Hic Sunt Daemones: 21st Century Child Sacrifice

I want to start this by admitting that the average person who claims to be a Satanist is likely honest when they claim they are just an edgy atheist protesting the “hypocrisy” of organized religion. I also want to acknowledge from the start that if you ironically did something, you still did it. “Ironically” doing meth or a man “ironically” performing fellatio on another man doesn’t change anything.  Regardless of whether he believes himself to be a meth addict or a gay man, he’s still doing the actions.

In its current form, Satanism was largely created by Anton LaVey (born with a far less occult-sounding name, Howard Stanton Levey). He formed what is called the “Church of Satan,” which is distinct from similar sounding groups such as the “First Satanic Church” and the “Satanic Temple.”  The purpose of this article isn’t to get into the nuances of these different groups, but it is relevant to know who does what.

Lucien Greaves co-founded the Satanic Temple in 2013 and he also serves as the main spokesman.  A simple internet search shows a man who looks like the Antichrist.  Greaves turned Satanism from a primarily hedonistic and edgy group into a means of activism. The Satanic Temple uses the flawed American Constitution and Judicial System to justify all sorts of ills, such as the Baphomet Statute outside the courthouse (to protest the 10 Commandments being there) and something called “After School Satan” to get Satanism in schools (which relies on the court case, Good News Club v. Milford Central School).  Now the Satanic Temple is pushing Satanic Abortion on their website by using the Religious Freedom Restoration Act.

Satanic Abortion is meant to be a First-Amendment workaround of state abortion laws like mandatory waiting periods, compulsory counseling prior to abortion, or mandatory listening to the fetal heartbeat.  Yes, Heaven forbid (or I suppose Satan forbid) you must think before killing your child.  Ignore that most women who get abortions regret it and face long-term depression (while there is a study that speaks to the contrary, it has major flaws).  Even ignore that abortion logically violates the Satanic Temple’s own 3rd law: “one’s body is inviolable, subject to one’s own will alone” (thus ignoring the baby’s bodily autonomy).  There is another serious aspect to this that many people may infer immediately. 

I’m sure many readers saw the picture going around earlier this year of Michelle Williams holding a golden globe while talking about how she got where she was because of her abortion (in her words, her “right to choose”) and how that was reminiscent of sacrificing a child to a golden idol

This is far more explicit as it is literally a ritual to sacrifice a child to Satan.  That is also why I put the disclaimer at the beginning.  I know that many people who will use this ritual are truly atheists.  However, if you ironically do child sacrifice, you’re still doing child sacrifice.  I’m sure there were nonbelievers who sacrificed their children to Baal, but they still did it.  The Satanic Temple website describes the ritual and even has a step-by-step guide how to perform it.  I thought of hyperlinking the page to show how this is literally a Satanic sacrifice, but I don’t want more clicks on it.

Every day, it becomes clearer our enemies are on the side of evil.  Many people use the phrase “the right side of history” to bully conservatives to abandon their beliefs to come into step with the Program.  Ask a leftist and they’ll probably say these Satanists are “misguided” but that they’re still on the right side of history.  I care little about the right side of history. I’m not going to pretend like I wouldn’t enjoy having a statue built in my honor or a building named after me, but certainly not at the cost of being “on the right side of history.”  

I care more, as I hope all you reading this do, to be on the side of righteousness.

One comment

  1. I often look at this photo and quote by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn.


    “You can resolve to live your life with integrity. Let your credo be this: Let the lie come into the world, let it even triumph. But not through me.”

    And an ikon of Christ Pantokrator.

    Evil people have to live in the hell they build for themselves.

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