Cash Me Outside

The health of a society can be gauged by observing who rises to the top. China makes an interesting comparison to the USA. They recently wrapped up their national congress and we’re about to have the midterm elections. Everyone at the top in China went through a rigorous process to enter the civil service and was vetted by his superiors on his path upwards, each step of which required perquisite time and experience. This process selects and produces a certain type of official.

The notion of a vapid young female going from tending bar to the high echelons of the government like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez isn’t something for which anyone over there has a frame of reference. Moreover, financial parasites don’t own the leaders. The PBOC (People’s Bank of China) is national property, putting them on par with an infamous mustache guy from a long time ago. That makes it tough for them to make sense of what goes on here in America. We generally can’t do it very well either because it’s simultaneously so disturbing and clownish that we’ve lost sight of what a functional system that represents the people might even look like.

No, it doesn’t.

Right after Trump was elected, I remember chatting with some finance guys from Shanghai. One of them mentioned to me how startled he was that the Democrats were saying that Trump was going to use nuclear weapons if a foreign leader insulted his hair. If one attempted to detach himself from the everyday reality of America and consider the matter objectively, it would actually sound completely insane.

I’m not saying they do everything right. Many things are taken way too far in an autistic Asian sort of fashion. For instance, teachers used to have bamboo switches to wack the kids if they got a math problem wrong on the chalkboard. However, in terms of acknowledging democracy as a clown show performed for the people at the behest of those behind the scenes with the money to buy the clowns, they’re pretty spot on. President Xi has been quite explicit about this matter.

Americans don’t seem capable of cracking the conundrum of why the approval of the Chinese for their government is so high if they didn’t vote for their leaders. That’s what we get to do here, and Uncle Sam is universally loathed. So, the idea of the average Chinese person being fine with their system seems like a communist sham. If the government is comprised of people like you who are mostly doing what you think they should, the voting thing doesn’t matter at all. It’s really quite simple.

State ownership of the national bank and a lack of democracy are the two main reasons that modern China is able to exist but there are a bunch of other good policies. One is that the influence of celebrities is strictly curtailed because these people shouldn’t be able to exercise undue influence on society. There are no Kardashians in China. The celebrities who do exist have limits placed on their public discourse, wealth, and endorsements. Pornography is completely banned. Producing it could get yourself a life sentence. Of course, there are no gay parades, either.

They don’t come at any of this from a religious perspective. It’s simply that celebrity worship, pornography, and homosexuality are assaults on the functionality of society itself. Pretty much everyone used to take this for granted because it’s so obvious. It’s only in the modern era that China has differentiated itself from the West on these matters. As a man who notices things and ponders their implications, I really wish my country could do better.

For example, I came across a story about how the infamous “cash me outside” girl has made a considerable fortune being a whore on the internet and was invited to speak at one of the world’s most prestigious universities. I’m not surprised at any of this or even particularly dismayed since we see this stuff all the time now.

I see a congressional run in her future.

Nonetheless, I’d like to point out that there are a few aspects of this scenario that wouldn’t be allowed by a healthy nation because if it was, it would fall apart. First of all, a White girl wouldn’t be given the impression by every cultural outlet possible that it’s cool to talk and behave like a black girl from the hood. Also, a television program in which people are essentially exploited as a freak show wouldn’t be put on the air. Furthermore, anyone who developed a website for young ladies to sell their bodies online would be put in prison. Cash Me Outside Girl would be a phenomenon of which its citizens would lead their entire lives blissfully unaware.

I don’t want to emigrate. In fact, I’ve turned down lucrative job offers because I know what goes on in China and I don’t want to deal with it. Still, there’s something to be said for the fact that if whoever came up with Only Fans tried that in China, his organs would’ve been harvested by now. Honestly, I’d settle for a government that was indifferent to our existence. I think that’s what they probably have in Somalia or someplace like that. It’s been 20 years since I’ve bothered voting in a midterm election and I doubt that I ever will again.


  1. > “…a television program in which people are essentially exploited as a freak show wouldn’t be put on the air…”

    If anyone’s here’s old enough to recall, the Jerry Springer show originally started out as a fairly serious daytime talk program wherein various politicians and social activists were invited on-air to debate the relevant issues of the time.

    As the ratings plumetted, Springer started to have more wacky and outrageous people on who would get into fights and stuff which the audience actually liked, leading to the modern version of the show featuring the freaks of society… or what were in those days freaks, but are today increasingly more common.

    In a moment of true self-conciousness, he actually stated, outright, that shows like his were leading to the downfall of Western Civilization by promoting vice instead of virtue. Unlike many, Springer didn’t set out to explicitly exploit people or undermine society, despite his ethnic origins, he just followed where the money led

  2. You write:

    “financial parasites don’t own the leaders. The PBOC (People’s Bank of China) is national property.”

    I’m not sure that’s exactly the case. I’ve read elsewhere that the bank was purchased from Rothschild who still holds shares. How much control or influence he exercises is an open question, but I wonder this about both Russia and China. Are they or can they be really independent of the globalist financial network or are they still compelled to act according to its dictates? About the U.S. there’s no doubt.

