The Puzzle Pieces to Soft Prostitution

A recent report on the rise of soft prostitution for college aged women created a little stir. The mainstream is getting a glimpse of something our crowd saw several years ago and documented as a sign of decline. Even the label soft prostitution is meant to soothe the mainstream mind. One cannot be a little bit pregnant and one cannot be a little bit of a hooker. Accepting money for sex is pretty cut and dry. More women are turning to this for an alternative revenue stream.

How did this happen? How did we get here? Now before we accept the media numbers at face value, let us keep in mind, many of these women are not college students currently. It is likely that they dropped out or are stating they are students to tap into an alluring market of marks. Every man has heard the stripper story about ‘paying for her classes’ but the horror on the woman’s face when a friend asks ‘Oh I go there, what major are you’. Despite this, the number of women engaging in sex work is rising.

The table was set with the loosening of sexual norms and mores in post-’60s America. Prostitution has always existed as the oldest profession in humankind but prior to the divorce flood and premarital sex boom, men had to pay for sex outside of marriage and this was frowned upon. America needed a huge pool of women actively engaging in premarital sex to create the supply for this market.

An unspoken effect on all sex markets is the technology to make it easier. Without antibiotics, over the counter lubricants, legalized abortion, and cheap birth control pill, this would all be much more difficult. The downside risk would be much larger. Pornography itself said that the twin tech changes of over the counter lubricants and video tapes and then viagra and digital uploads to the Internet changed their industry forever. If it has that effect on the mechanized sex realm, then it affects us all in our daily sex decisions.

Education is an important component. It is a multi-pronged attack. First, there is the need for a bachelors’ degree for the good life. This gatekeeper charges quite a bit, and that debt is now non-dischargeable. Even if a woman attends just one or two years and fails to complete her degree, she is saddled with that debt. We also, as a society, pushed more and more women into the university system as we changed women’s focus from building families to being career minded. This even affects female heavy industries like education and nursing, which had cheap teachers’ college programs in every state or in nursing’s case, two year programs limiting the cost to become an RN. Gone.

The most dangerous piece of the education attack is an academia infused with sex positivism to the point where prostitution became sex work, and a noble endeavor. Their body, their choice. If one thinks that notch counts do not matter, it makes it a lot easier to rationalize six months sugaring. Young women enter into these markets already primed to believe that this is not just acceptable but good. The supposed justification against prostitution is that selling one’s body is a form of slavery, yet here we have women eagerly engaging into varying degrees of it for some spending money.

Exactly how much is earned is not known but the fees range from high end to the incredibly disgusting and tragic Patreon accounts accruing $12/month in total. We live in a system with steady inflation. Disregard official numbers, which are doctored. Never-ending inflation has people unable to live poor on the cheap anymore. Suddenly, a little sugaring can cover some of those urban living expenses.

This still does not finish the puzzle. The final key was not just the Internet setting up dating websites. Craigslist hookers have been around since its inception, well until the Craigslist Killer put a bucket of cold water on it. There needed to not just be a market like the Seeking Arrangement sites, but also an easy way for women to manage their johns and load pictures and videos quickly. These amateur hookers needed smartphones with great cameras.

Do not sleep on this factor. I discovered a friend was in couples counseling because his wife discovered his Sugar Baby. Most interesting thing he explained was how she steadily sent him pictures and videos to keep him coming back (Marketing 101). He spent a few hundred a month for guaranteed bangs after work, swinging by the nearby college campus. This is not the type of thing you expect to hear at a Christmas Party, but this is America.

This is America and the final piece to this all. We live in the corrupt late stages of the republic, which is really an empire and decaying at that. This soft prostitution puzzle all stays together because no one enforces a single law or has the will to say “this is wrong and must be stopped“. Seeking Arrangement makes a market, but this does not mean we cannot put the hammer to them with some twisted use of the Mann Act. The Mann Act could be applied to the johns. These women can be prosecuted for prostitution… if there was the will. There is none. This entire situation expresses an old saying I recall from a chat with an analyst about Iran’s weekend marriage phenomenon. “In a poor country, men pimp out young women. When young women eagerly pimp themselves out, the country is dead“.

-By Henry Delacroix