The past four nights of racial violence across the country have proven one thing: the egalitarian experiment of America is dead. Liberalism of all shades is a scam. Diversity is not our strength and utopian “reconciliation” is not possible. As my friend Boyd Cathey wrote, “No nation can continue this way for long, no nation can avoid the essential questions and the ironclad laws of Nature itself.”
What started out as a protest against the use of excessive police force against a black man has ended in the burning, looting, and lynching of “legacy” Americans, their property, history, and symbols. Make no mistake: these were race riots, not the “white supremacist” variety the enemy-class media is trying to sell you, but the black-against-white kind with Bolshevik subversives helping to orchestrate the chaos and foment the rage.
“Legacy” Americans are those who have and/or appreciate an ethnic, cultural, or political connection to the Founding stock of these United States. Many of us are white descendants of Western Europeans and are Christian, and have a respect for individual liberty and a favorable view of our ancestors. Those of us who are Southern without apology know this campaign against our values has been a long war of conquest and reconstruction, over 150 years, to be exact. This is why “neo-Confederate” is the new ad hominem attack.
And who are the post-modern Bolsheviks? The cultural Marxists who run our institutions: academia, media, government, and banking. Hell, they’re dog catcher, president of your HOA and PTA and everything in between. Who are their Brown Shirts, their new NKDV: Antifa. And who are their foot soldiers: the racist black vanguard of BLM and their mindless supporters.
The “protests” quickly evolved into looting and burning, with blacks taking out their aggression on their own communities, with Leninist Antifa allies slowly but surely participating in the chaos. But by the time we get to Saturday, May 30, we see something new.

We witnessed the destruction targeted specifically against what the Leninists see as “whiteness.” Historical monuments and buildings like the United Daughters of the Confederacy headquarters and the Virginia Museum of History and Culture in Richmond, whose burning was celebrated by the nonwhite iconoclast “historians” who revel in smashing Southern roots. The Market House in Fayetteville, which was the site of North Carolina’s Constitutional Convention in 1787 and the state capital from 1789 to 1793. The Nashville Courthouse and City Hall. The George Washington statue in Philadelphia. The King Louis XVI statue in Louisville. St. Patrick’s Cathedral in New York City. And tonight, St. John’s Church in Washington, D.C. The mobsters are even so ignorant of history that they vandalized the historic Woolworth’s in Greensboro, which is considered the “birthplace” of the 1960s Civil Rights Movement.
Remember the way Ice-T explained the Rodney King riots of ’92 when black folks destroyed their own neighborhoods in LA? He said it was like a child who’s angry and feels he cannot express himself or be heard so he breaks his own toys in order to communicate his frustration. But this paradigm has changed.
They’re coming to your neighborhood, they’re “coming to the suburbs next.” They’re coming to destroy your home and steal your property and punch you in the face. And if you fight back through legal means, you will be the one to get in trouble with “the law.”
It has a become an organized guerrilla war against anything the Leninists deem as theirs. You stole their land, cracker. You subjugated their people, whitey. It’s justice, yo. It’s about equity. Inclusion. Intersectionality. Social justice. But the kicker is you are never considered within those critical-theory equations. White people got work to do, don’t ya know?! Be a good “ally,” but shut your damn mouth.

Meanwhile, we’re supposed to simultaneously believe that the riots are led by “white supremacists” and that putting “black-owned business” signs on your store front will help save it from leftist annihilation. Even a child can see the inconsistency in this delusional narrative, which then, of course, begs the next obvious question: why should it be okay to loot and vandalize white-owned businesses? Better not go down that red-pilled rabbit hole or you might be called a hegemonic colonizer.
When “Grant” producer Leo DiCaprio’s house in Beverly Hills is visited upon by some angry social-justice warriors, I wonder if he will he defend himself (or have his paid armed security do it) or if he will cleanse his “ancestral sins” by handing over his life and property. Will the mob give him a pass because of his stereotyping of white Southerners in “Django Unchained,” or will they cut his throat because he’s white and embodies systemic racism? Not sure, but I can’t wait to find out.
Now I know I’m intertwining my Nazi and Soviet historical references. I understand full well that it was stamping out the spread of Communism that the Nazis gave as their reason for Kristallnacht. And I get that the Nazis and the Soviets were mortal enemies in WWII. I understand that the Germans blamed the Jews partly because of their disproportionate involvement in Marxist ideologies. I get that the Soviets waged a genocide of their own against the German people after WWII and with British and US complicity no less.
