a furnace that was under a huge vacuum, that made heats of 8,000 pounds that were worth over 15 million dollars, for the aerospace industry, going into Rolls Royce jet engines for air planes.
    All of this is sort of an introduction so that you know where I am coming from when I say that even though I am born and raised in the north, I totally am in support with the southern decision to secede from the union, and I believe that any state still has the right to do so until this day. If you can choose to enter into an agreement, then you can also decide to withdraw from that agreement.
    I also have gotten into some discussions with those who would believe that the only reason for the war between the states is slavery. I simply don’t find such a simple thing correct, and even though the people that I have discussed this with are almost violent in their argument about it, the fact that a state lists such a thing as their reason for their secession doesn’t mean that it is the only reason for their decision to leave.
    I believe that among the other reasons besides slavery is the fact that the north had held the south under their thumb in so very many ways, mostly having to do with financial reasons, as the north was an industrial economy, for the largest part, while the south was again mostly an agrarian economy, and therefore dependent upon the north for much of their goods like equipment and processed products like furniture and the like, that even though the south could and did make, the north had such an industrial base that they could sell their products to the south at a much cheaper price with better quality, often. Not to say that the south didn’t have some very great and imaginative craftsmen who made products of extremely high quality, but they simply didn’t have the ability to turn out the products at the same rate as the northern shops could, who were set up for volume, and not for a more individual and hand made artistic type of product.
    The north also had an advantage in that they had the means of shipping things to the old world much easier than the south, via their much more modern, at the time, shipping fleet. The south was never as capable as the north at sea, during the build up to the war.
    I mentioned that I had read a book called Medical Block Buchenwald. It was pretty much about the things that the title implies. But for someone at the age of perhaps 10 years old to read such things, it hit me especially hard. Now, I was not precocious, or some genius or such. I just was a bit more advanced than a lot of kids my age, and had parents who recognized such, and never censored my reading, when it came to such things. They did pay attention to books that they had concerning sexual topics as their main subject, or to put it bluntly, if they had any x rated books, I never would have known because they never had any of them on the rather large book case that I had to read from, nor at that age, did I have any interest in such things. Of course a few years later, my interest peaked, and quickly, but books were not what I wanted to seek, instead I wanted to get more hands on learning.
    By reading about the horrific mistreatment of the Jewish people, it always made me have a place in my heart for them, that I always felt that America should have them as our friend, and as the first nation to be concerned with helping with if they needed helping, either financially or militarily.
    At the age of 21 or so, following a very serious car accident in which I nearly lost my life I felt like God had taken me by the back of the neck and shook me telling me that it was time to wake up, and that just working in a foundry was not enough. So I started to attend Bible College. I learned a lot while going there, and also discovered that the only thing better than being a Christian is being a Jewish Christian. The only way to God is still through Jesus Christ, but the Lord has a place in His heart reserved for the Jews, and will one day draw them to Himself. So I am very careful to ensure that I don’t do or say anything that disrespects the Jewish people as a whole. There are of course, individuals who are Jews, that do despicable acts and deserve to be punished as much as possible. I am speaking of the Nation of Israel.
    I hear the people, when they start to make lists of the best president of all time, and it always starts with Abe Lincoln near or at the top. I find that to be a horrible mistake, given that he not only ignored the constitution at will, was willing to imprison his enemies whenever it suited his purpose. He ensured that the state of Maryland remained a non slave state, using some pretty hazy tactics like suspending the writ of habeas corpus and arresting the mayor of Baltimore, the chief of police and a few newspaper editors, to make sure that Washington D.C. was not surrounded by slave states. So it seems that like modern presidents today, the constitution and the law really didn’t matter to Lincoln.
    I know that I am not a southerner by birth, and I love my state of Michigan, for many reasons, even though our governor, whom I not so affectionately refer to as the Empress of Lansing, is a crooked Democrat politician. But when it comes to beautiful natural surroundings, Michigan is hard to beat, with our crystal clear waters, and the Great Lakes, with Lake Michigan being one that I live on. Add in the fact that we are the only state that you can show where you live in the state, by holding up your hand and pointing to a point on the palm of your hand somewhere, and you have a rather neat state. Not even mentioning the fact that you can stand anywhere in Michigan and be within 6 miles of a body of water, be it a lake, a river, pond, creek or stream. And the water is among the clearest in the nation, if not the world. And of course the wildlife is also some of the best managed in nation, after a few years of fighting between the farmers, the auto insurance companies and the hunters, the Michigan DNR has finally struck a balance that appears to be working to satisfy all of those stakeholders.
    I am really sorry for taking such a long and drawn out period to introduce myself and to express my love for the south and her people, and to show my support for you, both for you as a group of states politically and for you as a group of people, who most northerners know as the most friendly and kind in the world. I have never met a person from my state, who has visited the south, and not had a good experience with people that they met while down south. To a person, everyone that I ever met has been not only friendly, but they have gone out of their way to show extra kindness.
    Growing up in a very small village here in MI, it was my parents who were the kind people, who went out of their way to be kind, who helped those in need. It was nothing to come home after football practice, and find a couple who had broken down on the road, and were spending the night at our home, with my parents owning a restaurant, feeding them until their car was fixed, and letting them use one of our spare cars until their car was ready to go. And never once taking a dime from anyone for anything, the food, lodging or car usage. That is how I was brought up and how I learned to be as well. And it is how I have always been treated in the south, like a member of the family. So I am glad that I ran across this blog, just to learn a bit more about how those who live in Dixie live and think, and really feel about life, and the government, etc. I know that much of what I think will be challenged and changed. I look forward to having my eyes opened, and my misunderstandings changed to truth. I know that I can be quite naive at times. And I always prefer to have the truth even if it means losing some of my blind eyes, in favor of a truth that makes me see things that are perhaps a bit more harsh. My best wishes to all and stay safe, and aware of your surroundings, in this dangerous time.

  18. There may be a dude trying to get elected to House of representatives in California known as Joe Collins Jr that desires to provide a 25 raise in pay for professors and deal with our education and learning system! Our universities are filled to capacity, our instructors are overstressed, and our students are declining back. Joe Collins Education venture claims it’s going to finance to repair our educational facilities, help to reduce class sizes, boost revenue for special education programming and Probably none of these other regretful politicians have policies to assist our young people, we have to give this gentleman a opportunity! His site is joeecollins3.com CHECK HIM OUT!

  19. I heard on a recent podcast Exodus/Americanus that Musonius Rufus would be starting a new podcast or venture. Is that true, if so when. I really miss Rebel Yell

  20. Careful of idiot idealogues for whom they make their heroes and saints.
    Unfortunate sad criminal Floyd, was responsible for his own demise. Caused a Law Enforcement officer to be framed by a shameful national mob and sent to jail.

  21. WTF ever happened to Musonius Rufus? He pussed off from doing podcasts seems; or the last time I heard him he was doing something with some screechy over-the-hill Romanian thot. IDK, I don’t do social media so maybe he’s active there. Don’t really care, social media is generally a toilet to engage with.

  22. Great site. Thank you for what you do. I have been a steadfast defender of Southern heritage and history for over 20 years, writing rebuttals to “journalists” and politicians, making and giving away true history CDs, and now have new history brochures to help educate the indoctrinated. The truth of our history is not taught in schools or universities. What is taught in them is the Yankee rewritten propaganda and mythology they want us to believe. Sadly, many Southerners have swallowed the Kool-Aid. We must continue to “push back” and defend our heritage and history. God bless the South!

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