Various European/White nationalist groups will often find many diverse people fighting against our beliefs.
But it is not so much that these groups dislike nationalism (or identitarianism/kinism/whatever you want to call it); it is just they don’t like our group having it.
They simply don’t like the “White nation in their own land” version of nationalism.
Nonwhites are perfectly fine supporting nationalism when it is to the betterment of their own group or people.
For instance:

Zionist Jews are the most obvious example here. But this logic can and should be extended even past the Zionists. It is the same logic used by American blacks and other ethnic groups. In France, for instance, the same argument is often used by the Arabs regarding Islamic nationalism.
We often pretend that these groups are fighting against nationalism. But it is quite the opposite: By fighting against various White nationalists, the ethnics are fighting for their own version of in-group nationalism. They sure aren’t fighting for the leftist-white “diversity utopia” lie.
Because these various ethnic groups exist as a parasite on us, they do not want Whites to form a bloc to remove them from their leeching activity. By working together as an ethnic bloc(s), they keep their group in a stronger position. They know that if Whites made our group preferences a priority, it would therefore reduce their ability to thrive at our expense.
This strategy is simply nationalism by different means. Instead of having a strong nation in their own land as we Whites typically envision ‘nationalism’, they instead want a strong nation in our land where we provide for them at our own expense. On top of this, they also get their own countries filled with their own people somewhere else, just in case things don’t work out well over here.
I’d still call that nationalism, just an inferior and vile version of it.
By fighting White nationalism, the various ethnics, Zionists, and hordes of illegal migrants are far better off. Especially as a collective group (or one could say: Nation). But this version of nationalism happens at our expense.
The harder these groups fight against White nationalism, the harder they fight FOR [insert their ethnicity here] nationalism.
Hilariously, the reality is that all of these anti-nationalist groups love nationalism. They just don’t love White nationalism.

A Christian, husband, father, and American dissident. Join him in seeking truth and sipping sweet tea during the collapse of the American Empire. You can find more of his work at Eph. 5:11.
Great article.Yes the goal of the Jews is to destroy Whites made in God’s image by immigration,suppressing the continuation of our culture,teaching our children their values and not ours,taking the good Lord from a place of worship in the town square and instead mocking Him,and many other mind blasters too numerous to mention.The swarthy hordes want to live off us but can only do so because of Jewish policies.Yet Jew Israel is protected.Jew power is protected.Whites must throw off Jewish control to solve any of their problems.The Jews stamp out any signs of unity among Whites.If it is God’s will then we shall have a day of freedom.Thank you for such good work.God bless.Love live the White race and the Southern Cause.
“One must always, when one speaks of France, England, Russia, the United States, etc., understand thereby not only the so-called “national powers”, but also Jewish High Finance and its politics. … Instead of honor-conscious men in all nations taking up the battle against the world pestilence, the Jewish bankers are received as kings, sent as representatives of the states to international conferences, and given out as friends of the rulers. Against this betrayal of the whole world is directed the National Socialist movement.” pp. 70-1. ‘Stock Exchange & Bolshevism’, Volkischer Beobachter 6/18/25.
Alfred Rosenberg, ‘Political Essays’, trans. Alexander Jacob