But to me, it’s all the same. Two sides of the same damn totalitarian coin. One was nation-statist and the other universalist, but both were built upon centralization. Both are godless. Both are aimed at destroying the Church and replacing it with worship of man-made utopian ideals. Both hate Christ.
I’ve been saying for a while that we are in a state of cold-Civil War. Well, folks, it just got hot. Violence against Southerners, whites, and Christians is now being justified as a legitimate course of action. And guess what? The laws and institutions that are supposed to protect us “legacy” Americans are incapable of countering the Communist pogroms. So much for “white privilege.”
Trump today just designated Antifa as a terrorist organization, but that’s too little too late. His “I’m monitoring the situation” attitude is what got us to this point in the first place. In order to resist this onslaught, one would have to be honest with the racial component of the hatred directed against us. We’re castigated as “white supremacists” while never reaping the supposed benefits of this media-manufactured mythos.
Someone, somewhere, besides us “neo-Confederates,” must speak up for white people and their businesses and property and history when it’s targeted simply because it’s been deemed by leftists as a symbol of “whiteness” and “black oppression.” Unfortunately, far too many Americans, including our president, politicians, and pastors are petrified of being labeled as “racists” to ever address this truth.

What do we do? First, we proceed in as Christ-like a manner as is possible. We little-o orthodox Christians define ourselves by what we love. We pray for the repentance and salvation of our enemies, but we don’t abdicate our responsibilities to cherish and protect those closest to us.
As my priest told me on August 13, 2017, Christianity is not a suicide pact. Unlike the cultural Marxists who’ve cobbled together a cabal of disparate identities which are allied only in their unbridled hatred of the “evil white Christian Southerner,” we need to organize around our love for Christ and His people. We love Christ above all.
Our families and our communities come next. They are a manifestation of our adoration of His forgiveness, grace, and care for us. Don’t be afraid to openly defend and advocate for your people. Do it in Church. Do it in your homeschool co-ops. Do it on social media. Do it without apology. It is the most reconciling and healing thing you could do.
Start talking with your friends and families about how best to go about protecting each other in a time of emergency. We need to face the reality that the politicians and police cannot be relied upon to be there when we need them. This is the “new normal,” so let’s rip off our masks, both literal and figurative, and start being authentic Christians, authentic neighbors, authentic humans. It’s time to get real.
Lastly, I know many of us have an affinity for the police and military. But to my friends and family who are in law enforcement under elites who would rather have you bend the knee to Antifa and BLM for their own personal political expediency than uphold civil order, I say this: walk away. Encourage your colleagues to do likewise.
You know the game is rigged. If you enforce the law, you’ll be called a racist, even if you’re not white. And if your city burns despite your best efforts doing your job under inconsistent directives and in untenable times, your bosses will throw you under the bus in a heart beat. You are expendable to the commissars. These politicians and this corrupt society don’t deserve you.
Let the dirty tyrants defend themselves from the godless monsters they themselves helped create and continue to coddle. Let them meet their fate just like Trotsky.
Go home to your families. Go home to your Churches. Rally around your people because that is what really matters. Let’s smash the Bolshevik narrative and tell the Brown Shirts they can stick Kristallnacht where the sun don’t shine.

Post Script: Historian Philip Leigh writes, “No doubt many of you are as angry as me about the outrages to the United Daughters of the Confederacy building in Richmond over the weekend. As a result, I am pledging to donate half ($10) of the $20 purchase price for my book “Ulysses Grant’s Failed Presidency.” To learn how postbellum Reconstruction failed and left much of the South struggling economically for a century afterward, it is important to understand how Grant failed in the White House despite the many favorable biographies about him in recent years.”
To take advantage of this charitable offer, email Leigh at and let him know if you want your copy of the book signed or not. You may pay by check, PayPal, or credit card, and domestic shipping is free.
The fiery ladies of the UDC are our allies, compatriots in the cause for the preservation of heritage, tradition, and Southern history. They are some of the few keepers of the flame for legacy America. Let’s please let these warrior Southern belles feel the love that few others are willing to offer them.
Article originally published May 31, 2020, at
Truth warrior, Jesus follower, wife, and boymom. Apologetics practitioner for Orthodox Christianity, the Southern tradition, homeschooling, and freedom. Recovering feminist-socialist-atheist, graduate of the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and retired mainstream journalist turned domesticated belle and rabble-rousing rhetorician. You can read her blog at Dissident Mama.
