I never exactly thought Trump was the “based hero” of the White race, not in 2016, not in 2020, and not in 2024. I thought, at best, he would: 1) shift the Overton Window to bring more Nationalist Right positions into the mainstream and 2) give us a temporary reprieve from the leftist onslaught that emerged after Obama’s re-election and especially after the Roof shooting, giving us time to prepare. Trump was never the guy to fight to the last man; if something costs him politically, he will drop it like a hot potato, as millions of pro-life voters learned this year. And while I will give him some credit for shifting the Overton Window, I never thought he wouldn’t betray us, and to a larger extent his MAGA base. But even I was surprised to see him not even wait until his inauguration to issue a major betrayal when his two key Trump allies, Elon Musk and Vikek Ramaswamy, announced a desire for a drastic increase in H-1B visas, allowing tech companies to import more cheap workers, mostly from India.
The reaction was immediate and ferocious, demonstrating a willingness to break with Trump that few in the media understand – the nationalist movement is not here to parrot whatever Trump says, it’s about defending our people. And, it must continue. Trump’s biggest flaw, his inability to take a hit politically, can be used. Make enough noise and Trump will back down. It’s just his nature. Still, it did erupt into an online war between Indians and Whites, which revealed just how deep the anti-White animus is with Indians, both those in India as well as the West. And Whites, especially Southerners, must understand where this comes from. It comes from the Raj (British Colonial India).
Before I begin, let me lay something out. although I am going to be critical of Indians, I do not mean this to be a blanket attack on all Indians. There are some good ones, just like in any other group. But there is an anti-White attitude that needs to be understood. I also want to make it clear that this is not an unambiguous defense of the Raj. When it comes to 19th century European colonialism, I tend to be most supportive of it in Africa and least supportive of it in China (there is no excuse for the Opium War). As far as India goes, I tend to be in the middle. As a Southerner whose family has resided here since before the American War for Independence, a Catholic, and someone of heavy Irish heritage, it is not in my nature to defend England’s rule over other nations. Britain in India is guilty of many great crimes, but they also united the county and ended some utterly horrific cultural practices, like the sati.
At first glance, it appears absurd that the anti-White attitudes of so many Indians would be rooted in the Raj, and even odder that this would include in the United States. Indians tend to be among the wealthiest ethnic groups in the United States. Plus, the United States had nothing to do with the Raj, and most Americans view Gandhi in a positive light. I think this is especially difficult for Southerners to understand. Remember, Southerners largely come from colonial-era stock. They have a tendency to look at something like the Raj and sympathize with Indians- i.e. they were fighting for their independence just like we were in 1776. Growing up during the Troubles, I can remember the majority of those around me sympathizing with the nationalists, even as my area is overwhelmingly Protestant, and the media was largely (if incorrectly) portraying the Troubles as a Protestant/Catholic religious war. The Spirit of 1776 overrode everything else.
But Indians do not look at it this way, they view the Raj as a humiliation and nothing else. Any nuance, i.e. that Britain largely fell into ruling India thanks to the collapse of the Mughal Empire or the horrific practices ended by Britain, is not allowed to enter the conversation. And they view the White race as simply “the British” writ large. This is why, despite Indians being by any measure well-off in the United States and Americans having nothing to do with their humiliation at the hands of the British, so many of them are eager to replace Heritage Americans and subject us to indignity, they see it as a right and a just act of revenge. Until we come to terms with this, we will not understand the Indian issue we face.

The day after Thanksgiving I had to call customer service, which was a heavy Indian or Pakistani accent cooly telling me her name was “Mary Ann” and then seeming to have a terrible time understanding what’s left of my Southern Appalachian accent. While we were having to wait for the computer to do something or the other, she asked if I’d had a good Thanksgiving. I told her it was all right and then, realizing how evil I was being, I asked how hers was.
The silence could’ve been cut with a knife. She kind of coughed and said, “oh, I worked yesterday.” I sympathized and said oh, that’s terrible. Everyone should get Thanksgiving off.
I offended her. I let her know that I know good and well her name is not Mary Ann. The huffiness continued and I was delighted to hear it. It was an improvement on the fakey fake that preceded it.
In any event, if you want to screw with the system, may I suggest politely inquiring what the customer service rep did Memorial Day weekend, or did he have a big Father’s Day. Adjust it for the season but have no mercy.
Permitting Indians to supplant and replace White/European peoples will do nothing more than ensure that the human race remains trapped on Earth until the sun swells into a red giant and burns the world into ashes.
They are a profoundly stupid race.
As far as Heritage Americans are concerned, with some exceptions, we are “the British writ large.” The Indians didn’t need a reason to boot the British out, and we don’t need a reason to boot the Indians out. That we don’t have the will, the grit, the organization, or the numbers to do it are separate questions.
Musk is South African, raised in Canada. He doesn’t seem like a bad fellow, but he is so far above most of us, he can’t see that far down. Many of his ideas seem childlike to me. The other fellow is simply supporting his ethnic interests, a concept which seems incomprehensible to Northern Europeans.
Great work Harmonica.The Indians are indeed a race of lowlifes yet somehow manage to be arrogant.Those here pretend they are more intelligent than Whites(which they must know is untrue)and conveniently forget India is a corrupt sewer with an IQ on par with Black Africa.We must have our own countries with no Jews,Indians etc.Thank you for you effort and may the Lord bless you always.Take care.