People are to blame for lots of things, and as people, we seek to blame people for things. We’re better at understanding other people rather than concepts. For instance, in terms of Southern California, dry vegetation catching fire and getting blown by intense winds was a phenomenon noted by the Spanish when they arrived centuries ago.
Live trees are filled with water and thus tend to survive brush fires that sweep through fairly quickly. Houses made of dry lumber containing all sorts of fuels and flammable materials can be consumed in a matter of minutes under the same conditions. Oxygen fuels fire, so strong winds propel flames across streets. It’s really not too complicated. Lots of places aren’t ideal for mass permanent human habitation.
As a result, the Pacific Palisades wasn’t a suitable location for a neighborhood of mansions packed tightly together. The insurance companies reached that conclusion well before disaster struck, so apparently none of these homes were covered anymore. This seems reasonable. Also, concluding that, ultimately, the gays brought this on LA.
Since they’re bringing divine wrath upon any place they thrive, one is justified in blaming just about anything on the gays. Still, specific attribution is a quite challenging intellectual feat at this late stage of America. What drives these conundrums is that nobody knows who’s really in charge.
While I think it’s much more realistic to blame the inferno on gays, most who reject the global warming nonsense are still doing the trope about how any particular problem in America where Democrats are elected is due to the Democrats. For example, migrants being settled en masse, blacks slaughtering each other in cities, or now the smoldering ruins of these neighborhoods in LA.
What these types never seem to ask themselves is, if the Democrats are so incompetent, why are they in charge? Why do these Democrat problems also occur where the Republicans are in charge? Does any of this imply that some other entity is in charge rather than elected politicians? What particular issue about which they’re dissatisfied has been resolved with an election?
Everyone knows who’s acceptable to blame but never has any satisfactory solution which actually gets implemented because their blame is missing the mark. It’s a bizarre phenomenon perhaps unique to America in its death throes. Democrats blame Republicans for global warming causing these fires and Republicans blame Democrats for being too woke to prevent the fires. Meanwhile, the houses burn as they will again. This is exasperating.
Yes, we can blame the gays, but why are these perverted creatures allowed to thrive here? It would be a rare exception in history where they were allowed to do so, and it certainly wasn’t America in the past. Why is a black woman ostensibly in charge of an enormous city? Would the Republicans not love to put one in charge if she’d only join the Republican Party?
I read an article on ZeroHedge this morning featuring Adam Carolla predicting that having their houses burned down will finally start getting these rich blue voters to come to grips with reality. His house probably burned down, so I can sympathize with harboring the hope that, in the ashes, the delusional people around you will finally come to grips with reality. Unfortunately, this isn’t going to pan out. From my own nasty experiences in life, I know this won’t pan out.
I’m plagued by many questions and yet cured of my delusions all the same. Each man will be left pondering his own conclusions about what’s going on once he finally realizes that we won’t be voting our way out of anything.
The first step, however, is realizing that you can’t vote for what you need, and that this theater of democracy in which you’re supposed to be a credulous participant serves merely to manufacture consent in your own head for things you don’t want.
The moment it finally dawns on you can be unsettling, but afterwards you’ll never again have to worry about dreaming of a better America in the ashes of your home. Don’t worry, the best is yet to come. I’m not sure where I was going with one anyways.

I’m proud to officially announce my candidacy for the office of Dogcatcher.
That was cruel not to give that mayor a teleprompter. No doubt one will soon be secured, and the forthcoming explanation for her loss of words will be her momentary speechlessness at the horror of it all.
“Limitless is the credulity of the general public and what an imposing structure can be erected from a scientific blending of distorted facts and skillful fabrications.” p. 150.
F.J.P. Veale, ‘Advance to Barbarism’
Yep. If you live in the middle of a tinderbox, your chances of getting wiped out by fire are pretty high at any given moment in time, I’d say. The conspiracy nuts are having none of that, though. Some are saying this can’t happen in January; that such a fire can only occur in the summer months. I wouldn’t even attempt to explain to such persons that the Santa Ana winds are apt to blow in any season given the right conditions, nor that wildfires have a tendency to create their own winds. Something about hotter columns of air expanding and rising, and cooler columns of air rushing in behind them, in a never-ending cycle of maintaining atmospheric equilibrium. Or something like that. If you ask one of my kids what causes wind, they’ll give you the simple, single-word answer to begin: heat.
The death cultists will not come to reality. They make their own. I know covidians who have killed their spouses, poisoned their kids, advocate for free sex and abortions for their daughters and then go to “church”.
Na. This is the divide. It’s always been here. When you worship death and destruction that is easy. Power accrues to that because building and creating is hard while breaking and vampiring is easy.
Palisades was built 1920-1960. Average age of homes is nearly 70 years. Entire cities like Las Vegas and phoenix have sprung up since then. Places with no water. No reason for being outside of manufactured economics.
All of CA is an earthquake waiting to happen. New Madrid fault in the SE. Volcanoes in the PNW, ring of fire. Half of Montana and WY are over a volcanic cauldron. The Mississippi valley has been flooding since forever. New Orleans and TX and FL and the gulf constantly rebuilding from “disaster”. Many of those areas only have federally backed insurance. That we all pay for.
375 million people are going to rub up against nature and nature will win a few rounds. That’s life.
Even rich people have mortgages. Which means those houses in LA are insured. The anti white “woke” nonsense is everywhere. Every city.
The left has climate change and tds but the right can’t help but to go full retard when it’s their chance to bat. Space lasers. High energy weapons. Moving hurricanes to red states with doctor evils weather movers.
Meanwhile time goes by and very few of them are working to build up our people or communities or independent physical and economic and social infrastructure. Too busy jerking off on twitter and posting doom porn and shilling for some prepped hoarding brand while spazzing out over tranny swimmers or negro bureaucrats like they have been asleep for the past 70 years.
All so tedious.
This is the first anniversary of the death of Gonzalo Lira. Remember him with a prayer.
Gonzalo Lira, presente!
Southern California is not Hell, but you can see it from there.
Well … call me a crazy conspiracy nut (I’m kinda used to it), but with Trudeau stepping down in Canada and talk by Trump of annexing Greenland, this doesn’t sound so far-fetched after all: