After various iterations of what y’all know as Identity Dixie, WE ARE STILL HERE! Unlike our enemies, there have been no layoffs; we have expanded like a raging fire through a dried pine forest! We are in it, to win it! And even our critics know the wind is in our favor.
For nine years, this insignificant little blog has influenced hundreds of thousands of people around the globe. I’m constantly amazed when I hear a phrase, see a meme, hear a song, or read a post by another influencer in the mainstream political zeitgeist that mimics ID content from years ago. We are small, but we know how to use force multipliers like no other.
Just as I have predicted over the years, we would grow, our writers would get younger, and our older writers would gladly pass the torch to the next generation when the time was right. Although that time is not now, our writers are reflecting the generation that will be instrumental in maintaining order in our communities when the American empire fades into history. Our ancestors bred us, trained us, and left us the tools to carry on their valiant fight against a Christ-less tyranny.
Christian Nationalism is on the rise, and nothing will stop it. The greatest missionary field in the United States is disaffected, young, White men, many with military experience, and especially those with young families. They long for real culture, something tangible they can pass down to their children… and they are coming our way. Not only are they embracing what has always been the culture of the Southern people, but they are flocking to our lands in great numbers. Their arrival presents us with a necessary opportunity. They must embrace our history, totally rejecting any thought of restoring an America that never existed. I’m positive the coming election will present a crucial moment with these men, and we must seize upon it.
I had a brief conversation last Lord’s Day with a very connected official in my state. The conversation went as usual with true Southern cordial greetings, followed by “Where are you from and who are your people?” This brother is a native, with a long history in our state; he knows people, and he knows what is coming. We debated the pragmatism of our politicians, and we agreed that this strategy must come to an end. My exhortation was that we must encourage our leaders to be bolder, for we live not in a time for the timid, but in a time for warriors and prophets.
Over the years, this blog has expounded many different strategies with the same goal: an Independent Dixie. Brothers and sisters, there is no one way, no one path to victory. As in all warfare, ID is dynamic, and the content you receive, and hopefully spread among our people, is multifaceted. Let’s continue to engage, bringing the fire to those who would destroy our people.
Deo Vindice!
God save the South!

Service to God and honor to the South.
Deo Vindice indeed! I’m seeing first hand the fruit of focusing local and not pulling any punches. A conversation recently with someone I had wrongly pegged as just being a compliant Normie, turns out to be not only very much onboard, but as a relatively new convert to our side, has the zeal and energy that many of us years or even a lifetime into this, have lost.
Your influence reaches all the way to South Africa. Just yesterday I was expunging the false American civil war narrative to family members.
I read almost every article, and have also bought and read some of the books referenced on ID. My cell phone background now even proudly sports the Tennessee army battle flag.
Thanks, and keep up the great work.
I was disheartened to see that Abbeville ran a post a week or so back castigating our site, our readers, and our very name, simply because we here question the “moral” basis of WWII from an “allied” perspective, trending more and more towards the realization that Hitler & Co. actually had some things right.
Well, anyway, we’re here to stay, as you point out. Good luck getting rid of us with your asinine hit pieces!
OK old friend. Now I have to go check out that piece at Abbeville. Will you indicate which one it was? I thought they were done sniping at us.
Found it! ‘The South and WW2’ June 6, 2024 by Dr. Clyde Wilson (why am I not surprised?). He probably loved Biden’s blather speech at Normandy about passing the torch of freedom. Pitiful.
Sorry I didn’t respond to your inquiry, sir; I’m currently very busy and otherwise indisposed, so I’m really reading and commenting ‘on the fly,’ if you know what I mean. In any case, that one really got my goat! I have no interest in making enemies out of natural friends, especially someone with Southern creds like Dr. Wilson, but his sniping at us in that post seemed pretty asinine and juvenile to me, to say nothing of counter- productive and counter-intuitive. I don’t know. Reminds me of one of the main reasons I generally despise one of my sons’ father-in-law; long story short, he seems to think everything’s about him and his dubious “accomplishments”; whereas, truth told, virtually nothing (including his dubious accomlishments) is about him anymore. That’s the way the world seems to work as a general rule – we start to get old(er), and less relevant in direct proportion to. I could say more, but my better wisdom is telling me I’ve said enough already.
It’s all good. I’m retired, so I have more leisure time to fuss and fume over negative influencers.
Age should bring greater humility and a spirit of self-criticism, but maybe you’re right that that’s the exception rather than the rule.
Training the next generation, and then letting them move forward as they seem directed is my aim. Moving into the shadows, letting your sons; physical, spiritual, or philosophical lead, must be our determination.
Hear, hear!, to all of the above.
Deo Vindice!
I have read just about every article since ID was reinstated a few years ago and have really enjoyed your work Father Dabney and all of your Biblical insight.
God Bless you Sir and God Bless Identity Dixie.
Great point(s)! From my lights it *seems* to be the exception, but I could certainly be wrong. I think I’m beginning to understand better at least part of the reason the younger generations are so put out with Boomers as a group. I’m not into cross- generational infighting (speaking of counter- …everything), but I can still see the rub between the generations and why it exists from a younger perspective.