Great article Dissident Mama, let me start by saying It’s very clear to me that these riots aren’t actually for “police brutality” or “black oppression”. It’s very obvious that these riots are really just a message to us white folks that we are not welcomed in our own communities, and that anything important to us will be destroyed in the name of “equality” by communists , because while most of the people in these riots seem to be brain dead their leaders of these movements surely know what they’re doing. If they were actually protesting police brutality, you’d think they wouldn’t give the police justification to be brutal an show people that the “brutality” has to happen in some cases for law an order. These folks just want anarchy.
What’s the southern white man to do? None of our current political leaders care about our interests, and a lot of whites are handing their interests to the minorities lest they be called racist for having any of their own. As most of the southerners who are unapologetic an fighting to preserve these monuments are getting older with less young people who are interested in their heritage or the south because they’ve been to indoctrinated to care about it so they instead spend all their time watching mind numbing “entertainment” or playing pointless video games when they could achieve something in real life that actually matters. I’m embarrassed at what our southern children have become, and our ancestors are rolling in their graves. I think in the long term while there will always be some of around, we’ll be the oppressed losers in the new America an there’s nothing we can do about it I’m afraid.
You mentioned that they targeted the Daughters Of The Confederacy, but they also tore down the Cormack statue at the state capital in Nashville when they set city hall on fire. Last night they destroyed yet another Confederate monument at Lynn park that Birmingham had been trying to tear down for some time now. As hard it is to swallow for a lot of people including myself sometimes , we all have to admit that these people will compromise an no matter what we do to try to appease them it will never be enough. If only we had southern nationalist leaders like George Wallace today who would stamp out the violence with no mercy to preserve the Southland from these terrorists.
If people didn’t know how bad things have gotten for us whites than this should show you.
With all due respect DM, their are many of us who believe the night of broken glass in Germany was an Antifa attack for propaganda purposes before WW2. See how unashamedly they are blaming the right now? Same Game.
It’s not without sorrow I type this, this is a harbinger of tough challenges ahead.
God Bless you and all the hard work you do.
Antifa are the Spartacus street fighters of the Communist movement – not the “Brown Shirts”, if American White’s had the backbone (they don’t), they would be forming Brown Shirt armies to regain control of an increasingly dangerous situation.
Most of the white folks getting curbstomped right now are urban swpls, not our folks, who are mostly suburban swpls (a subspecies of swpl) and rural salt of the earth folks.
This rioting isnt going to be effective if they try to take it to the outter suburbs and into the rural areas.
The reason for this is pure maths and common sense. They have a tactical advantage en mass, concentrated in the cities, that will be dissipated by the exponentially larger areas of the suburbs and rural areas, which have vastly fewer targets worth looting (not many air jordans and plasma tv’s in your average barn).
Add to this the likelihood of meeting armed resistance in the rural areas, as people defend their homes and families, and its a recipe for bloodshed and super bad optics for them.
They would be insane to try it and they aren’t going to.
Meanwhile they are burning the cities filled with people that hate us anyhow so… I’m in no hurry to see this resolved.
Maybe this is ungracious and unchristian of me.
I’m no scholar, or famous e-celeb, but I don’t think there’s alot of juice for the squeeze fretting over this right now.
Keeping my powder dry, as should we all. If you don’t understand that reference, you disgust me. 😛
While I feel the same way about most people in hating us an not caring to much about it , remember that some of us unfortunately have to live in the cities where these protests are happening sometimes for jobs/other reasons an we are likely to be the first people they target. While most of us can defend our homes, remember the weak old men an women who live alone can’t.
They definitely won’t be able to take this to the suburbs outside the borders of the city not even cause we don’t play games, you trespass our homes an that’s it. Unlike the liberals who are scared of guns people have them out there an they will not let you trample on them like inner city liberals have shown to. This is yet another reason why I wanna move back to the country, I miss it so much.
The danger isn’t that these Pukes will spread out from the urban cesspools – they won’t. But if they enable a Bolshevik type government then the military and the cops will come to the rural areas to enforce the new “Constitution”, as they did in Russia. Once the Leftist gain control of the state apparatus the apparatus will simply obey orders and you won’t be dealing with punk Reds – but the power of the new State.
“The past four nights of racial violence across the country have proven one thing: the egalitarian experiment of America is dead.”
It may well be that the New England-inspired egalitarian experiment of their America is dead, but, getting them to realize it and, consequently, to abandon more attempts to reanimate the corpse is a whole ‘nother matter.