Adventures with Crazy Juice

I friend of mine told me a few months ago that he was going to Peru to have some sort of spiritual psychedelic drug retreat or something. I’ve been a lot of places and seen plenty of wild shit, so this sort of thing tends not to pique my interest as I’m more stimulated by paranoia at this point. I inquired as to the impetus for this expedition, and he replied that it was so he could quit drinking. “Why don’t you just quit drinking?” was what sprung to my mind. To be polite, I wished him good luck.

Society is so far gone that people doing voodoo drug rituals in a South American jungle to seek outcomes that can be accomplished right at home with their own willpower doesn’t seem particularly disturbing. I’m not some straight-edge prude with this stuff, either.

What I’m saying is if I recall correctly, both Ted “The Unabomber” Kaczynski and Charles Manson were experimented on with psychedelic substances. Sid Barrett from Pink Floyd went heavy with them and never came back.

Prince Harry is a stable, masculine man dedicated to serving his nation and upholding family honor (that’s sarcasm, hint hint). Here’s his experience:

‘It was the cleaning of the windscreen, cleaning of the windshield, the removal of life’s filters just as much as on Instagram, these layers of filters. [WTF does this even mean?!] ‘It removed it all for me and brought me a sense of relaxation, release, comfort, a lightness that I managed to hold on to for a period of time. ‘I started doing it recreationally and then started to realise how good it was for me, I would say it is one of the fundamental parts of my life that changed me and helped me deal with the traumas and pains of the past’

Alright, here’s famed QB Aaron Rodgers on doing this miracle juice with a witch doctor shaman:

“There’s a lot of trust. And surrender, I think, is another good word,” Rodgers told the magazine. “You have to surrender to the master plant teacher that is ayahuasca, and there’s naturally some fear around that. And when you do, some pretty incredible things can happen, as was evidenced by night two of my most recent journey.”

How sweet. Really spiritual, great.

He continued: “Night one, I was still a little resistant, and night two, I fully surrendered to the process and to the master teacher, and she was benevolent in her lessons. There’s a lot of overall happiness that exists when you have a deeper love for yourself. It actually allows you, I feel, to give and receive love better and interact with people with less judgment and less projection. So that’s one thing I’ve really been working on.”

There’s a bit more to it, though:

While speaking in a recent interview, the 38-year-old revealed that during his trip to Peru, Rodgers encountered a mysterious character, which he called a ‘Hat Man‘. Although it is to be noted that all these events occurred after the reigning NFL MVP consumed Ayahuasca, a herb that alters a person’s thinking ability, emotions, and senses……“He will sometimes appear in the distance, usually veiled by darkness, holding the corpse of a dead rabbit and sometimes a blade,”…..

Rodgers continued by saying he fears staying alone in the locker room as the lights usually flicker and get off one by one. “It was behind me, not even breathing hard. I heard its feet hitting the ground in a constant rhythm. I ran to my car, opened the door, slammed it behind me, and locked it as fast as I could.” He explained as if he was narrating the ghost story to a 10-year-old.

Just from this smattering of celebrities, one develops the impression that serious things can go wrong. Perhaps you’re particularly susceptible if you’re whacked-out in the first place. I’m not really sure but I’d caution against tempting fate.

Give it a go, kids!!!

Things really do suck around here. Did you attend public school? Shopped at Walmart recently? Drove past a rent-to-own rims store on the way? Watched a child tranny on TV last night? That wasn’t in your head, there’s nothing wrong with you. It sucks, it really does. You’re not crazy for noticing. It’s not your problem for feeling a sense of unease. In fact, you should because you’re not crazy.

Part of being an adult is understanding that life sucks some to most of the time. People you love die, bad people do bad things, the government tries to inject everyone with poison or maybe soon, stick things up your ass. You’ll just have to find a way to cope with it and enjoy what you can. There’s nothing to ingest that will make everything all right with the world.


  1. The “hatman” is undoubtedly a demon. I’ve seen it twice and was even choked by it. And this is actually what brought me back to accepting and living in Christ and getting out of all the degeneracy I was immersed in. The phenomenon is incredibly common and I knew of several close friends growing up who had seen it. But back then, most of us didn’t really have internet so we couldn’t go looking anything up about it. It is so common that I would bet more responses will come within the next day or two on this thread with people sharing that they’d seen it as well.

    1. Damn! I was not aware of this, I meant this to be more a “careful with the drugs, kids” type thing.

  2. “Psychedelic” drugs are only possibly useful if you lack self-consciousness. Which, unfortunately, the vast majority of people do.

    I’ve always had a high degree of self-consciousness (honestly, too high) and having tried LSD and psilocybin mushrooms, I can honestly say that I gained absolutely nothing from the experiences– the former was more of a “dirty” feeling whereas the latter was more “clean”, if that means anything to anyone reading this.

    The only lasting effect was popping a blood vessel in my left eye, which took about a year to repair its self and looked icky in the interim. LSD and similar drugs raise blood pressure, so I’d recommend fasting from caffeine or really anything that also raises blood pressure if you’re going to imbibe.

    But I’ve never had any desire to imbibe again

  3. Psychedelic drugs have always been used in pagan rituals.

    He has opened himself up to demonic forces, and his only escape is to repent and turn to Christ.

    Adulting is something my children are learning, it’s hard, but it’s the natural process.

  4. Ayahuasca is very heavy jazz. Dear friends of mine have been taking Ayahuasca guided by a Peruvian tribal Shaman in the Jungle region of Loreto for years now. Their goal was to quit smoking and stop drinking. It may work for some folks, but personally I do not approve of usingthis one or other hallucinogens.
    I did some good work on myself in needed psychotherapy for several years and it worked wonders for me. You can say “I found my religion”.

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