The Third Rail Rant

I’ve been writing for Identity Dixie since we launched our publication. If you’ve been reading since this time, you might’ve noticed that pretty much everything I contribute pertains to grievances about the following set of subjects:

  • Geopolitics;
  • Quality of life issues that would piss off any sane 40 year old man;
  • Satanism (trannies and injections);
  • Homos;
  • Fat people;
  • Creatures who belong south of the border;
  • The Blacks; and
  • Murderers of Christ.

Never do I bring up Hitler, unless it’s addressing other people bringing up Hitler. The reason for this is that Hitler isn’t particularly relevant to the contemporary context of our deepening shithole and anyone who’s determined that Hitler is an excellent political strategy in it is an imbecile. I’ve noted before that a certain group of people mentioned above keep bringing up Hitler because, for them, he’s the worst thing that ever happened. For everyone else, the worse things that could happen are happening right now and the people mentioned above can’t seem to comprehend the extreme folly of this tactic.

Some vestige of a sane ontology still haunts the darkening depths of my mind. Therefore, when I come across a story about how Koreans, an Indian (dot), and Hispanics get gunned down by a deranged Mexican at a mall in Texas, the last thing I started wondering is what Hitler had to do with this massacre. In 1945, he either perished or escaped to a secret UFO base down in Antarctica to plot his comeback. To the best of my knowledge, whatever happened, nobody has ever heard from him again.

Seems plausible, haven’t made up my mind though.

Perhaps we’ll get a commenter who leaves a two paragraph drug-induced account of how he contacted Hitler in Aryan Valhalla via a psychic medium. We get the crazies sometimes, that’s just part of writing anything on the internet. This isn’t really my point, however. My point is that the people in the list above shouldn’t bring up Hitler because many people across the planet are prone to finding him likable in comparison to what’s transpiring in the present. Converting a child into a tranny is the worst thing anyone could do since Judas. It’s way worse than anything the government has ever done to us, such as 9/11 or the IRS. Globally, this is fairly well-understood.

For example, a big theme of the Russians is how they’re heroes for fighting Nazis then and now. Meanwhile, the country is chocked full of them. Take a trip to Poland, it’s packed with Nazis. An Indian woman ate some lead from this Mexican, were you aware that Hitler is quite popular in India? The SS was able to raise volunteer legion comprised of them to fight in WW2. Don’t get me started on the nationalist appraisal of Hitler in Japan. Go to Latin America, you’ll find that brown Nazi sympathizers abound. Unfortunately, you actually don’t even need to go that far:

This guy is actually good at doing an interview.

In China, people run the gamut from enamored to neutral to never heard of him. I’ve been on the streets there and seen people drive by wearing a plastic stahlhelm with a swastika on it as a scooter helmet. I once ate at a “Nazi Mountainside Tofu Shop” emblazoned like it was the embassy of the Third Reich. I speak Chinese and follow the Chinese language media. Never once have I ever heard a Chinaman bring up anything bad and lament that this was what Hitler or the Nazis were doing or express fear that they were making a comeback. I never really hear it from Europeans, either. People mostly only do this shit in America, and they do it constantly. It’s quite tiresome.

Many such cases.

The thing these people I mentioned above fail to bear in mind is that “Nazi“, “white supremacist“, “racist” and “homophobic” are terms they made up to dissuade everyone else from telling the truth or exercising decency and common sense. Even the people who bought all those slaves from Africa weren’t “white supremacists” (many were actually the people mentioned above), they wanted to make profits selling them to others involved in agriculture as cheap labor that wouldn’t die from tropical diseases.

Hitler didn’t believe in “white supremacy” and thus decided to team up with the Japanese to enslave the planet. That was the plot of a sci-fi novel. I know field grade officers who think our grandfathers thwarted Hitler’s plan to conquer America. This man started out as an artist who wanted to be left alone. I’ve been condemned as a “white supremacist” and I know many others in the same merry boat. At our most basic level of varying political philosophies, we just want to be left alone.

It’s the same thing with Putin as Hitler. He’s globally-respected because of what he’s accomplished for a nation of which he took the helm during collapse and the values that he espouses in language that specifically addresses real things. People in other countries can see that his version of a global system would work out better for them than what we’ve imposed. Meanwhile, here in America, he’s a madman who stole the 2016 election and is committing genocide to reestablish the Soviet Union. In the midst of these dastardly endeavors, he falls down the stairs at the Kremlin while crapping his pants.

It’s an infuriating state of affairs that just like the people mentioned above, the average American has a very tenuous relationship with reality when it comes to these matters. I’ll cut my rant off at that.


  1. In a rare moment of candor:

    “We made a monster, a devil out of Hitler. Therefore, we couldn’t disavow it after the war. After all, we mobilized the masses against the devil himself. So, we were forced to play our part in the diabolical scenario after the war. In no way could we have pointed out to our people that the war was only an economic preventive measure.”

    Secretary of State James Baker, ‘Der Spiegel’, (1992)

  2. The US is a prime example of what happens when the Wrong Side wins a critical war.

  3. Speaking of drug induced accounts, I did mushrooms a few weeks ago and saw a blue Totenkopf when I closed my eyes

    ANYHOW, it was kind-of-stupid for people to be advocating for Literally Hitler and Literally Naziism prior to 2016, the early days of the dissident right were a crazy time. But if someone is doing that today, in 2023 (Kayne, Fuentes and their “love Hitler” bit), I have to assume they’re either working for the feds, or they have a really bad grasp of how propaganda and swaying the masses actually works. I imagine there’s a strong overlap between men who think Literally Hitler is a good strategy and men who are unable to make small talk with women at bars

    Whether these people are for, lack of a better term, STUPID or whether or not their feds, at this point, is immaterial. You have to treat these people like they’re feds and do the Internet equivilent of how you deal with a poindexter nerd in high school: give him a swirly

    As an aside, anyone who thinks TRS (The Right Stuff) or the NJP (National Justice Party) are anything but fed run operations in order to make us all look bad… well, they’re either stupid or they’re feds. Losers who’re going nowhere in either case

  4. Imagine a drunken redneck that goes from bar to bar picking out the weakest patron and then beating the Hell out of them for patronizing bars even through he is an alcoholic himself. Soon bars would hate to see him coming knowing that chaos was to follow. Sooner or later he would earn the enmity of all bar owners who will eventually find some way to take him down.(The drunk is the United States, the weak patrons are countries in which America commits regime change, the bar owners are other nations knowing that sooner or later the Insane States will show up on their borders to. BRICKS is the bar owners trying to organize against the Insane States.)

  5. I disagree that the NJP is simply a FBI front. It has some real talent and should be supported and endorsed. Sure, it has FBI parasites in its midst – but the FBI has spy’s in virtually every significant Church, institution and big corporation in the Empire – that’s why these thugs want a new HQ bigger than the Pentagon – to control and intimidate everyone true Bolshevik style.

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