Fang Fang, Bang Bang

At a used book sale back in the 90s, I came across Sexpionage: The Exploitation of Sex by Soviet Intelligence by David Lewis. That’s quite an interesting title, so I picked this hardcover edition for a dollar. An interesting read, I recommend it.

During the Cold War, the KGB would select girls in high school, who had no idea what was going on, and train them (the details are rather lurid, as one might imagine) in sensual tactics and spy craft. They’d seduce foreign leaders and officials, luring them to encounters in rooms that were rigged with recording equipment. The results would be used for blackmail. If one of them decided to defect, she’d be headed home in a suitcase.

It’s still on my shelf, but I’d forgotten about it until the media said that Trump was being blackmailed by Putin with Kompromat as part of the operation to steal the 2016 election. As it turns out, China was running some sort of operation on the Democrats. Projection has amazing explanatory value in official American discourse.

She’s the best we could hope for, really.

The issues plaguing our country are so existential and insane that you couldn’t possibly get me to care about Chinese spying. I’m perturbed because this narrative about how the CCP controls Biden and all this other nonsense riles up the MAGA types who think there’s something left to save.

I’m not trying to bash these guys. Their hard work, hope, and credulity kept America running all these decades to get us right here, to the edge of the grave. Perhaps it’s just that I’ve never had a problem conceding that we’re totally screwed. Your sentiments aren’t relevant to whether something real is happening or not. I feel a compulsion to follow the facts.

Honestly, when I saw the line up of who this Fang Fang woman had to pleasure, I felt sympathy and a twinge of admiration for her patriotism. This was an agent devoted to China and willing to sacrifice herself to obtain whatever she was after. I wonder if those spy chiefs back in Beijing appreciated what she had to put herself through to get that dossier they’re reading.

As for whatever she was after, someone on the House Intelligence Committee could offer juicy tidbits about whatever neocon lunacy was going on at that moment. So, again, who cares? It’s very annoying that there’s a concerted media effort to get these MAGA people steered away from real grievances and towards griping about “the Biden crime family, controlled by the CCP.”

Just to name one, we’ve got the human equivalent of an asteroid belt floating around. It’s devoid of any agency whatsoever. Nothing can survive proximity to it, not even Walmart. It was the gold standard for an enduring institution in this terminally ill country. Eight of them are closing in Chicago because they steal so much the stores have been losing money the whole time.

Eastern Europeans and Asians I meet on business trips simply don’t have a comprehension of just how much damage a single one can inflict but asteroids have ended whole epochs. It’s difficult for them to fully appreciate just how many problems we have thanks to this belt of meddlesome minerals.

Many of the Europeans I’ve heard decry the gun violence in America seem to think it’s coming from mass shooters without understanding that four victims meet the statistical qualification, and these people will shoot into crowds without any hesitation. They even rap about this proclivity. Naïve foreigners think that number gets padded by rednecks trading gunfire with each other from their trailers.

I think drifting rocks is an appropriate analogy because they simply lack the impulse control and orientation towards the future that would help them appreciate the consequences of their course of action. It’s simply taken immediately without any mental deliberation. This has been proven repeatedly in testing, and the results of this combination are experienced by the general population every day. Has anyone ever restrained a floating rock? No, and the cops don’t bother to try anymore.

There’s also a large belt of teens floating between Mars and Jupiter.

One of the things that lets you know there’s not much going on upstairs during these incidents would be the verbal discourse. An obscenity, usually the same two (“ho” or “bitch“), sometimes with modifiers attached, is shouted repeatedly as the fray transpires. Others will be filming, shouting some vernacular pronunciation of the word “shit” often with an exited “Oh!” or “Oooo!” in front of it. While our Christian publication refrains from profanity, these terms are repeated here purely for scientific purposes.

Somedays, I observe these collisions taking place and conclude to myself that the scenario described above will be how this country finally dies. I’m not a man of profound spiritual intuition, but I must admit to feeling a sense of disquiet on that level. What if they don’t get fed? That’s what you should be asking yourself.


  1. Surely while God ensueth
    His laws, while Time doth run
    ‘Tis written: On him that doeth
    It shall be done.

    This is God’s law and grace,
    Who then shall hunt the race
    Of curses from out this hall?
    The House is sealed withal
    To dreadfulness.

    Aeschylus ‘Agamemnon’

    1. RFK, on the occasion of King’s murder: “Even in our sleep, pain which cannot forget falls drop by drop upon the heart until, in our own despair, against our will, comes wisdom through the awful grace of God.”–Aeschylus “Agamemnon”

      Thanks for the quotation.

      1. I don’t know Greek (maybe one of our readers can help) — so I don’t know which is the more accurate translation — but I really liked the rendering by one of the panelists at the end of the ‘Prophets of Doom’ on the History Channel:

        “We learn nothing save through suffering.
        The pain of wisdom falls drop by drop
        Upon the heart in sleep.
        Against our will comes wisdom.
        The grace of the gods is forced on us.”

        Prophets of Doom (full documentary)

  2. The entry of RFK, Jr., into the presidential race is a true wild card. I watched his speech in Boston (Where else could it have been?), and he has his uncle’s and father’s charisma. His appeal will extend to the MAGA people and anti-establishment types. The boomers will flock to him in droves.

    Assuming the Deep State doesn’t kill him, Bobby is likely to generate the revolution Trump promised and failed to deliver. If they do kill him, the ensuing chaos will result in political collapse. A military dictatorship would be the likely result.

  3. That Chinese spy chick wasn’t even attractive


    Maybe she was very charming, like Cleopatra?

  4. ‘The imperfect examples we encounter in our life on earth serve to awake in us our forgotten knowledge of ideal beauty, truth, and goodness. If we wish to discover the definition—that is, the essential nature—of, say, justice, the only permanent foundation of the state, we shall find no example of it on this earth. The just state, like the perfect circle, exists eternally in some other world than ours, where the immortal soul had knowledge of it before it’s earthly pilgrimage began’.

    1. Love the Plato quote. One of my favorites of his is from ‘Laws, Book V’:

      [Self-love is the source of that ignorant conceit of knowledge which is always doing and never succeeding.] But he who would be great ought to regard, not himself or his interests, but what is just; whether the just act be his own or that of another. Through a similar error, men are induced to fancy that their own ignorance is wisdom; and thus, we who may be truly said to know nothing, think that we know all things; and because we will not let others act for us in what we do not know, we are compelled to act amiss ourselves.

      Plato, ‘Laws’, Book V

      Modern man’s having discarded a belief in objective values is at the root of societal disintegration.

  5. I know we typically don’t discuss it here, usually for the sake of not black pilling or seeming too Manosphere, but women of all races not belonging to that particular ethnic stock, increasingly Caucasian women within the past 10 years, date and/or breed with this incorrigible demographic.

    Our breeding practices are killing us more than we realize.

    1. 100% agree. Miscegenation and subfertility combined is our biggest threat right now. We need to focus on that before putting too much behind national politics.

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