Back in the day, there was a concept in pro-wrestling known as a “work,” which basically meant that the action was contrived for the audience ahead of time. It wasn’t even necessary for all of the participants to be aware of this for the scenario to be effective. In fact, sometimes it was better that they didn’t:
For example, when the Million Dollar Man offered a young black child from the audience the chance to earn $500 (this used to be a lot of money) just to dribble a basketball 15 times. The kid thought he had it in the bag and then the ball was kicked away at the final bounce. This helped forge the bona fides of a true villain.
I wouldn’t say that Donald Trump has ever been playing “4D Chess” or that there’s some sort of plan that anyone should trust, but I’d point out that he’s been involved in pro-wrestling since the 1980’s, so he understands how to set up these sorts of scenarios and the effect that can be achieved with an audience by pulling one off successfully.
The epic Oval Office meeting last week was a work for the history books. Trump set the stage by warning Zelensky ahead of time not to wear his stupid battle outfit, probably wagering that this was the standard MO for past three years that Zelensky wouldn’t be able to amend. Trump was correct, and went to work on Zelensky as soon as he arrived:
Trump had his people in the press gaggle push buttons, and set Zelensky up for a tag team assault with JD Vance, who delivered pretty well. Zelensky found himself humiliated and visibly perturbed. It was too much for a cokehead comedian to handle diplomatically.
Zelensky was kicked out of the White House for his bad attitude and disrespect. The preposterous minerals deal, which was never viable in the first place, was canceled. The spirit of this deal would be that everything that America has done for Ukraine up until now must be repaid. It wasn’t a promise that Zelensky would’ve signed in exchange for receiving more American support.
The reality of the conflict is that Ukraine was ordered to provoke a Russian intervention against itself and then prohibited from following through on a peace settlement it signed with the Russians immediately after this intervention began back in 2022.
Now that the end nears and much of Ukraine lies in ruins with over a million dead soldiers, it must be incredibly galling for the Ukrainians to be blamed for the conflict and told they have to repay America for everything America put them through. They have their faults, but without America the Ukrainians wouldn’t even have possessed the means to start a war with Russia.
It would be hard for any Ukrainian leader to handle what Trump put Zelensky through with a straight face, to be perfectly honest. Zelensky couldn’t resist asking for significant assurances in return for making such a grand commitment to America of Ukraine’s resources. In so doing, Trump had what he needed to shut off aid to Ukraine for not seeking peace.
This illustrates a big piece of why Trump was allowed back into office. He has the savoir faire to rid the United States of Ukraine, a quality currently manifesting itself in both ideation and action. This is something no other politician could offer the Jewish string-pullers who are frightened about what Israel will plunge itself into next. The other Republican hacks, such as Lyndsey Graham and Mike Johnson, are falling in line behind Trump, but they could never conceive of something like this themselves.
Trump’s European victims in NATO don’t have the ability to discern the play or change their script, setting themselves up like dominoes for his shot. The only thing they were able to do in response to the Oval Office work was stage yet another summit in London to promise more of the same. They’ve placed themselves as the perfect character foils to Trump, the peacemaker who doesn’t bother including them in the process.
Western Europe has been vetting politicians for decades who will follow a script and inflict whatever harm this requires on their own people. Now that the writers of the script in America have dumped it, they keep doing their best to stick to this old script.
These creatures are so morally and intellectually bankrupt that they behave like the zombies from Dawn of the Dead who go to the shopping mall like they did when they were still alive. They don’t know how to do anything else, just like the rest of the politicians in America. The difference is that the Europeans are the fall guys while their American peers get to move along with the new agenda on behalf of Israel.
It’s quite remarkable, but also predictable. However, the Europeans don’t have the means to keep sticking with the script which makes for a pathetic sideshow. The comedic and macabre are blending together in the denouement of the Ukrainian catastrophe.

I’m proud to officially announce my candidacy for the office of Dogcatcher.
You called it again. This is all cruise-ship-dinner-theater entertainment. See you next time on the Love Boat.