The Bastard Sons of Feminism

If I have a substantial disagreement with a Dissident Right page run by male Zoomers, it is almost guaranteed it will be over their attitudes toward women. Notice I mention: “substantial disagreement.” I’m not talking about wishing they would be more mindful of their optics or stop myopically blaming Jews for everything. Though understandable, I dislike the language directed toward women that is typically used in these niche circles.

“Femoids” sounds horrible and displays an attitude at odds with the Christian tradition. The term makes women out to be some kind of alien species, the antithesis of Our Lord’s Words declaring that in marriage the husband and wife “become one flesh.” The term “simp” is likewise overused. It is true that many men, especially liberal men, do “simp” and are overly submissive with women, something that almost always turns women off, no matter their political persuasion. But I’m not talking about attitudes like “I’m playing Halo tonight because my wife has a date with someone she met on Tinder” or the “m’ladying” from certain weak-willed men – that is actual simping, and it needs to be discouraged as repulsive behavior. However, some of what gets called “simping” is not unmanly or passive behavior, but rather what would have been considered the mark of a well-mannered gentleman in a healthy society. It is not “simping” to hold open doors for women, to walk on the street side, or to use softer language around women, etc. This is what should be expected of a man.

Those examples are far from “simping” and are genuine displays in a healthy understanding of the differences between the sexes. As Southerners, we are well renowned for our manners and our chivalry, we must continue this tradition. There is a reason why my father taught me that I was to never hit a woman. If a woman was angry enough to try and fight me, I was to grab her wrists to prevent her from hurting me until she calmed down, but I could never throw a punch. My advantage in physical strength made a potential fight too unfair. After all, Dixie is known for having a fairly high tolerance for abused wives killing their husbands. The case of Mary Winkler is a great example – what looked like an open and shut case ended up with a greatly reduced charge and a relatively light sentence after her husband’s abuse (and forcing her to dress up like a prostitute) was revealed in court. Traditionally minded Southerners, which most people in Selmer, Tennessee still were in 2006, simply could not tolerate that kind of behavior from a husband (and Christian pastor). Going back in Southern history, we can see many instances of an abusive husband being sternly warned to stop beating his wife by the other men in his community. If he failed to comply, stronger measures would be employed.

What many on the Zoomer Right call “simping” is simply the behaviors common in a society that protects women. Despite my criticism of their attitudes, there is a reason why so many young, rightwing men have gone down this path – they clearly know nothing of a society that values men. The protections women received in the past were part of a woven fabric of society that included certain privileges given to men. In exchange for protection, men would lead their families, a model reflected in both sacred and natural law. Although bubbling under the surface for years, especially in the Yankee states, the 1960s feminist movement overturned this order. Male authority collapsed quickly, as witnessed in the rapid explosion in the divorce rates in the 1970s, as well as the rise in single parent homes.

Today, we are at an important societal moment as the social revolutions of the 1960s are almost out of living memory. To talk about something that happened in the 1960s to a high school student today is like talking to men about something that happened during World War II when I was in high school. Now that it is almost out of living memory, its hold on society is actually becoming increasingly radicalized, as too few today can remember the old order before the feminist upheaval. Hence why so many Zoomer men have the attitudes they have towards women – while many feminists wanted to abolish male privilege, they still desired to keep the previous advantages women had. They wanted both, and now a generation of young men have come of age completely disillusioned, all they’ve known is disadvantage and being called “a creep” for merely desiring women. Coupled with this are the Zoomer women that not only have embraced an even more radical version of feminism, but they view men as an enemy. There is a not insignificant amount of Zoomer women led spaces where it’s considered great fun to make false accusations towards men and ruin their lives. The fact that so many of our young men have started looking up to Andrew Tate is completely unsurprising. Tate, for all his problems, offers them a way out of this societal hellscape.

It’s common for feminists to look at the modern male attitudes towards women and cry “patriarchy.” But this is not true. A traditionally minded, patriarchal society, at least in the Western sense, would never produce someone like Tate as a figure of admiration for millions. Rather, this is something that arises in a female dominated society, one that views men as disposable and one that millions of men now wish to see destroyed. Far from being part of the patriarchy, some of the worse attitudes towards women on the Zoomer Right are simply feminism’s bastard offspring.


  1. Women will try to invade Male spaces, it’s an Art these day keeping them from invading these spaces and not offending them. Guys work on dignity!

    Dixie with dignity!

  2. All true. Great analysis. I am a proud, proactive, and zealot anti feminist. It has destroyed society.

  3. Daily reminder: the term “femoid” was popularized by Nick Fuentes who is literally a fed agent. He is deliberately promoted to make our side seem as repulsive as possible. Aside from mental illness, there’s no other explanation as to why he want from “optics optics optics” to literally Hitler

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