The Z-Blog Power Hour: Letters From Lock Down

It used to be that Good Friday was my first non-office day of the year. By that I mean it was the first non-work day of the year. It was the first break since the holidays. I’d rent a skiff and go fishing, waiting for a passing knight to heel me. Some years I’d go to the range or, depending upon the weather, I’d go for a ride. When I still went to mass, I’d go to the evening service, but I have not done that in years.

In the lock down, the normal routine no longer holds. Like everyone else I have been sheltering in place the last several weeks. Fishing is banned here now. The ranges are all closed. I can still go outside for a ride, as they are not arresting people for being outside without a hall pass. They are arresting people for violating social distancing rules, so that means I’ll need to avoid people while out and about today.

For the first couple of weeks of the lock down I tried to maintain my normal schedule, as much as possible, but that did not really work. It was like a vacation in which I was not allowed to have any fun. That and client work started to slow up as they shifted from going into lock down to adjusting for the coming depression. This week my work was probably the slowest in a decade, not counting real vacations.

As a result, I capitulated to reality and decided to use the time to take care of some small projects, like catching up with the correspondence. Like the comment section, the in-box has been hopping during the great panic. It really bugs me when I fall behind in replying to readers and listeners, but there are only so many hours in a day. It is just one of those things I have had to accept as a part of doing this thing.

I also decided to upgrade the computer I use for recording each week. The hard drive was getting full, so that meant installing a new drive and reloading all the program I use for various things. I was still on Windows 8, so it was long overdue for an upgrade, but it is a huge hassle that I really hate. Strangely, the microphone I use is much more sensitive in the new system, so the sound this week may be a little off.

All-in-all, I’m growing weary of the lock down. I’m thinking about breaking contain and going back to the office next week. I have several “letters of transit” now from clients that declare I am an essential person. Even though the building is technically closed, I have keys and the utilities are still on, I think. Perhaps I can be an example to others and this madness will come to an end sooner rather than later.

This week I have the usual variety of items in the now standard format. Spreaker has the full show. I am up on Google Play now, so the Android commies can take me along when out disrespecting the country. I am on iTunes, which means the Apple Nazis can listen to me on their Hitler phones. The anarchists can catch me on iHeart Radio. I am now on Deezer, for our European haters and Stitcher for the weirdos. YouTube also has the full podcast. Of course, there is a download link below.

For sites like this to exist, it requires people like you chipping in a few bucks a month to keep the lights on and the people fed. It turns out that you can’t live on clicks and compliments. Five bucks a month is not a lot to ask. If you don’t want to commit to a subscription, make a one time donation. Or, you can send money to: Z Media LLC P.O. Box 432 Cockeysville, MD 21030-0432. You can also use PayPal to send a few bucks, rather than have that latte at Starbucks. Thank you for your support!

This Week’s Show


  • 00:00 Opening
  • 03:00 Dissident Direction
  • 12:00 Fatherhood & Economics
  • 16:30 China
  • 25:30 Universal Basic Idiocy
  • 35:00 Durham Investigation
  • 42:00 Binary Thinking
  • 47:00 Health Care
  • 50:00 Liberty & Welfare
  • 55:00 Thank You

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Full Show On YouTube

One comment

  1. I’ll consume this media product. I will even visit your blog. I don’t have anything but time to lose currently. Its a desert of honest content out there, its mostly all propaganda of one form or another. I’ve been scambling for content thats not made by people wholly divorced from reality, or worse, outright shills.

    I expected so much better of our great minds on the dissident right in this time of our peoples great need. Boy have I been disspointed. Even normies and my own professional circle and family have managed to suck more than usual as this thing has continued to spiral out of control.

    This last couple weeks, i’ve had a steadily growing contempt for bloggers and their bullshit opinions and unshakeable certainty in their positions which they miraculously retcon two weeks later pretending to themselves, in their smug condescension to us plebs, that theres no way we would notice.

    I started out this catastrophe as the only one in my life who even knew about the virus, a month and a half to two months ago (seems like a decade…). I was concerned then.

    In the last month as the panic buying was setting in and i couldn’t find toilet paper of all things, I was the only one driving for hours from store to store trying to find basic supplies to last a month in case things really got out of hand, cuz it was just the “beer virus” dude.

    Now, everybody in my life wants to stay home and work remotely. I’m now the only one in my department that goes to the office, because I have to be there to keep things running and support the other employees, who don’t understand the technology used for remote work well enough to be self sufficient working from home. And because I’m young, healthy and male, I am expected to accept the risk and be out of my home every day.

    This last week, I’m starting to doubt that this virus is even really anything but, a severe flu.

    Cases are skyrocketing everywhere but are limited to testing capacity which is still low. But deaths attributed to this thing seem to be getting artificially inflated because hospitals can bill more for patients with the virus, so everybody dying of car accidents are probably now getting called covid deaths.

    Millions of normal people are home running out of money, scared not understanding whats going on. The world has turned upside down in a couple weeks, and even our dissident right bloggers have no perspective or humility and still are pushing the information the government and media are cramming down our throats… while calling anybody who is stepping back and trying to look at what is actually going on “flu-truthers”…. suddenly, i began to hate them….

    I’m fast moving past being concerned about the virus, moving quickly to being angry for the damage caused to the lives of working whites, who are bearing the brunt of this self inflicted economic wound, and will be expected to sift the ashes and put this shit sandwich back together again once everyone crawls out of their air raid shelters.

    I’ve not read anything anywhere on any blog thats given me any hope for a bright future for us.

    I am beginning to doubt the value of this medium in its entirety as it has manifestly failed to function as a nexus for a racial revival, or even the revival of a specific ethnic group, anglos or Scots Irish, nobody. Its just long form twitter for egos who’s bullshit opinions can’t be summated in 280 characters or less.

    I’ll give yours a chance. Nobody is getting any money out of me to tell me their opinion. If that opinion is so important, you need to prove it by producing value for me first. Or I will just look at some other big ego’s opinion for free. They are basically all the same anyway.

    Everybody has an opinion. Only assholes believe other people will pay to read theirs.

    Sorry, but i’m out of patience.

    Great podcast tho

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