The Z-Blog Power Hour: Deep Blackness

In this time of grieving and self-reflection, it is important for white people to think about their whiteness. It is what George would have wanted. In order to fully appreciate your whiteness, you must first understand blackness. This is something that gets missed in all of these discussions. Whiteness does not exist outside the context of blackness, because white people simply don’t care about whiteness. In order for them to care, they have to be surrounded by blackness.

Most white people, of course, have the good sense to not live around blackness, so they struggle with their whiteness. The struggle sessions at the company or college help, but they are not the same as experiencing deep blackness. When you live in a place like Lagos, you never stop experiencing blackness. It is all around you, like a fog that never lifts. The show this week is a journey into blackness so you, a white person, can understand blackness in order to understand your whiteness.

The thing that white people never quite get about black people is black people, especially the talented tenth, obsess over their blackness. The rank and file are not reading books on their blackness or attending lectures about blackness, but they still experience the world through their blackness. The exception is the very narrow dealings they have with other blacks. In their interpersonal relations with black, the fog of their blackness tends to lift. Otherwise, it is always black for them.

Of course, this is an exhausting way to live. It is why all of your dealings with black people are tense, even with those who are nice. There’s always that veil of blackness through which the black person sees you. It’s why people from Africa or the Caribbean always strike white people are super happy. Those blacks are not living in the fog of blackness like American blacks. They find this obsession with blackness bizarre and confusing, which is why they tend to not like American blacks.

It’s also why the current ructions are so vexing to whites. Life has never been better for blacks in America. Trump’s tweets about black unemployment are is ridiculous, but it is a fact that the material life of blacks was at a peak. Think back to the origins of the Black Lives Matter movement and it started on the college campus. Privileged black students began to agitate about their blackness. Here they are living like royalty relative to most blacks and they are full of rage.

That’s the thing about black identity. Since it is entirely negative, they can only assess their happiness relative to whites. No matter how good they have it, they cannot be happy without the full attention of whites. The only thing record unemployment did for blacks is give them more interactions with whites and therefore a greater awareness of their blackness. It turns out that black happiness is inversely proportional to their interactions with white people. White fatigue is real.

This week I have the usual variety of items in the now standard format. Spreaker has the full show. I am up on Google Play now, so the Android commies can take me along when out disrespecting the country. I am on iTunes, which means the Apple Nazis can listen to me on their Hitler phones. The anarchists can catch me on iHeart Radio. I am now on Deezer, for our European haters and Stitcher for the weirdos. YouTube also has the full podcast. Of course, there is a download link below.

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This Week’s Show


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One comment

  1. Zman,
    Forgive me if I come off as an officious jerk, but I have to ask–what the heck are you doing in Lagos, Nigeria?

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