History isn’t a march of progress. Any serious student of it will come to understand that optimism is delusion and it’s supposed contrast, pessimism, represents the alignment of ones’ expectations with grim reality. What arouses my ire is how our culture aggressively attempts to instill a belief that the opposite is true. What perturbs me even more is the fact that only thoughtcriminals seem able to make sense out of the staggering contradictions.
If the alternate reality pumped into the head of the average imbecile American had any coherence, they wouldn’t be left seeking nonsensical narratives to explain what’s going on. Erected pyramids, programmed spaceships, now live-streaming their senseless, violent felonies. There’s no way a plot could progress like this without villains. In alternate reality, the peaceful and productive demographic of our society fits that bill perfectly.
We’ll soon be reveling in Black History Month, so I decided to take a mental inventory of why I’m grateful to black people. As I pondered the disparities between narratives and outcomes, I realized that I’m grateful to them for being relatively peaceful, given what they’re constantly led to believe.
I reflected upon how I’d feel if I was informed that we were the real Jews who’ve been robbed of our patrimony, taught the white cave beasts how to bathe, were enslaved to literally build America, and for all of our troubles, are being subjected to a campaign of systemic murder by these evil creatures who were mutated into existence in defiance of God.
What righteous fury would dwell in my heart if they were so drenched in guilt, they felt compelled to get down on their knees in front of me, yet refused to desist from their lethal oppression? How exasperated would I feel with living in a derelict warzone when it’s so clear we’d have high-tech utopias if they weren’t keeping us down? Oh, and they can’t even figure out how to season their food. A black Tom Shackleford would be incited to brutal rage.
From this angle, black people are remarkably passive considering the fact that a much higher percentage of their population believes these things rather than the drivel MLK’s handler, Stanley Levison, wrote for appealing to naïve white liberals. A summer of rioting acquainted a great many of them with the fact that these beliefs are even more pervasive in the black community than the Q stuff is among white Republicans. That’s the power of the internet.
I hold this quixotic conviction that the truth could also become something powerful. What if we had leaders with the courage to say: “Hey black folks, things are obviously not going well for you people. But, they never really have and that just is what it is, so there’s no point in getting upset about it. Why not just stay home and play video games instead of setting the city alight? Because, that’s not going to do any of us much good. I understand you’re the real Jews and all that, but please calm down. Harness the power of your neuromelanin.”
I bet this approach would do a lot in terms of tossing cold water on all the racial tensions. Too bad Hollywood just figured out that we’d make great villains. At least that’ll be a novel theme we’ve never seen before.
I’m proud to officially announce my candidacy for the office of Dogcatcher.
Well by golly pushing the meme that the who world is “Jewish” “Israel”… now onto the quest for radical global messianic communistic monarchical monotheism where some are more equal than others … wink …