The United States Congress is a menagerie of distasteful charlatans whose disloyalty to their own people is a prerequisite for holding office. Rarely does anyone who suffers from this deficit also possess even one of the various character traits of a decent human being.
Such fundamental misgivings aside, I prefer authentic black politicians over any of the Uncle Toms the GOP tries to polish up so Republicans can prove that their party isn’t racist. I don’t appreciate a veneer of anything. Although, this is the best the Democrats can field in Congress at the moment:
What I’m looking for is substance. What’s Representative Al Greene going to do but shout and wave his cane at President Trump during the State of the Union address? It’s just style devoid of substance, and not really much style, to be honest.
That’s a pretty lame routine and I didn’t get any race war vibes out of it, not that I would like to see one because I’m not a racist. My point here is that life is meaningful, and the conduct of people should be the same. Without such commitment, all we have is nihilism. For a nihilist, there’s no good reason to live or to die. Don’t you find that depressing?
Indeed, a revolution ought presage the horrors that will await the survivors in the dark future to which it’s giving birth. It’s hard to feel blasé when you’re consumed by abject terror. There were good movies about this back in the 70’s and 80’s.
It’s absolutely true that all of the Identity Dixie contributors know I’m not a racist, but remember the heady days of the George Floyd Memorial Summer of Carnage? Back then, one felt like something was going to happen, but it all fizzled out. It did set a certain bar for racial agitation during the demise of America, though. High drama with our nation as the stage.
I began to harbor certain expectations and then nothing really came of it. America is dystopian but also anticlimactic. My affinity for post-apocalyptic movies as an adolescent has clearly affected how I’ve been interpreting events. Particularly, my inclinations towards their denouement. I remain perpetually unsatisfied as a result.
I’m not a big fan of how they remake so many movies. I also think they knew exactly what they were doing with the Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes flick from last year. “Apes on horseback” is race baiting at its worst. I find it absolutely disgusting.
We can be assured that the revolution won’t arrive on horseback. In fact, it might not arrive at all unless dump truck drivers start driving for Lyft if the construction industry takes a downturn.
This has potential: Rapper Dank Demoss is out to “change the world.” At 489 pounds, I must concede that she has substance. If she leaned on Rep. Al Greene’s cane, it’d snap like a toothpick. Here’s her revolutionary statement on taking Lyft to court:
“Fighting for my community, my people, and making a change in the world, not just for me, but for everyone“
If she’s being the change she wishes to see in the world, perhaps there’s no hope at all. Maybe my descendants will lurk in the ruins beneath our former civilization as mutated supplicants to a nuclear warhead. This concept was covered back in 1970 when they had new ideas in movies:
If you were listening to her rap every day, would you not seek a life of silence and telepathic communication underground? Would not the blast be your final refuge? It’s certainly an interesting theme to explore.

I’m proud to officially announce my candidacy for the office of Dogcatcher.