If I Want To Be Free, I’ve Gotta Be Me

Going native is a tradition for White people. Historical examples quickly come to mind from stranded Spaniards in the New World to Lawrence of Arabia. Of course, fiction abounds with Tarzan and Natty Bumppo from Last of the Mohicans being the most prominent examples. My personal favorite is when James Bond gets turned into a Japanese man in You Only Live Twice.

Unfortunately, this sort of amusement can now get you in a lot of trouble, just ask this wacky teacher from California:


While this lady was just having fun and I don’t fault her for that, I mostly find the Indian stuff exasperating because it’s so low effort. That’s what makes me cringe at the Elizabeth Warren “Fauxcahontas” thing.

My favorite is the infamous Racheal Dolezal, who went so native she adopted black boys to complain about how they were going to be shot by the police and became the head of her local chapter of the NAACP. She even did welfare fraud. She was only a pack of menthols short of becoming a real sista.

While trying to find a clip of her trial, I came across a German named Martina Big who’s really putting in the work as well, medically “transitioning into a black woman” to the point where one would assume it’s an SNL skit, but it ain’t.

Even Justin Trudeau dressed up as a black guy to grope women when he was college:

No big deal.

I dressed up as OJ Simpson for Halloween once, although I didn’t stab anyone. Like I said, I don’t have an issue with people doing this stuff but I get irritated by a lack of effort. “Oh, I live in a tepee, please let me into college” isn’t really going to cut it.

Carrie Bourassa is an interesting case. She was recently forced to resign as a scientific director of Indigenous health at the Canadian Institutes of Health Research after being outed as exclusively of Eastern European descent by a family member. She went by the name of “Morning Star Bear,” colored her skin, and gave a TED talk about communicating with her ancestors in the spirit world. I’d give her a pass.

It’s bizarre we live in a world were people are celebrated for amputating their genitals and pretending to be a different gender, but race is considered an immutable characteristic. The contradiction has always bothered me.

Black Tom Shackleford would be a freer Tom. I’d never bother leaving a tip, talk as loud as I want in movie theaters, and never have to worry about providing for my children. If anyone disrespected me, I’d just start shooting in his general direction without any regard to the consequences or innocent bystanders. Must be great.

One comment

  1. OK Tom, or should I say Tyrone?

    All jokes aside, if anyone reading this puts white on their application for anything, you are dumb. Put gay Mexican who identifies as Zer/it. Lie, but just enough that they can’t really call you on it. This is not our system, you owe them no fealty and no oath they force you to take is real. Anything you do to clog up, undermine and delegitmize it is a service to our people and God. It is your duty to betray your Yankee masters and ZOG. Never put White on anything, then use some of the benefits to help our people be free.

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