Manly Men

There’s a rural road that I drive on, which after smartphones and navigation apps became ubiquitous, a lot of people who belong on the interstate started driving on it as well, if the traffic was heavy. Many of these people don’t understand the factors that come with driving on a country road. One of the most dangerous factors has four legs. There was a member of the ID crew who had his brand-new muscle car totaled by a ten-point buck on this very road.

I therefore drive appropriately, so never much more than 5 miles per hour over the speed limit. Driving one car length behind me isn’t going to get me to speed up. I don’t have a pistol in the glove box, but I can beat someone with a tire iron if there’s a fender bender from such driving. That’s the manly thing to do, and I’m man enough for it.

The more serious problem is that if a deer pops out in front of me, forcing me to slam on the breaks, and then the asshole behind me slams into my vehicle because he has no distance to react, the collision could be much worse than a fender bender. This makes me angry, especially like what happened yesterday when I looked in my rearview mirror and noticed the person doing this to me was a woman with a New Jersey license plate. I was in silent rage.

I’m not afraid of women. They’ve caused a lot of problems in my life, but I ain’t scared of them. I do worry, however, about the impact of women being unleashed on the world. Everyone, everywhere prior to the current era, where everything is collapsing around us, knew this should never be done.

There’s an ad challenging male voters to prove that they’re not scared of women by voting for Kamala Harris. All of the men in the video are blatant homosexuals placed in a different awkward pose for each vignette which features each of them in a contrived, manly scenario. Do you put yourself in a weird awkward pose to talk with someone on a jobsite?

The only guy who’s probably not a f*g is the old man with the bald head and big white beard. He’s posed in a garage with a motorcycle wearing a clean new shirt with ripped sleeves. An aging biker with no tattoos? Most likely, he’s a vagrant they coaxed off the streets of California where the outdoor vignettes were clearly filmed.

Have you ever gone to a mechanic, told him that you think there’s a problem with your carburetor, and then he responds: “You think I’m afraid to rebuild a carburetor? I eat carburetors for breakfast!” This is the exact dialogue of the morbidly obese, gay Mexican, styled presumably as some sort of farmer. I guess he’s farming Cheetos on Dew Mountain, California.

As the ad progresses, we’re assured by all the manly men that they’re not afraid of women. Then, the black guy tells us it’s fine if they want to be “childless cat ladies” and it cuts to the homeless man exclaiming that women can “have all the cats you want.”

Well, problems arise with this approach. For example, I came across a story about a woman who was feeding raccoons and then all of the sudden she had roughly 100 of them marauding outside her home. She was terrified of this predictable consequence.

I had a coon pop out of my trashcan like a jack-in-the-box this week. I admonished myself for failing to put the bricks on top of the lid. This is what’s known as personal accountability. The f*gs in this ad would probably start shrieking if a coon strolled across the set. I hope they make more of these ads.


  1. I smiled when Shackleford noted that he “don’t have a pistol in the glove box”. Strange. I recently heard that even our someone from California who went to high school in Canada keeps “a Glock, and big ol’ Glock” in her glovebox.

  2. Round here if you aren’t going 70mph on a serpentine county road then you aint from around here and deserve both the antler hood ornament and the airborne load of scrap that the guy behind you is pulling in that converted boat trailer with no lights.

    Real men accelerate through the deer then sell the truck *no accidents* to someotherguy who should be smart enough to know that grill is from an ’02 and not a ’98.

    All those fags and boomers on harleys and mexican dreamers pepper the landscape here but they favor the red uniparty and laugh heartily at the kamala klown show as they submit to their happy wife happy life just the same.

    But yeah man the PR for this iteration of globohomo selection is well past the shark-jumping phase and so far down into self-parody that the subtitles are in mandarin.

    This particular production genius is reminiscent of the “Dear Woman” meme-vid from some years back. The “real men let their women peg them”.

    Oh and vote D.

    The honest part about all this is that both sides of the uniparty, in serving the dominant progressive monoculture of FUSA, have been defining what it is to be a Man for decades because they are all complicit in the destruction of masculinity and headship and God’s hierarchy in their long war on reality itself.

    How many decades of the war on boys have gone on unmitigated so that plucky strong girl could spread her wings in a ‘mans world’? And now shockingly, both are busted.

    The left can’t/won’t define a woman, but they sure keep trying to define a man. The right can’t/won’t tell a woman “no”, but they sure keep trying to tell the boys to bootstrap. Well, when they aren’t too busy worshipping a talented tenth or other totem of the blank slate.

    I guess we have to laugh at the absurdity to avoid despair. But man this is a really bad movie.

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