Imagine you were living in ancient Rome as a regular prole who got to experience an afternoon at the Colosseum. You’re hammered drunk on free wine, chowing down on free bread as you get to watch gladiators fight to the death and jeer at people getting mauled by wild animals. It must’ve been spectacular. Me, personally, I probably would’ve really enjoyed myself considering that I’ve always appreciated a good cage match.
I get the sense that, collectively, Americans are realizing we’re just here to get swindled and shortchanged. Entertainment ain’t part of this bargain. What if you were a diverse American who believed you were showing up to a stadium for a free Beyonce concert and what you actually got was a Kamala Harris rally? The unwelcome reality of your situation would prove to be rather perturbing. Legitimately, they had cause for discontent.
Hillary Clinton did the same thing with Bruce Springsteen so that the media could claim she had a massive rally right before the election back in 2016. The difference is that Bruce Springsteen actually played a few songs. So, the crowd got what it came for, which wasn’t Hillary Clinton. Kamala was getting jeered and booed with fervor, which the media is attempting to blame on Trump infiltrators at the rally.
Willie Nelson played at the end apparently, but I doubt there’s much of an overlap between Beyonce’s audience and Willie Nelson fans. Willie’s set might’ve agitated the crowd even more but the Beyonce crowd started leaving in disgust as soon as she left the stage after giving a quick speech. At least we got proof of life on Willie out of this charade. The man has survived all the way to age 91.
I gave Trump’s appearance on the Joe Rogan show a listen yesterday. I was reminded that he has something going for him that no Western leader has at this point, which is the ability to speak extemporaneously for however long he chooses. Of course, much of this involves repeating himself and making boastful statements. It’s still quite remarkable in the context of nearly every other politician.
He’s great at making stuff up as he goes a long, such how we’re going to build a wall or that Hillary Clinton should be in jail. This isn’t something rehearsals and speech writers can do for a candidate. It was so fun when he bullied the other Republican candidates in 2016. Little Marco, lol.
Often what Trump says is hilarious. Women aren’t funny and it’s also difficult to pull off good humor without addressing something true. So, it’s a weapon in his arsenal that Harris can’t match. Our elections have been fortified for democracy, but if she wins the sell might be even tougher than it was back in 2020.
There are very serious consequences for denying the veracity of the 2020 election but at least half the country still doesn’t believe it was fair even if they’re too scared to say it. The media narrative is that Trump lied about the election being stolen with voting machines, but the controversy is over the mail-in ballots. It was rather obvious that Biden won with mail-in ballots after Trump’s actual votes at the polls were counted.
Rogan brought up how Hillary claimed the 2016 election was stolen by the Russians, which is a reminder that there are still many Americans who remember how the entire time Trump was in office there was talk non-stop about a stolen election and then after the election really was stolen in 2020, it became treason to question an election. It remains an astounding contradiction, and many Heritage Americans still care about truth and objectivity.
In terms of Trump’s three election opponents, Hillary Clinton and Kamala Harris are both too incompetent to talk for hours on end. They wouldn’t be able to convince anyone of anything except that they’re unfit for office if they were placed in this sort of format. They can’t even go off script for a few minutes, things go bad that fast. Kamala’s interview with 60 Minutes was a disaster that had to be extensively edited to make it appear that she could provide a competent answer.
Biden is now too senile, but back in his prime he could’ve done Joe Rogan’s show. The problem is that however long Biden has to talk is how long he’s going lie. He would’ve had three hours to hang himself with whopper after whopper by chatting with Rogan. Trump’s other potential opponents would only be able to speak in platitudes. They wouldn’t be suitable for an open-ended long format, either.
We’re living through the end stage of America. New precedents in terms of official absurdity are constantly being set so I’m not sure what happens next month. If Trump loses again in the same places with the same mail-in ballots, the hysterical narrative control will be something to behold.
It’s already been established that his lawyers will be disbarred, prosecuted, and bankrupted for challenging the results. Objectively, this is amazing since that’s what you’re supposed to do in a peaceful democracy if you believe there was a problem with an election. Giuliani is being stripped of all his assets, from his home right down to his grandfather’s watch and other lawyers have pled guilty to felonies rather than face hostile juries for their bogus charges.
Legally, there’s nothing for the system to fear from Trump but he’s played a pivotal role in forcing this system to strip off its facade of legitimacy and veracity. If he wins, the meltdowns will be fun. I recall wishing I had a cup to drink all of those tears back in 2016. If he loses, the system will be scoring another goal on itself. Either way, things will get spicy.

I’m proud to officially announce my candidacy for the office of Dogcatcher.
By using racial tensions we will tear apart the fabric of American society.
CPUSA 1922
Trump is up to his eyeballs in jews. But for the jews that’s never enough.