  3. It’s been 20 years since I’ve bothered voting in a midterm election and I doubt that I ever will again.

    Ditto. Believe it or not, I’m not a strong advocate for abandoning “American” elections altogther, although I know, without a shadow of a doubt, that the vast majority of them are rigged from the beginning, and have been for many many years. In any case, if you can effect (or affect) your vote to elect a good guy at the state or local level withought national interference, then, more power to you, I say. In the vast majority of cases, however, “I Farted” is a more accurate assessment and prouder accomplishment of what you did at the vaunted “voting booth” in any American election per se. You might just as well – and I’m very serious about this – go stick your head in a meat grinder and hope you come out … more educated, better informed, better represented and whatnot. Monarchy is looking better all the time!

    1. Imagine if all the founders did was “talk about all that’s wrong,” but never massaged America into existence! Just talked …. and talked …

      Ha! I like that metaphor – “massaging America into existence.” I like it because (1) it has a nice ring to it, and (2) it is accurate – the founders did in fact “massage” America into existence. How did they do it? They talked (verbal and written), A LOT. Which is of course why we have such a complete written history of the events as they were happening.

      Where you’re going wrong, Josey, every single time you cite the founders as an example of where we’re going wrong, is in the fact that you fail to understand (for whatever reason) that what the founders of America accomplished was decades in the making prior to the Revolution – decades in which they, well, talked, and talked profusely. What did they talk about? Essentially the same things we talk about – the rights of man; the rights of English citizens; their ideas of God, man and government vs. heathen ideas of same; why we of right ought to be a separate and independent nation, etc., and how that all relates to “all that’s wrong” with Weimerica and the world. And so on. Why did they talk about these things, and what were they trying to achieve through the process? You be the judge, and correctly compare and contrast the two methods – theirs and ours. The point in any case is that talking about these things is not, nor ever has been, mutually exclusive to establishing our goals; it is and always has been, in point of fact, a huge part of “massaging” CSA II or Southern Independence into existence.

      Bottom line: It isn’t you, Josey, who is more in line and in tune with the founding generation and their methods of achieving their ends, despite your apparent beliefs otherwise. We all know by now how impatient you are with us and our methods. Might just as well shut up about it, for all the good you’re doing complaining about it in thinly veiled insults such as the above.

  4. Always the psychology …. aaalllways the psychology. “WE” know how impatient you are with “US?” 🙂 In your attempt to influence anyone not paying attention that YOU and them are THE SAME, you actually draw attention to your paid troll like jabs that echo through umpteen posts on this platform.

    * You’re NOT for a border wall!!!???
    * You’re NOT for CSA II!!!!???
    * You ARE for lots and lots of “talk” as we’re infiltrated with darkies and Soros funded gov’t!?

    It’s probably best to stick to textbook writing and leave the “founding” to those who are FOR CSA II and FOR a border wall.

    1. Dude, you really need to get your emotions in check. Haven’t I told you this before … more than once? Seems like I have, but anyway, you wrote:

      * You’re NOT for a border wall!!!???
      * You’re NOT for CSA II!!!!???

      First of all, the multiple exclamation and question marks aren’t exactly gaining you any ground, Josey. You get that, right? No, no you don’t, but let’s move on:

      (1) No, I don’t and never have supported the building of a border wall; I’ve (graciously) taken the time to explain to you my main objection on the subject; would you like to hear the rest?;

      (2) I support the establishment of a CSA II, just not your version of it and not in your “yesterday” timeframe. I’ve explained this to you as well; do I need to repeat myself for the umpteenth time?;

      (3) You forgot to add it to your list, but, no, I don’t support federal gun laws that supersede state and local authority on gun law legislation. Even if, or when, a federal court steps in and rules in what *appears to be* in our favor. Jefferson and Madison et al would have, and did, declare such a thing as unConstitutional and a usurpation; a thing that should be treated as such. Do I need to cite them on point?

      Bottom line: It’s not psychology, man; it’s just rational thinking and reasoning, based on what I know about the American founding and the principles of the U.S. Constitution vs. what you know. Ya know?

      End of story.

    1. ‘Murika needed a pissed-off-at-Racist-America adopted little Asian bitch to represent her in gymnastics in the 2021 Olympics. We almost got her too, except that she totally screwed up all of her routines at nationals and at the Olympic Trials. But of course her screwing up on all her elements in those events is inextricably related to American racism towards Asians (among other POCs). Poor thing! Maybe next time, eh? *Note to her adoptive parents: stop being so “supportive” of her “activism”; it’s getting in the way of and preventing her making the Olympic team. On second thought, keep it up!

  5. Great work as usual Tom.I agree on your parameters a society must have.I would say though that the young scumbag Bhad Barbie is not White by any stretch.She has Black hair,black eyes,extremely swarthy skin and a nose that would make any Cohen jealous.Italian surname so she’s probably genetically North African Moor aka Turkic/Jew.The snooze alone is so telling.My question would be why on God’s green Earth would anyone give even a hay penny to see this incredibly ugly girl with the voice and manners of a nigress.Pretty sick society.

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