Brother Augustine on the Dissident Mama Podcast

Originally published December 30, 2021, at Dissident Mama.

Michael Witcoff is a Jewish convert to Orthodox Christianity and the best-selling author of “On The Masons And Their Lies,” as well as “Theopoetica,” a work of classical Christian poetry. Witcoff can also be found under his Benedictine moniker “Brother Augustine” on YouTubeGab, and Telegram where he seeks to edify, educate, and entertain the world from an Orthodox Christian perspective. Brother Augustine and I discuss his fascinating conversion story, the grievance industry of “anti-Semitism,” Messianic Judaism, atheism and “the right,” push back and persecution, using your talents to glorify God, St. Augustine of Hippo, and more.

Download this episode or watch it on YouTube.

A few links relevant to our chat:

• Brother Augustine’s interviews with Fr. Turbo Qualls: “The Demonic Origins of BLM” and Dr. E. Michael Jones: “The Conversion of Jews,” his debate “On The Priesthood With Reformed Protestant Dr. Bob,” and his most recent two-part series: “On Christian Masculinity” and “Great Men of Christ: St. John Chrysostom,”
• “Surprised By Christ: My Journey From Judaism to Orthodox Christianity,” by Rev. A. James Bernstein,
• and “Let’s See the Forest For the Trees, part 5” by yours truly.


  1. Will have to give this a listen. RooshV had him on back in the summer of 2021 and it was an interesting podcast, sure this will be too

  2. One thing Michael said, that I could shed some light on, is the phenomenon of people who’re hyper-obsessed with the JQ and constantly bring it up. I do also find them annoying and counter-productive, but just to play devil’s advocate:

    I feel like a certain % these people aren’t necessarily feds or “mentally ill” (a vastly over-used term these days, so much that it’s become basically useless as a medical diagnosis, much like “idiot”) as Michael says, but that, they recognize a pattern of over-representation in certain fields, and will constantly bring it up in an attempt to bring a fuller understanding to the issues at hand, which normies and the gatekeepers flat-out refuse to even entertain.

    I have only myself as a example of the thought processes here, but what I’ve found is, when conversing with my friends who’re “initiated” into the race/sex/J-realism issues, and know what the score is and what variables are at play, we hardly ever discuss any of those three things. Or if we do, its just in passing, or as an aside-tier remark. But around normies, it always takes a certain amount of self-control to avoid bringing up those issues, and despite being very good at holding back, will invariably lead to a certain amount of built-up frustration as a result. Especially for, let’s be honest, the spergier types who tend to have more the “truth brain” as a neuro-type, as opposed to the normie-tier “social brain” deal going on.

    Its akin to attempting to solve a complex algebra problem wherein one must figure out what the various variables are or could be– A, B, C, & X, Y, Z– and not being allowed to, and even chasticized for daring to suggest what A, an important unsolved piece of the puzzle, is. In contrast to the rest of the mathmeticians working on the issue, who only care about B, C, X, Y, and Z. So that one, as a consequence, constantly harps on “A”, to which the response from the others is something like: “you’re mono-maniacial about A! Can’t you think about anything else!?”. While true, its partially a result of the prohibition of its discussion, and would probably not occur nearly as often if actual open debate were allowed.

    That said, there *definitely* are people who do clearly have a mono-mania about the JQ that isn’t the result of that, and who are determined to see Jews as responsible for *everything* and at *all costs*. Julius Evola makes a very good point in “Men Among The Ruins”, in his chapter two chapters on “The Occult War” that these types of people, by seeing “hidden hands” and “subversive forces” behind literally everything, are actually both emboldening the enemy and demoralizing /our guys/ simultaneously by making the enemy out to be far more powerful, god-like, omnipotent, and in-charge than they actually are. In truth, our globo-homo overlords are *extremely* detached from reality, live in an impenetrable echo-chamber, and aren’t exactly what I’d consider “smart”, at least (and especially) in a holistic sense– RooshV actually did a good article on this several years back, that I’d highly recommend to such people:

    Also, what we’ve seen over the last two years, with the Plandemic, should act as proof to such obsessive JQ people, that there are *far more* actors and parties at play in the dystopian hellscape they have planned for us than only the Jews. They’re just one faction amongst many, and one that in-fights amongst themselves almost as much as they do against their collective group-enemies– we just don’t see that part of them as much because they’re better at hiding it. But make no mistake: the secular Jews and Orthodox Jews really do despise one-another. Support for Donald Trump (50+% of Orthodox Jews like him) and the mRNA “vaccine” (many Orthodox Jews are against it, and have even, in Israel, issued fatwas against it) are two such issues that’ve driven a wedge between the various factions of world Jewry.

    Apologies for the over-lengthy exegesis ^_^

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