Black America: The Pressing Issue

In my experience, foreigners are consistently baffled when they find out what “voter suppression” in the US actually entails because it’s insane that a country would allow someone to vote without proving their identity. As far as I know, we’re the only place that does.

So, they usually assume that voter suppression is some sort of white supremacist policy that prevents blacks from voting by mandating some special document that’s prohibitively difficult for them to obtain. They often become incredulous once I explain it would be the same type of ID needed to purchase cigarettes.

I cringe whenever I hear the “democrats are the real racists” line, but one does marvel at how they facilitate voter fraud by making the implicit assertion that blacks are too stupid to get an ID and show up to a polling station. If I were black, I’d take it as an affront to my dignity. Honestly, it’s pretty hilarious when you stop to think about it.

What they should do is hire some of them to go on cable news and do a minstrel show about voting. “Oh, lawd I cain’t get me no ID. We’s black folks just ain’t got tha smarts. Negros could get dey selves kilt up in a white man’s pollin’ station! Trump, he gon’ send us all back ta Africa.” If the democrats went full racist with it, the effect would be far more dramatic.

My opinion is that black people are capable of quite a bit beyond simply getting an ID. For example, shooting each other while deftly avoiding the justice system. I’m reasonably certain that if I went out on the streets of my neighborhood and started blasting there’s no way I’d get away with it.

Chances of catching whodunit round to zero.

If you’re black, the overwhelming odds are that you will. From this perspective, it would seem like a rational course of action. If an alien anthropologist were to judge them from a purely statistical perspective, he might come to the conclusion that they’re a race of stealthy assassins with poor aim.

The sad reality is that America isn’t a nation where people can vote to get the things that they want, so none of this stuff makes much difference in our lives. The pressing issue for Black America isn’t voter suppression, it’s police suppression. They really need laws enforced.

Since the George Floyd Campaign of Carnage began, the police pull-back has led to staggering levels of bloodshed. Thousands of black people have been killed or maimed who wouldn’t have suffered this fate if the police were able to patrol effectively. The most notable example I’ve come across was Oakland’s 1,400% spike in January murders.

Our country functions according to plutocratic political and economic processes that don’t really accommodate the interests of black people. So, they’ve got a legitimate gripe about that, but don’t we all? They should focus on the most pressing issue in their community, which is preventing lead projectiles from getting pressed against their bodies at high velocity.


  1. I’ve probably quoted him before in this space, but it won’t hurt to quote him again on the subject. The great lexicographer, Noah Webster, once wrote that he considered it “a matter of infinite consequence, the cautious admission of foreigners to the rights [including of course voting rights] of citizenship.” That [in his experience] “many of them come here with violent prejudices against arbitrary government, and they seem to make no great distinction between arbitrary government and a government of laws founded on free elections.” I’ve commented upon those lines before, but I ain’t got time to do them their proper justice this morning. Anyway,…

    In my experience, blacks (as a group) are pretty much functionally retarded. I used to point out that there are really three primary education institutions in America, and in this order – the home, the churches, or religious organizations, and the public schooling apparatus (including colleges and universities); and that baked into all of these, with regard to blacks in particular, is the idea constantly imbibed in its students of their own long-running oppression, until, at length, everything they experience is, to their minds, an oppression, and a personal oppression. If I’m right about this (and of course I think I am), then it stands to reason that blacks are, as a group, functionally retarded, as I said. This is how you wind up with functionally retarded “writers” at The Root like Michael Harriet and “Monique Judge,” to name just of couple of their (functionally retarded) angry scribblers. Of course, The Root is owned by xyz “Media Group,” which of course is owned by, well, you guessed it. But my point is that xyz media group didn’t develop the characters of the Monique Judges and the Michael Harriets of the world; that their characters were developed in their formative years in the education institutions mentioned above.

    I coached a young (white) boy a few years back in baseball. Kid had lots of natural baseball talent that he inherited from both his parents, yet he was, at the time, a horrible player who spent most of his time twiddling his thumbs on the bench. After seeing the success I was having coaching one of his (lesser talented) teammates in particular, his mom approached me to ask whether I might take a more active role in coaching Grayson. I literally wanted to hug her neck for approaching me with the request because I knew exactly what the problem was with Gray, and exactly how to correct it. We went right to work on him, coaching him one-on-one between and after practices. And within a relatively short span of time he was, as I knew he would be, a totally different player making a real contribution to the team. My one demand was that his parents stand aside and let me coach him without any input from them. And they agreed, somewhat reluctantly.

    His mom and dad finally asked me how I accomplished such a feat with him in such a short span of time, and my answer was that they had, through overweening parenting, stunted his natural growth as a boy, and had thereby stunted his ability to play sports at the level he was capable of. This was mostly the mother’s doing, but the father was also a (passive) participant in this. This information hit them both ‘like a ton of bricks’ at first, as you can probably imagine, but they later told me that, upon reflection, they had learned something about raising and educating children that they deemed very valuable. I further explained to them my “80/20 rule.” Namely that most children need 80% positive reinforcement, and 20% negative reinforcement, to be adjusted for the child in question of course. Heavy emphasis on *not* neglecting the negative reinforcement part. What Gray needed, and what I gave him at length, was more like 40% negative reinforcement; whereas his parents had hamstrung him in his growth by giving him almost 100% positive reinforcement. “It’s not being “mean” to point out to Gray wherein he can make improvements as a player, or to give him constructive criticism on his play.”

    Now, Sourtherners have long known that blacks tend to be incompetent parents, among other things. Dr. Dabney discusses the problem at length in his many essays on the subject of educating blacks. Family dysfunction is a feature, not a bug, of “blackness,” and this is because black fathers, such that they are, tend to be either too weak and overweening, or too harsh and abusive. In other words, there is no middle ground for blacks; there is no parental balance. This has created a matriarchal sort of environment in which black children are “reared,” unless otherwise controlled by outside forces. And a matriarchy, even a “petty matriarchy,” is family dysfunction by definition.

    But of course, that Dabney (and others) pointed all of this out many moons ago, and that you and I are pointing it all out now, is not going to change anything in and of itself. Whites will once again have to assert themselves and their greater ability to govern society for the best good of the whole, or nothing will ever change. The shuttering of the public schools due to the COVID nonsense is a step in the right direction. This is why I find it the ‘mother of ironies’ that so called “red states” are the most resistant to this state of things. But Providence knows that there is literally no way in hell the schools – the mortal enemies to our peoples’ way of life – can be “reformed” by a slow process; that they must be closed in an instant, in the twinkling of an eye, so to speak, for this to ever happen.

    It may well be that ‘the fear of COVID is the beginning of wisdom’ for some who are otherwise hopelessly incorrigible. Only time will tell. The ruling principle of our society is liberalism, and a radical liberalism to boot. Shuttering the public schools is a good step in the right direction to correcting this sorry state of things, and, as I said, it could never have happened, nor could “school reform” ever have happened, without broadly instilling fear of sickness and death in a people primed to accept and live their lives in perpetual fear. We’ll see what happens, but I actually derive a lot of hope for the future in the whole COVID madness. Even though I know it’s total B.S. with totally malevolent intentions from the ruling elite. I think, long haul, there is a very good chance it will backfire on them. But we’ll see, like I said.

    Good article!

  2. Who is Dr. Dabney? Where can I find his writings? To my shame, I’ve never heard of him.

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