Real Solutions

One of the reasons I pen commentary is because I observe a lot of problems that are fixable with reasonable, practical measures. As a good citizen without an inclination to abstraction, I believe it’s my obligation to proffer actual solutions for these problems. It ought to be generally recognized that social and political issues are inherently people issues. Thus, wherever there is a problem there are people.

My solutions involve removing incorrigible miscreants from society. This is the only realistic way to put a stop to their mischief. I advocate putting them into labor camps, reeducation centers, penal colonies, or simply sending them off to distant lands and turning them loose. This qualifies me as some sort of “monster,” but I just want to help.

You know who doesn’t want to help? Anybody who qualifies as respectable in this imploding nation. Let’s examine the sad, blood-soaked case of Baltimore to illustrate my point. I’ve written about that dying city quite a bit over the years. It set yet another homicide record in 2019.

Our political hacks have nothing to offer this domestic war zone. It starts at the top, with President Obama. He undermined the tenuous rule of law in Baltimore by encouraging the BLM riots. In time, these will be recognized as the city’s death knell just like the riots in Detroit. The first black president has gotten a lot of black people shot, maimed, and killed.

The Orange Man is no better. All he’s done for the city is to send his usual useless tweets. Down at the municipal level, a bewildered Mayor Young simply shrugs and exclaims “I’m not committing the murders”. The logic of his statement is flawless, although his plan: “We’re going to get the bad guys” puts him in the same league as Trump.

Let’s move on to Texas financier John Arnold, who’s hiring an Ohio company to fly 3 surveillance planes over the city as a “data-driven” philanthropic effort to halt the slaughter. This was tried back in 2016. The killing continues unabated. So, yeah. How can he make billions of dollars and be simultaneously incapable of noticing basic facets of reality?

Here’s the most staggering imbecile to weigh in on this fiasco: Douglas MacKinnon. He’s some “consultant” who worked at the White House and Pentagon under both Reagan and HW Bush. This dufus wrote a column for The Hill extolling the virtues of 22-year-old Baltimore Ravens quarterback Lamar Jackson and urging him to run for mayor. According to MacKinnon, Lamar is the one man who could save the city from “self-extinction”. He makes this colored ball tosser sound like some combination of Napoleon and Saint Francis. The fawning praise is bizarre and rather creepy.

Here’s my plan: If you’re caught in Baltimore with an illegal gun, narcotics, or committing any act of violence, you’ll be sent to Liberia immediately. This includes white drug addicts, because I may be many things, but I’m certainly not a racist. Liberia has the same constitution as the USA and English is spoken widely. It has the critical advantage of being an ocean away.

Baltimore’s deportees could get the opportunity to open their own businesses out of corrugated tin shacks. Start-up costs in a slum are quite low, probably less then a single hit of “dat good shit”.  Or, they could seek service in the forces of one of the country’s famed “Cannibal Warlords” who might find their prior combat experience valuable. They could even explore their spirituality at the church of General Butt Naked who has now become a pacifist. Whatever happens, they won’t be our problem anymore.

Is it legal? Yes. Why? Because the government can, and does do whatever it wants. It’s just that simple. That’s an underlying principle of Weimerica. There’s no point in complaining about it. All I’m advocating is for Uncle Sam to get busy on more positive endeavors than he’s up to right now.

What about the Liberians? Well, what does the sovereignty or sentiments of any foreign country matter? The only nations that exercise sovereignty regarding whatever the USA seeks to accomplish are able to do so as a result of their military capabilities. Liberia doesn’t even have a sewage system. They’d get a big dose of freedom, and they’d better say “thanks” before they bend over.

Do I hold high political office? Nope. Do I have billions of dollars? Nope. Have I advised 2 presidents? Nope. Do I sound more rationale than the idiots with gravitas mentioned in this article? Please weigh in in the comments section below.


  1. Here’s my plan: If you’re caught in Baltimore with an illegal gun,…

    What part of “shall not be infringed” do you not understand, you leftarded democrapic idiot? hahahahaha! (Hard to believe some Constitutionally illiterate intrepid defender of “original intent” gun nut hasn’t hit you with that one yet.)

    Do I sound more rationale than the idiots with gravitas mentioned in this article? Please weigh in in the comments section below.

    Uh, yeah, you sound more rational than them.

  2. Labor camps are better. They actually pay for themselves. And the last thing I want is trouble with Liberia.

    “I may be many things, but I’m certainly not a racist.”
    That one cracked me up.

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